Are things in Sweden as bad as the Media are making it out to be?

Sweden is still heading the top of the lists for best places to live yet every other news story that comes out of that place makes it look like it's degenerating into a third world hell hole. Jow Forums Swedes what is it really like in Swedenistan?

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Yes, it certainly is. All of these "best places to live" polls are based on a questionnaire that uses how many "social programs" (welfare for niggers) there are in the country. Don't believe the lies, do a deep dive. Look at the lists for the best places to live, and find out how they collect and measure the data. Every single poll where they literally just ASK the people "Are you happy living in your country?" It's invariably strong, patriarchal countries with strong homogeneity, like Poland, Hungary, Saudi Arabia, Japan, etc. Swedes actually have a fairly high rate of depression, and nearly no national identity. No-go zones are a real thing, even Angela Merkel has stopped lying, and now admits that they're everywhere in Germany. Fucking bet on it being even worse in Sweden.

depends on where you live. if you live in the inner city the only nigger your gonna meet is the one making you a pizza

Depends. This place is segregated so most happenings happen in ghettos where there are not Swedes. Usually it's turf war between different races. You got somalis vs the arabs vs the kurds etc going at it. Then you got organized crime too.

They are far worse than media makes it out to be, they cover up 70% of all bad things related to immigrants.

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We had a police man who got his apartment fire bombed yesterday and there were 3-4 (i cant recall) shootings over the past few days in Malmö
Thats just the tip of the crime iceberg, if you look at the economy its far far worse
Swedens GDP growth is at 0,4% or so and in a booming global economy thats really really bad

What do you think? It's what happens when you let roasties rule the country

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>Are things in Sweden as bad as the Media are making it out to be?

Not really. Obviously things are getting worse and could be way better. But for example, using the standards of US census for defining whites Sweden is like 95% white (and most european countries are almost 100% white by thecsame standards too)

even though Germany has 50% of kids being from immigrants? maybe it's 95% now, but those 5% make so many offspring that in 1/2 generations it's over

People don't realize this is how America is also. A majority of whites self segregate to suburban or rural areas. Even in Chicago where I live there are "white neighborhoods" and "Black neighborhoods". American is suppose to be the poster boy of multiculturalism, but even in the most diverse cities there are soft boarders between racial groups. Let me tell you the Immigrants with never assimilate. Blacks have been here 400 years and still behave like jungle Niggers.

They'll learn soon enough what being fucked cucks is all about.

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>using the standards of US census
That really should tell you all you need about the US census
Sweden is like 70% swedish iirc and if you go younger it gets worse, alot worse

Well the standards of US census is designed to mislead so it's not really a good benchmark

>t. Man With Head In Sand

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there are no social services and we get taxed multiple times because there are no social services which creates more niggerwomen jobs and the circle continues. the swedish man brought this on himself,. if you want a good life in sweden you move into the forests and buy up the nearby lands so the government can't put niggers in the area. swedes themselves are the most disgusting disingenuous people on this planet they act nice but know behind the smile they caused all of this meaning they are fucking insane, sort of like the brittish and the germans. and to all the cucks in denial, all swedish city centers are swamped with shitskins don't believe them they are probably niggers themselves or half asian mongrels

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You'll end up like America where the darkies will slowly expand their territory and edge out the remaining whites. At one point blacks in the US were confined to the south and now they infest every major city and the trend is only continuing. It might not happen in your lifetime, but wait a hundred years and Sweden will be a very different place.

that already happened don't believe him

That's what I can't understand about Europeans. They are well educated about their history and are surrounded by all the astounding architectural and technological achievements and yet that view their cultures as worthless. I mean even in shitty America we still retain some amount of pride. It makes no sense to me.

We have several islamic schools and there are more where kids of 5-6 years old wear a burka, not even kidding...

Sauce on on the two girls?

So that must mean those children are sexual entities and must wear the burka to persevere their modesty. Do swedes have any concept of the implications this will have on their society? At least in America the Muslims here are motivated by greed. Everyone is trying to get rich so it kinda puts a stop to some of the more extreme zealots.


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and we have schools with kids dressed as little drags

Kelly Divine and Eloa Lombard

I think the girl on the right is Kelly Divine.

Ignorance won't help.

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Where's it from?

Porn google it

why dont you go on google maps and look at our "no go zones" like rinkeby, rosengård or biskopsgården for yourself?

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Wow that's funny not a swede in sight

>A static image does the trick
Have a video instead

This isnt uncommon at all btw

dude, the media is liberal and dishonest, so if even they are pointing out that sweden is a shitfest it probably is, and a lot worse than they say

But then they conglomerate in the city and you see tires everywhere.

Sweden will go down the drain. I just did underbid a Swedish company by almost factor 10 in an offer for special machinery. I can't imagine how they manage to calculate such a high price ... I don't expect they rip off the customers so it can only be due to wage labor costs and inefficiency.

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We will fall, so that europe can rise. It's the only way now.


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I'm sure that the wealthy liberals who overwhelmingly vote for these people live nowhere near the places where these things happen.

Perhaps the older generations/boomers and folks who fought in ww2, as our good friend yuri bezmenov has stated the demoralization and rewriting of the social sphere in europe is alot more far gone thatn in the US, LEftists EVERYWHERE, IN EVERY SCHOOL AND INSTITUTION


Germany might beat you to it

How about looking at the facts about Sweden's crime statistics and demographics instead? Oh. Sweden's feminist government stopped releasing racial statistics to their dumb cuck citizens because facts are "racist" and might wake them up.

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Yep. If anything you'll see it happen sooner then later in Europe because European countries land mass wise are very small and compact together comparatively to America where theres huge areas that are uninhabited for hundreds of miles.

What country was the buyer from?

that is simply put, because the school system is all about muh slavery and how we did slavery, the world wars and colonisation.
everytime you hear something about European X having done something good, like inventing the microscope the first response is: but he had a slave, his entire person and career is now worthless.

pure indoctrination of guilt

>Are things in Sweden as bad as the Media are making it out to be?
No. But it used to be the best place on the planet, in virtually every single metric. Now it's an okay place to be, and quality of life is declining as we speak.

The number of shootings is increasing each year. The school system is rapidly falling in international rankings, and our infrastructure, that used to be the envy of the world, leaves much to be desired today. A large number of municipalities are at the verge of bankruptcy because of the immigration, and the retirement age for children today has increased to 72 years, while the life expectancy hasn't increased significantly for years. Within a few decades, most Swedes with a shred of ambition and intelligence are going to start leaving the country, since the tax rates are going to keep rising while the standards of living are going to drop, and this might result in a collapse of Swedish society as we know it.

>tfw I live in rosengård.

Just fucking kill me, I hate this place. Would move out, but I’m to poor atm to afford something more expensive.

Are things in Europe as bad as the as they say. No. They're worse!

Come on man i masturbated twice already.

What do you work with?

The media is making it out to look bad? The things I see on TV look like paradise compared to reality.

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Give me the picture without the edits and shit thank you faggot

I was referring to American media. I can't imagine what it is like in Sweden. The few Swedes I've spoken to here will get instantly offended if you even suggest there is a problem.

it's just kelly divine

Learn to google Nigger

I’m a student. I have lived here for a long time though, so I guess people can ask me anything they wanna know about living here or w/e

Country of origin?

inb4 Nigeria

Thanks for the comprehensive response. This sicken me.

Many immigrants, if not most, are white.

Ethnic Swede

I really hope you guys leave. I think a lot of you guys are blinded by loyalty/patriotism/love of country, but the reality is that your tax rate is so high and it seems like that money is being used by the government on things that you don't actually benefit from. If you left sweden you'd make more money for the same exact work and the women in your new country would probably like you more. Then the roasties in sweden will finally get to show how much they truly value humanitarianism when they have to support it while struggling financially themselves.

Thanks bruv.

And google what you fucking inbred?

Protect yourself sven

Yeah, it's very, very bad. You kike shill.

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"Hide an immigrant" shirts sold in stores, the state of madness.

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I am leaving. I applied for green card in US or i will study abroad and never come back. I feel sorry for my parents.

How about that immigrant that keeps vandalizing her grave?
He’s done it several times, yet they won’t arrest him.

This is the only reason I haven't left yet, my hard working mom & dad won't leave. I can't leave them here.

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I gave the source in a previous response.
Kelly Divine and Eloa Lombard

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Luckily mine live in a super white province

Still higher living standards than any other of you fucking 3rd worlders.

can somebody remove the flag pls

Mine too, but in 10 years it won't be the same. If one of my family members get's robbed or something worse I will go on a killing spree. I need to be ready.

>Sweden is the Best place to live says the Government run Media

it's hard to explain, but i think it's because we are not told there is a reason to have pride
no one understands as a kid that, if it weren't for us, that building would not be there, or that city, or the electrical/sewage system. we just take those as a given, that anyone, no matter what skin color/religion/culture they have, they would have built it just as we did, or as if all that had just one day grown out of the ground and we just got there first
i don't know if i'm right, and if i am, i don't know the reason for that: maybe pol is right and it's because of foreign subversion, or because that's just the way civilization go
the worst thing is, when someone points out that africans can't survive on their own after being 1000s of years in their mudhutts, or how muslims are violent, invasive and oppresive, we just shrug our shoulders as if that was just the way it is, and even as if it was our responsability to help them, and i don't mean because muh colonialism, because at least in spain no one gives that reason
it's really strange

Is it even socially acceptable to bring up the migrant crisis in a conversation or is there a complete black out on the topic?

You are heading to becoming "America". Not the America you saw in Promo videos, but the one in which white people are forced out of their homes because the government won't do anything to stop targeted crime. The niggers are going to be given nothing and the Jews will teach them to hate the white man. The end results is you being victimized b/c of your pale skin and the nigger becoming a slave in the penal system.

you have zero standard of living when all you have is taxation and no social services and everyone around you is a shitskin or racemixed mongrel. they have computers and internet in the thirld world too you know

What state?


>>Roosh V of all people

They have someone tossing a grenade at crowds every two weeks or so.

>two posts for two sentences

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Wyoming, goes well with my educational and work background

WTF What possible reason would they have for doing that?

Sweden is a ticking time bomb but at least it's still more European than America

That's not saying much

if swedes have hope we can fix this shithole.
vote for the nationalist party in the re-election.
spread the word about whats happening to friends, family, neighbors and why its good to think more about what you are voting for and why natonalism dosent mean nazism

Well today 3 men was arrested for gangrape in stockholm. Some guy has been found dead after a party.

I started paying attention to the news around the time michael jackson died. Since that was the biggest thing that happened back then.

Now there's daily murders and shit.

Ignore if my flag is estonia, my swedish isp is retarded.

Are you telling me that there's no brave Swedish to stand up for this bullshit? Not saying go out and kill but you could learn from Hungary.
You don't need them all, just a useful bunch in charge

The upper class are so far removed for the actual realities of what they are voting for that nothing you could say would change their minds. It's not until "multiculturalism" reaches their door step will they realize their mistake and then it will be to late.

>Finland defending Sweden
When is it time?

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I'm more optimistic about Sweden than the US. Maybe that's saying something?

What do the women have to say about this? Aren't they concern about the safety of other women in these areas?

Woah we got a sophisticated user over here. You must read Vox and The New York Times. What about The Daily Beast? Color me impressed!

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