Capitalism is completely incompatible with nationalism...

Capitalism is completely incompatible with nationalism, stop supporting the gutting of our industry via free trade and take up the flag of the third position.

libertarians are no different neoliberals or communists.

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> muh gutting of industry wif free twade
> muh autarky
> muh Juche
> muh "what is a supply chain?"

I've got news for you boyo: so many different parts for so many different things come from so many different parts of the world that cutting off the circulation of goods would be economic suicide. What do you think is going to happen to all the farmers and oil workers when the rest of the world has no incentive not to enacts tariffs against the USA's massive food and oil exports? How many companies' businesses are contingent on the input to their manufacturing processes being sufficiently cheap? I get that giving US workers a cartel of protectionism would increase their wages, but there are other, very bad knock-on effects that would may autarky a disaster.

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>ancap flag

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No bad people would not have a McRoadPass or a SidewalkPlus membership to enter the private cities, full stop.

Perhaps it's nationalism we should get rid of. Working with each other to make money seems better than whatever nationalism is proposing.

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Just like conporations naturally form when people who want money congregate with eachother
So do states, governments and establishments form when people who want power congregate with eachother
Its all parts of natural process of scoietal cohesion and saying that its natural when its this way but unnatural if its other way is wishful thinking

There is nothing wrong with this.

I'm a NaCap: Nationalist Capitalist.

Eat shit, nigger.

im a collectivist individualist

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This guy has a good point
Libertards get the rope too

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yes money is litterally everything. I agree

These two are incompatible
Pick one
You picked nationalism
Why not

They aren’t mutually exclusive retard

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>Why not capitalism?

Organizations around profit promote human misery. Organizations around values; which is what political agendas are; offer a path to meaningful and fulfilling cohesion.

Capitalism is needed to create products and wealith which has already happened,problem is when that process isnt regulated(which is socialism,by state)and then monopoly forms,and then big capital forms and ships jobs or imports niggers all in order to profit,on top of that they aim to form one world goverment so they can protect their monopoly which is new world order,Trump is acting as a regulator today trying to do something,in China state is acting a regulator

Get a load of this faggot.

Plus today there is no capitalism we live in times of monopoly

Coca Cola,MCDonalds,Raytheon,Siemens,BMW,Central Banks,FEDS are the most powerful institutions that rule planet
