Why has art devolved into

Why has art devolved into
>muh vagina

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That's bad when furry porn artists are better at drawing human-like faces than SJWs.

because art is a joke and that's all girls can joke about

Here's part of the answer

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It's always been sexual. Anthropologists have found cave paintings of crude pornographic material.

If your question is why feminists are obsessed about their inadequacies, then that's another issue.

Here's another part. The CIA did it on purpose.



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As a guy who’s taking anatomy lessons when it comes to drawing. I’ve got to say that this looks extremely off. Is that black thing suppose to be a penis? Why does she look like a character ripped straight from Doug? Who the fuck thought this was a good idea? If you’re going to make porn I’m fine with that. But this isn’t meant to be that.

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One easy step to make good humans if you’re a furry artist is just to make them in an anime style. More specifically, moeshit.

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>The penis thing
That's he head user.
Weird it's a nigger eating her out?

>that nose

What did she mean by this?

I need to counterbalance this horror

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This is interesting as fuck and something i'd like to know more about - are there any books on this?

female=/= artist

gross and disgusting. fucking nips in japan know how to draw actual humans

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That's clearly a nigger face not a human

>acrylic on paper

What a fucking waste of time.

>tumbler nose

holy shit imagine being that bad at drawing and painting and being proud of it

imagine the IQ


Moe is an awful starting point.
If you want to draw a person's face correctly, you buy a book on drawing heads and faces.

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They're the shallowest creatures to exist. If it doesn't involve some part of skin, they don't think about it.


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I minored in art history in college like a faggot but I challenge you to find a female artist who doesn’t have at least one selfie before around 1750 or so. Protip you can’t. Kek jist like broads now they painted more flattering versions of themselves. Compare frida kahlo to her selfie or Cassatt to hers. Okeefe clearly had roastie anxiety if she see a dandelion and thinks of her snizz

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Women are completely obsessed with themselves. You can give a man a camera and he'll document his environment through his eyes but if you give a woman a camera they always just document themselves within their environment. This is consistent in all art.


someone please tell her that her art is terrible

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here's a classic

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Caption this

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you know you can learn things without buying anything right? it's called practice. Owning a book doesn't develop skills. practice does.

>eat shit

That couch is filthy. Disgusting.

Because kike's have corrupted art into pure degeneracy. instagram.com/explore/tags/herdirtydishes/ shit like this.

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Meet sexy studs today on squirt

god i wish that rose was me

This is true, but guides exist for a reason. You can get that kind of help from books, online guides, or places like /loomis/.

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Women's art usually does focus on MUH VAGINA MUH BODY MUH BOOBS
They can't think outside of themselves and representation or expression of that is usually very literal. Woman artist that are capable of abstract expressionism or something beyond paintings of a pussy are pretty rare.

Thats the "artist", i guess. What did you expect from this thing?

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Why do they always draw it so distorted and disgusting? Real female bodies don't even look this gross
Is it quirky? It just seems like the roastie certified artstyle for talentless losers

>tfw when no Dominican art school gf to cook you plantains and empanadas

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I have devoted my life to conservation and restoration of art, this waste of paint insults me on a professional level, if this wasn't a representation of a sex act no one would think it was painted by an adult

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because they have no actual talent


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I make non representational art, the CIA didn't make me, seems you're full of shit.

No they just never tried to draw anything that looks anatomy correct.

there's better looking ones than her in DR

The swan is literally fucking her you degenerate.

That practice doesn't do any good if you are consistently doing something wrong.

Degenerate, deracianated Goyim art is just that; you can drag and drop modern art anywhere and that's the point, it is universal Africanized garbage.

They will tell you it's intentionally bad drawn and that they could paint photorealistically if they wanted (yet they never seem to want)

I'd bet $1000 a woman painted this.

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That's terrible

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>Why is modern art shit
Because the jews don't want us to look at beautiful things. They want us to be surrounded by ugliness and filth so that we become as degenerate as they are.

Women are literally incapable of thinking about anything except their tits, pussy, and Chad's cock.

The best thing to do there is draw their work better and post it to mock them.

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This looks more like an anti cunnilingus psa than anything else

>Women are literally incapable

Women in the modern western world are looking for a wealthy male to plug them into a social pipeline.
It doesn't matter if he's a Chad or not. A lot of them would prefer if he weren't a Chad, because then the woman has more control over his actions.

Based and Scrutonpilled


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Because we fell for the feminist meme of judging women by male standards (and you are no exception).
Because women aren't men and they won't ever meet those standards.
Some women realized it and desperately attention whore to get as to tolerate their inferiority by showing it off and rubbing it in our face.
It's their instinctive rebellion against male feminism, but neither them nor male feminists actually realize it.

*get us


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anybody here r/1488/?

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No legbeard, all women for literally all of history. All women are like that.

>muh cultural marxism meme
The frankfurt school critized mass consumerist society. And yes they blamed capitalism for producing this low-tier pop culture. Try reading one of their books at least

When women enter creative fields they will either copy other peoples work or revert to muh vagina. It applies to art, movies, comedy, music and literature. Their problem is that they are incapable of discerning the quality of a product without feedback. Someone has to tell them that what they are doing is good for them to be confident. They can not just sit down and paint something and know if it's good or not on their own. It all comes back to their inability to form their own opinions. Womens opinions are formed by the people that have power over them. It's an evolutionary trait that helps them chose a mate from the dominant tribe.

Fucking furrfags

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The empty landscape gets me
Back when we were wild

That nose

We are still wild, we just pretend we aren't.

i can't tell is that a nigger or a dog?

absolutely fucking weimar

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>communist cuck
checks out

jesus fucking christ that gut

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my lack of ability is stylistic,BIGOT

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Nips don't know how to draw anything other than shovel faced toyetic humanoids