This is your fault

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finding non PC things to do in rdr2 is becoming a glorious meme.

I doubt the klan members actually aggro black npcs though

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I like the one where he deports a mexican

The Klan only lynched black criminals. The idea that the KKK just ran around lynching blacks randomly is a Jewish lie. Look up any lynching and you'll find that the nigger was accused of murder, rape or other heinous crimes.

That's the disappointing part.

does he do this with other games? is this a genre? i know someone was shooting only niggers in that ubisoft game


Only redditors are flipping out over this.

you say it like it's a bad thing OP.
niggers aren't supposed to exist.
they had their chance, they blew
it, time to just go extinct like their
ancestors the dinosaurs.


This game is fucking awesome.
They way they portray the jew in game is suprisingly non pc and highly accurate.
There's a lot of red pills hidden in this game.

>bringing black man to KKK
Did he joined?

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Shit, there are stories around here of the Klan lynching white wifebeaters and deadbeats.

The ADL is pushing people further and further to the right.

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This. There is a point where the business man villain says, “Tell Mr. Goldberg and Finklestein that I will only take loans with interest less than 3%.” They know Jews run the banks. Won’t say much more due to spoilers.

Many of the black people lynched were innocent. White whores get caught doing premarital sex or regret it in the morning and scream #MeToo just like they do today. That is the problem with vigilante justice.

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Lame. The KKK doesn't notice anything and one of their members just immolate himself.

So you are saying that woman are also a problem aside from niggers.

The vast majority of nogs they'd nabbed, nigged. That's the point nobody wants to acknowledge.

The KKK will recruit him and make him their leader. This is a liberal game.

I tried to name my Arabian White Power
Game called it profanity
I named the horse It's ok 2B White

that's why you lynch them both. What were those white women doing going around without a chaperone? Its like they were begging to get raped

So what's the solution?

No more black NPCs? Or only allow the player to kill white men?

Arthur is the perfect man and we should all aspire to be like him.

People were just lynch happy back then. didn't matter who are what you looked like, they were a hankerin' for a hangerin'

Is this game worth it? a lot of my friends are playing it right now and I figure I could group up with them and sabotage whatever they're trying to do by exclusively killing niggers but O don't want to support rockstar

You'll make me cry.

Multiplayer isn't out yet (coming soon) but singleplayer is fun as fuck.

Attached: RDR2_feminism.webm (520x292, 2.66M)

Absolutely. neither groups should have been allowed to vote. jk lol

Hold me Jow Forums, my Arthur just went to the Doctor

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wrong. not every woman is a nigger loving whore like in your family

Happened to me last night

Some dick head on Jow Forums spoiled the ending for me so I knew ahead of time

This was to be expected. If they had a reaction in their programming then you can be sure R* would have demonstrated that.

Also the KKK wouldn't attack someone for just being black, they would be more likely to go after the protagonist for kidnapping random people.

klan killed whites more often since hanging republicans was hanging the opponents of slavery


There is also one where he kills all the KKK members, but I guess you don't care

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I don't play much vidya because life but I picked this up and was blown away by the detail, size and things to do.

audible kek from me m80, but is it worth shelling out $60


I have been considering doing a Far Cry 2 minimal white kills challenge. I recently tried getting back into the game but goddamn it is difficult.

>The vast majority of nogs they'd nabbed, nigged

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You’re supposed to have a chance to defend yourself in court, retard. I bet you’re against the #MeToo movement. Cognitive dissonance in full effect, everybody.

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Poor Arthur.

>thread got deleted from /v/
fucking kek



Yes. I've already got more than 2 days played and I'm barely halfway through the story. There is tons of stuff to do, the world feels like it's alive and the characters/voice acting are all top notch.

ayy lmao
thats not thats not what she says in game tho

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Most lynchings happened for cattle theft an other serious crimes. Muh white women is a race fetishist meme.

Oh like every illegal alien has a chance to appear before court? this is just another case of where being too civilized and too reasonable is going to get us all killed.


The first Klan was principally an insurgent movement similar to the one seen in Iraq after the US invasian in 2003. They wanted to restore an independent Confederacy, overthrow the Republic and create a white only country with blacks not being citizens.

Handing the KKK a random black man would have been puzzling for these people. They were racist, but their violence was generally geared against Republican leaders.

>publisher tries to show how "woke" they are by putting a bunch of historical inaccurate she bullshit in their game
>Players respond by making a mockery of their precious world

This is the best response to rdr.

Explain Emmett Till. Even the lady admitted she lied to the court about what happened.

That’s literally what they did to GTA Vice City.

I would rather 4 guilty nigs go free then condom an innocent nog.

RDR3 will be Jack in the roaring 20's

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Why don't you faggots ever link anything?

no she didn't. some jewish reporter supposedly asked her when she was like 95 if the story was true and according to him she said no.

believe women user

Ya, but this was the old days. We don’t do that anymore and no one is even suggesting it.

What, Salem witch trials 300+ years ago had CHRISTIANS killing people without a fair trial?! Evangelicals of 2018 are such hypocrites.

Try harder, shill.

I mean the dude doesn't appear in RDR1, I kinda saw it coming and its the perfect end for the characters, living peacefully in Australia

>playing good goy simulator
go go kys

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>accused of

so it's okay to lynch somebody if I accuse them of something, gotcha

Based video need to be shared alot.

Why does he look so homosexual

I'll give it some thought. The only thing I play right now is overwatch and that's just to shit up competitive matches with voice line spam and use the Israeli flag as my avatar. Gets me every time I hear someone on teamchat complaining about the Israeli. These kids are our future

It's a fucking joke, and Rockstar kike jew shills programmed the KKK to ALL DIE in EVERY encounter you have with them!. Legit there are 5+ dynamic encounters with the KKK and in EVERY SINGLE ONE. All of them or most of them die. About to post how PC/SJW this game is.

Attached: KKK-A.jpg (550x382, 29K)

He is the son of a cuck who married a famous 5 buck whore

They were niggers, most definitely guilty

Cause you are projecting? Also he is a teen there I believe so I think its more that he looks young.

>t. I don't know what a shill is

Cant wait for the mods on the pc version.

Gonna have to disagree on this one and I'm completely SEIGE pilled. Justice without fair trial is absolutely subhuman.

Nigger sticks a dick in a white girl = kill both

>Rockstar Games and TakeTwo & RD2 Cave to Social Justice, Progressiveness, and Forced Inclusion

even Rockstar has avoided controversy and adapted to Politically Correct and forced inclusive culture. I love RD2 and it's 10/10 GOTY for sure and amazing. However the story and game is littered with progressive messages, historically inaccurate inclusiveness, and general politically correct culture crap. Not even 30% through the games and you get lectured about

- MUH Indians , poor Indians were treated badly and got sold bad land ( It's 1800's. Indians are still actively scalping and killing settlers. Yet everyone feels pity?)
- Womens Suffrage / Womens Rights , they FORCE you to take female members of your gang out of the camp because " They don't want to cook and clean anymore " and expect to be treated like men. One LEGIT changes out of a dress into FULL cowboy attire.
- Half of your gang/crew is Black/Latino/Native American, what?....
- Game is a PREQUEL to the first, yet there is 500% more racial representation among the characters. Makes absolutely no sense and was done for political reasons.
- Women in RD1 = Victims, Wives, and whores. Women in RD2 = Strong, independent, will kill and fight men and don't need help doing anything. You sexist.
- Latinos and Blacks face LITTLE to NO racism from anyone, you only hear about it. Nobody uses racial slurs, " darkie " said once " nigger " said once. That's it. It's 1899. The term " negro " or " nigger " would be used casually as hello back then
-All dynamic events with KKK result in them dying or forcing the player to kill them. Because fuck racist white people!. Even though they are cross burning and or carrying and not hurting anyone. THEY DESERVE TO DIE.
- Youtube controversy banning Youtuber for killing NPC Feminist character

Rockstar played it safe and folded to Politically Correct culture for Red Dead Redemption 2. Facts. It's pretty sad to see.

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>muh KKK
Are you serious bro. I didn't realize anyone was still so passionate about the Klan.


i bet you want to put all of those illegal aliens on trial as well, lol

>his only example is a work of fiction


Actually a few people remark on the savagery of the Indians. In fact the most "progressive" person there is Dutch and we all know he is a crazed asshole.

It's real and nothing happens. Because Rockstar programmed all of the KKK situations to end in them dying. You cannot interact with them, and or do ANYTHING but kill them. Message is since they burn crosses and are racist THEY ALL DESERVE TO DIE. How progressive of Rockstar and Take Two Jews.

Attached: Red-Dead-Redemption-2-7-2.jpg (1024x570, 77K)

There is no phase two.

t. a stinky darkskin

nigs noggin


What a sad sap you are, getting so upset over a fucking game.

All the nigger characters get killed anyway.
Go cry in your hood you KKK loving faggot.

but then they'll call any conservative a klan member.
When they put the kkk in the game, the implicit message is that this is how we view "modern kkk members"

The first Non PC thing he did was just a clip from a stream. The fact Youtube and other websites flipped a lid over it is what got him to make this a thing.

A psychopathic killer and thief has strong morals concerning race apparently.

You drank too much kool aid user and coming from me that's saying something

>that mission where you throw the old guy's heirlooms in the trash because he worked on the plantation
>Arthur: "some legacies ain't worth saving, partner."
>that mission where "Mr. White," a black guy, and "Mr. Black," a white guy are escaped convicts who bicker but eventually resolve their issues
>the mission where you have to protect a bunch of suffragettes at a rally
>that 'crazy' guy ranting about the white race in Saint Denis you have no choice but to be confrontational with
Bravo Rockstar. 1890s America, perfectly captured