Would we as humans get bored in a human robot world?

Let’s say we can create humanized robots en mass, billions of them, 100s of billions. Wouldn’t we ulimately get bored with them or would we live in a constant world of entertainment?

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It would be like the movie war games. AI figures out life is futile so they end all life. Sort of like a darker version of the movie.

Feminists will try to ban female bots due to their fear of being obsolete.
She's jewish, eat shit /pol.

Truly functional AI should come after Space Exploration becomes a thing. Otherwise,it's a recipe for disaster.

I am talking WAY beyond women trying to ban anything. We are talking about a world where every human has dozens, hundreds of their own personal robots... and where the whole world is run by them. Men just as women would fulfill their sexual desires through androids because you could essentially get 10/10s plus drugs plus orgies plus the perfect idea mates etc.

Even with true space exploration, an AI world would be a problem. What would we humans even do if we got hundreds or billions lf robots that are better, more diligent and smarter than us.

At this point we might be able to engineer people's brains into manipulating their consciousness and ridding them of mental illnesses/increase cognitive functioning/rid them of their sexual attraction and more, so the idea of entertainment might in itself become obsolete due to lack of need of outer stimulus.


You don'tcreate billions of them, for one.And two, you don't treat them as second class citizens since they'll rebel and wipe everyone out. Andthen you find a way to meld human and machine, andsurpass Transhumanism.The Singularity is the apex goal. With true AI, a fully white race spanning the stars is possible. in fact,it's the endgame. He who controls technology, controls the future. Apotheosis is within man's grasp.

That's only with faggy AI that cares about suffering and shit

Why would we do any of this? Trnshumanism? Not creating hundreds of billions of robots who desire to serve us (because it is their purpose). etc.

You're thinking way too small. You cannot stop progress; the future. You can only alter the course, but there's only one direction; forward.

Why am I thinking too small? Sure, androids may be able to excel our knowledge in engineering and science. But we don’t know if they can go way beyond our own capabilties.

Within white man's or jew's grasp.

It's already happening

Where? How?

When humanity will be intelligent enough to figure out how to mass build robots we might be intelligent enough to figure out how to make people enjoy without actual work, so instead of giving you sex - We'll be able to replicate the feeling in your brain without actually giving you sex.

eventually, some SJW in the future will create an army of feelbots, ending humanity as we know it

Massed superadvanced AI will be the end of humanity desu. As the Greek user said, in order to have humans do anything meaningful at all, you'd have to go full transhumanist bio-engineered cyborg man. The alternative is just having a bunch of useless, idle, miserable humans with no mission to their lives apart from ruling over subjects that don't need them and are in fact vastly superior to them. If we get unrestrained AI, all human endeavour will immediately become pointless.

If you make them robot Hitlers, I’m into it.

Bro this is creepy. How about living in a virtual world feeling all sensations, like a lucid dream while a robot keep all things working, prepare food for us, buy stuff for us, so we dont need to get our of our houses anymore.