What is the biological reason we hate trans

I need someone to help me understand this.
If other males remove themselves from the dating game, then that means less competition from weaker males(optional eugenics). Biologically this would be a plus. I'm sure most guys have ever fantasied about being the only guy in a kingdom of women, all subject to him. Also the mtfs optionally become recipients of our sexual output.
I know the moral and religious reason and i'm, all for that. But is there any natural law or biological reason why it's bad.

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They look like women, so even for an istant they give a certain degree of arousal. But they have a penis, so you feel gay for it. That makes Grug brain angry, cause Grug not gay. It's as if your dad asks if you want to go to Disneyland or to Hawaii knowing he will actually do pic related.

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Trans are discomfort people with something that is natural and they do not accept as such.

In a tribe or community this is hazardous. If you have people that fovus their energy on imaginary problems instead of real group problems, you have individuals that wast energy and resources in things that don't help at all.

The only way a trans man->woman is useful is in combat. That way you keep your troops entertained and happy, and they don't need to think about their near death experience.

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They are repulsive abominations

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Because historically you needed every couple to product at least 5 children just to reproduce society, and that's not counting losses from wars or natural disasters. Girly men were useless at that.

Leviticus 18:22(KJV) - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Leviticus 20:13(KJV) - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them

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We don't hate them, we consider them mentally ill degenerates and perverts.

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They're disease-ridden, mentally unhinged, self mutilated faggots with a disguise.

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Because society will collapse. I will become a kill and rape world with most people dead by age 18.

Hating trannies is stupid and juvenile. Hate the progressives who demand that you believe that their delusions are natural and sane.

Why do people keep posting this stupid pic? It's not remotely accurate.

>But is there any natural law or biological reason why it's bad.
We're currently under attack, racially. It's being normalized as another weapon against us genetically and culturally (distorting people's perception of reality, spreading degeneracy, further lowering birthrates).

Its only bad if they don't pass.

I don't hate them, I just don't think it's a good idea to play into their delusion.

Actually makes sense, our brains are confused and don't know how to react to them since they are basically deceiving our brains. The default reaction would be to reject them since they are a weird aberation that distorts systems that have worked for millenia. sort of how a body rejects foreign objects.
but the thing is, there are other similar groups that don't trigger as much hatred. Good example is Lesbians. Lesbians should be our worst enemies. They are removing themselves from the mating game and also potentially removing other females, yet i really feel nothing towards Lesbians, I'm probably more pushed away by gays, probably because i feel lightly threatened by a man who can potentially "feminize" me

>biological reason
Try theological reasons.

The wages of sin is death. These men hurt themselves and they hurt the social fabric.

this is the religious reason, which is okay. But trans-phobia exists on a deep level. Even cultures without strong religous backbone are anti-trans.
One other possibility is that it hurts a parent extremely because this possible bloodline that could have been a vessel for your genes has suicided itself. Also as a father, it is humiliating to think of your son being turned into some other guy's "wife".
5 seems high. i thought 3-3.5 was an ideal number

It’s not their fault though. The root cause is what progressives have done to society, which has resulted in a society that doesn’t work. Diversity is a failed experiment.

Wouldn't the obvious biological reason be that they are a genetic dead end and that they make a mockery of real women, that have the ability to give life. Trannies only have a pussing hole, and mimic what they think women are like.

I never understand why women aren't more upset by seeing literal parodies of themselves parading the streets.

I never gave a rat's ass about trannies.
- they started getting into politics
- they started taking an interest in children - when people who can't reproduce take an interest in kids, that's a huge red flag
- they started taking themselves way too seriously to the point that someone can go to jail for "misgendering" which is a violation of free speech.

The only trannies that are tolerable are those that KNOW they are not normal, KNOW that they will never be normal, and KNOW exactly what they are doing to themselves and still choose to do it because they want to. Those are the based ones.
The rest? The rest are products of the Globohomo nexus and the crazy vibes coming off them are too much to bear for normal people. There's a pattern that someone who :just happens to be trans" just so also happens to be a frothing at the mouth raging communist too. Gee, what a coincidence.

Now keep an eye on Blair White. "she" cannot prove femininity by having a baby or being a real woman. So "she" is going to resort the the next phase for people like this: porn.

What are progressives progressing towards?

trannies are a lie
youre either born a man or a woman and thats it
everything else is delusion
people dont like entertaining delusions, or being legally or socially obligated to respect and even celebrate delusion

and thats why we dont like it
its that easy

What about Faceapp and morphing software? Why pick some random bitch?

Anarchy, total collapse.

This. If they can't be held responsible for their own actions of hiding their born gender and deceiving the opposite sex then I can't be held responsible for bashing them to an inch of their life for tricking me into acting like a faggot. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Ok first off don't believe anything you see in the Internet. And second, we hate them because they lie and try to distort reality. Trannys are brutes and will berate them if you're even apathetic towards them. They know no civility and are just shameless sluts living off stereotypes of fags and women.

You're a fucking psychopath hiding behind religious scripture to justify your blood lust.

Berate YOU*

a world without families or gender or basic humanity where the state (or as they call it "the community") grows and raises all the children without parents getting int he way of propaganda.

absolute control basically. its not enough that humans be human, they have to reshape humanity in their twisted image. but it wont work, because people are people, always have been people, always will be people.

this whole thing with the left getting increasinlgy crazy is a scripted and socially engineered phenomenon to bring about a cycle of problem, reaction, solution that ends in the establoshment winning more power possibly by creating a centralzied government (fascism) to deal with the problem they created in the first place

>when people who can't reproduce take an interest in kids
There are people that are sterile for various reasons. I don't see the problem if a standard couple with fertility problems want children. But i get your point.

there Frankensteins. Mutilated weridos. They can trick straight people into sleeping with them, which is wrong.

I was getting desperate and contacted a ladybug for a blowjob. The fucking idiot charges mere money than a normal whore. What's the point? They are trash faggots, should cost 1/4 of a normal girl.

100000000000000000000000000x this

Everybody else in this thread is spouting the same tired "muh religion" "muh values" bullshit instead of answering your question or attempting to even reason out their own emotions (peak NPC behavior btw), so I'll give it a shot just for the hell of it.

Humans are tribal creatures. A lot of people like to play up the "alpha male" meme nowadays talking about reproductive fitness (ability to fuck women) and yadda yadda yadda, but there's a reason we evolved tribes. Single humans are weak and have difficulty securing food. Women are practically useless in a fight, much less in a fight against a non-human animal, so males rely on each other to work in a team to hunt or drive off predators. There's a reason why the stereotypical alpha chad is not just strong but also so charismatic that even other men love him.

Now, with all that said, the psychological reason that most people have an automatic repulsion towards trannies must be because they have failed at being a man and are therefore essentially useless to the tribe. They can't bear children and they can't contribute as hunters and protectors. They are therefore a drain on resources. While this doesn't really matter in the modern world, we retain our tribal instincts to dislike that sort of person and the desire to drive them away.

The exception is the rare tranny that looks so good that they really can be mistaken for a woman. It is the appearance of a weak feminine male that drives disgust, not that of a woman with masculine features. You can still be ideologically opposed to them, but they won't evoke the same sense of instinctual disgust of they can truly pass for a woman.

That's a bit overeacting, unless you mean you went out to a date with someone, went to bed and only learned then that she was a he.

>What is the biological reason we hate trans

They are carriers of vile diseases, even worse than regular faggots.

>muh dribe

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i already explained it here
read it and understand

If fascism comes there will be quite a purge of the current establishment.

>can't reproduce in an age of population decline
>piss hormones into the water
>are held up as saints and martyrs by leftism
>almost universally a result of people embracing deficiency and allowing their loved ones to butcher and maim themselves to solve a psychological issue

The few reasonable trannies like Bruce Jenner and Blaire White do not absolve the practice of ruining people's bodies and minds in 99% of all "transitions"

>implying you actually know who is in power rather then their most visible top puppets

they will throw their top puppets under the bus while cultivating new puppets at the top of whatever power structure they create to replace the previous one.

theyve got this shit all planned out. theyve probably already picked out your next hitler for you to hero worship. its not hard to imagine this, it seems obvious, but you still think theres no way they can do that for some reason.

Traps are a result of sexual abuse. Its the only way gays can reproduce; one touch at a time. By doing this they commit a sin that cannot be forgiven. Its committing a fraud on God's house. The punishment is death. Gender dysphoria is temporary. It should not be encouraged. Men who become preoccupied with traps were likely abused or touched wrong as pre-pubescents. Its sick all around and media promoting transgenderism need to be murdered.

supply and demand. if you dont like it go see a normal girl.

Doctors performing these surgeries will be murdered in the New World Order.

Most people hold delusions and are not disgusted by them. Your argument doesn't hold water.

>t.angry tranny
Aren't you suppose to be hiding right now from your Muslim invaders?

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this is retarded. ive never been abused and ive known i was trans since I was a kid.

The penis only makes it better though.

>create a conflict between the right and the left
>the left seeks centralized government in the form of socialism so they can have the powers they need to stop the right
>the right seeks centralized government in the form of fascism so they can have the powers they need to stop the left
>everyone else seeks to give the existing government structure more power in order to stop the conflict between the right and left
and no matter which side wins, the establishment is already ready to control the opposition, so they win no matter what

and all at a time when people are becoming more and more aware of whats going on, so they know they need to hit the reset button soon.

i mean come on people, tell me this doesnt make sense. you cant

people are disgusted about being socially and legally obligated to respect and celebrate other peoples delusions. thats the truth

>But is there any natural law or biological reason why it's bad.

you see a woman. you want to reproduce with her. you find out she has no ovaries nor uterus. it's a biological dead end...so we don't care for it. the unnatural repulses (naturally) us.

how hard is this for people to understand?

It's not biological, it's spiritual.

Biological reason? They're the epitome of unnatural. They literally cannot exist in nature, and haven't been a possibility for almost the entirety of our existence, so if you're trying to question a sort of instinctual basis for the reaction, there's simply no way we could adapt to the concept without some serious "unlearning" to "correct" that natural response.

I don’t see the issue with that. Every ideological regime has it’s time to prove itself. This one needs to be thrown into the dustbin of history. Out with the old, in with the new.

Because people with eyes can tell that those morphed pics are morphed. Better to look pretty OK or good, and have no sign of editing at all.

Trannies and fags are biological dead ends, and as such worthless in the grande scheme of things.
Other than that they undermine the social cohesion in your tribe and spread diseases.

Insane individuals need to be removed from the tribe. Just like rotten apples turn the rest of the bunch into rotten apples as well, insane individuals (who commit self mutliation etc) need to be whacked to uphold the social order.

except the people who ran the old system, will run the new system as well. as planned. its called controlled opposition. problem, reaction, solution. they know the establishment in its current form will be rejected and dismantled organically by the general population eventually and before that happens they know they have to create a new system to replace the existing one with. think ahead

found the poor soul......

There is and isn't. As you said, it does remove genes from the pool which is bad since there will be fewer combinations that can be drawn from the pool. It's also good for normal men since as you said there is more women that can in theory be available. The other problem is that there will be fewer kids being born. Fewer men in our current situation were you can't have more then one wife will lead to fewer kids. Because we need to import more third world people.

you don't fuck women because they have ovaries dumbass, you fuck them because they don't have a penis

Thats how they reproduce. They just steal children, and we're letting it happen.

They are probably more offended. it's just that they are less open about it. ever seen a TERF user vs Tranny user post. shit gets brutal.

Some say it's a racial genocide, thats bullshit, actually this is a racial suicide, whites don't reproduce anymore, they can't compete against niggers, i mean whites prefer to cross dress or become incels instead dating women, the few that actually try it are beta males, it's really sad and it's basically natural selection, it feels like this is the last generation of whites, maybe we should open a zoo and put a few there, they are an endangered specie.

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Because they blur the lines between things that were normally separated by sex for their own personal gain. For example, they can choose whether they want to compete in a men's or women's league. Normal people cannot do that. Pic related, the gold medal winner is not a woman and the other women competing were cheated out of their win. Or take Fallon Fox as an example. He is a transwoman competing in women's MMA. Men are overwhelmingly more powerful than women as fighters, which led to him breaking his openent's (Tamika Brents) eye socket.

Or if that's not enough, they normalize mental illness. Allowing people with gender dysphoria to transition isn't treating their illness. It's them giving into it, which is why so many of them kill themselves. It'd be similar if we just told people with schizophrenia to go ahead and pretend their delusions are real instead of trying to make them better.

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They are a symptom of a broken society. Seeing a tranny is like seeing an abandoned playground, a broken window or a crack pipe on the side of the road. I feel more sadness than hate for them. They were too mentally weak or short sighted to survive the brainwashing.

her message matters

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Yeah, women definitely are not on board for the most part but there are some lesbians who are ok with it. I try to judge people as individuals but knowing most of these trannies see the shit people post about women here and still going through with it just makes me think they really can't do anything in good faith. I don't care how you wanna dress, but don't call yourself a woman and then pretend to be right-wing MGTOW for the betabux.

i think even lefties are disgusted by trannies deep down. they just have to virtue signal otherwsie because thats what they do. they dont have the moral high ground but they want to have the moral high ground, so they create and enforce new morals about celebrating trannies.

Lying is bad.

>If other males remove themselves from the dating game, then that means less competition from weaker males(optional eugenics). Biologically this would be a plus
Or it means another group that isn't your in group rolls in, kills you and take all your women. All because your male friends where busy larping as women without a wombs.

Shunning weakness within your own group is natural.

I doubt it will happen like that, but time will tell.

Doctors deliberately misdiagnose their patients
>doc I don't feel well
>Hmm sounds like you're transgender, ill put you on estrogene
>but I'm not doctor, I just hear voices in my head
>yeah, it's your female voice. Just take the fucking pills goyim.
>Goy what? What're you talking about doctor?
>nothing. Must be the voices in your head. Take those pills and you'll be better
>alright thanks doc
>hehe, another one for Moloch.

>I try to judge people as individuals
so do i
and if you are an individual delusional about his own gender, then i wonder quite logically what else youre delusional about since being delusional about your own biology is so incredibly delusional tha frankly, no trany can be trusted to have a firm grasp of reality.

I dont really agree with all that right wing stuff but im more empathetic to their problems. Most of the time theyre lonley guys angry at the world and all they really want is a friend.

Dont hate people with mental illness, show them compassion and try to help them overcome it or at least learn to live with it without hurting themselves or others.

I hate people that tell them the only way they will ever be happy is if they cut off their genitals and demand everyone around them use awkward language when communicating with them that most people just wont use. This does nothing but turn an unfortunate circumstance into an unbearable hell, hence the high suicide rates

Based post more dead trannies.

u would

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you doubt it will happen, but you are now aware of the possibility. thats all i ask. you have done well

If "gender" actually means anything to you as a straight person then you've got some other shit going on.

Is this a Brazilian?

themore people aware of the possibility the less likely they get away with it

>I've known I was trans since I was a kid
>A kid has known better than a multi-billion year old process called meiosis

Your chromosomes will always be your chromosomes. That will never change. You're just playacting.

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>no fap. i presume

I don't hate people born trans, I hate people who think they're trans because they chopped their dick off

I dont hate tranies, i feel bad for them. People with gender disphoria have a psicological problem and they need help. What i hate is the "gender activist" and doctors that promote trans as normal people and told them that their delusions are real.
Thats not he way to help them

I think you should be allowed transition male to female but you have to agree that 5 years after starting to transition you have to go on TV and every gets to vote on how sexy you are and if you're not sexy enough you get put to death
that's just how I feel

gender or sex or whatever i dont care. there are men and women thats it. the language has been confused so that there are over a hundred genders but thats nothe definitiom using. maybe we should throw out the word gender entirely.

but gender used to just mean man or woman

that’s blair white shes a alt right e-celeb.
i dont care at all about chromasomes.

It was just a hypothetical, but surely you aren't implying that something like that can't happen in today's day and age?


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>I don't care about the building blocks of life
>They have nothing to do with my life

Okay then, champ

fucking cheap carbon zinc atteries in keyboard

use alkaline batts in your keyboard at leastis my advice if you dont want dropped letters

>hundred genders but thats nothe definitiom using
but thats not the definition im using

>more empathetic to their problems
That's the thing, that makes sense, because you were raised male, if you "identified" as female you'd actually be insulted by the way women were treated as well but your perspective isn't theirs.

I think if the jews actually want anything its this

obey skylar

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>Everyone welcome our new contestants oooooon~

I can't imagine it happening where I live, and maybe the vision I'm getting of the world is a bit partial and distorted, being based on anonimous posters. But technically yeah, it's possible. Wouldn't think it's the routine anywhere tho.