Stupidest President of all time

The economy added:

2012: 2.2 million jobs
2013: 2.2 million jobs
2014: 2.6 million jobs
2015: 2.9 million jobs
2016: 2.5 million jobs
2017: 1.7 million jobs

Yet somehow you Trump supporting morons believe Trump boosted the economy.

”but but muh economy”

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don't care faggot

Attached: +How Socialized Industries Work.png (718x482, 9K)

What do you want him to do? roll out the retards and cripples into the workforce so he can beat Obama's shitshow?

Because pre 2016 job losses beat job gains down severely?
You have half the information therefore half an opinion.

>terrible bait
yikes, neck urself nigger

Splitting one full time job into two part time jobs isn't adding jobs.

>the guardian doesn't know how the government works

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So arranging jobs for Republicans? Sounds like a great idea!

Attached: john-oliver-takes-over-as-summer-guest-host-of-the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart.jpg (300x300, 13K)

should be looking at deficit and inequality growth instead, that is the metric of trump's failure and economic incompetence

employment is now at historic high so rate of job growth will naturally decline

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>I dont know how a federation of states nor how a republic works, especially not in America.

1 post

He already did that it's why there is only Democrats left.

Despite all those tax cuts and spending, wage growth is also lower

>not including the number of jobs LOST
>The economy lost 8.5 million jobs as a result of the 2008 financial crisis. It kept shedding them until December 2009.
not even blaming obama for those problems but FUCK OFF with your skewed kike statistics, the economy is obviously doing better now than it was years ago

>senate electoral process means although Democrats received more overall votes or the Senate than Republicans, that does not translate to more seats
well no fucking shit
I swear, Dems think CA and NY should dictate politics for the entire country

wage growth was the highest in years just a month ago
I hate when Jow Forums talks about economics because posters just pull shit out of their ass and present it as fact
>Nearly a decade after the end of the Great Recession, wage growth for American workers has finally broken through 3 percent

>pic unrelated
Bot post this former federal reserve governor sure thinks the economy is doing great, but hey what does he know?

The person that wrote that article is mentally deficient.

Senate votes are not a popularity vote, it's based on each state having votes for their chosen 2 candidates. Each state, regardless of population or size, has two senators and is not decided by popular vote to how much overall left or right popular votes there are as to what number of left or right senators there should be in the senate.

Each state regardless of its population or its size, gets two senators. Anything else would be tyranny.

So happy for all those waitress jobs under obama

I'm talking about REAL WAGE growth, not just wage growth.

Especially since a majority of the 100 senate seats up were in Solid democrat states in the Northeast. Also especially since on the California ballot there were only two democrat senators to choose from due to their tyranical state government.

Trump better pull some stunts soon otherwise I can see him losing support and not getting reelected.

>1 post by this ID
>Implying he has a job or cares about working
>Implying it's the duty of the president or any agent of the state to give you a fucking job.

>hurr durr look at all these jobs obama-nigger added
>all these part-time jobs
>now, everyone can work 2 or 3 part time jobs instead of 1 full time job
>but, more jobs, right?
stfu, faggot.

>it's easier to create a higher total of jobs when unemployment is higher then when it isn't
fucking genius

I just wanna point out how you list the last 4 years of Obama's 8 year term but only the first year of Trump's time in office... Just saying you could add some more comtext

>part time job at mcdonalds + part time job at wendys = 2 jobs added to the job market