How an Anonymous Jow Forums Post Helped Solve a 25-Year-Old Math Puzzle
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That was me. Gib monies
>"hurr durr 4channers are basement niggers"
>solves 25yo math problem
Good to know that this place isn't all porn and gas the kikes race war now
>anime board
Fake and gay
Don't all these p=np problems become irrelevant once quantum computing is the norm
Did you even read the article faggot
it is all about porn - they were trying to figure how long it will take to watch their favorite hentai in the correct order.
How many different ways can you gas 6mio Jews ?
It might be badly reported, the the mathematical result really was posted on /sci/, and now there's an academic paper with Anonymous Jow Forums Poster as the first author.
Here it is. oeis.org
Why won't you gas the kikes, race war now user?
no, I recall a paper claiming BQP = NP, but it was redacted later. Their relationship is unknown afaik
would it not just be the number of episodes factorial?
I guess, if you can do shit completely parallel and the polynomial TIME is based on sequential TIME then most of it is pointless in practice.
fake and gay
and no one even responded to him..
makes you wonder how much brilliant shit goes unnoticed in this dumpster everyday.
>The anonymous Jow Forums poster’s lower bound, meanwhile, was tantalizingly close to the new upper bound: It works out to n! + (n – 1)! + (n – 2)! + n – 3. When Egan’s result became public, Johnston reminded other mathematicians about the anonymous poster’s proof, and Houston and Pantone soon showed it was correct. As with Houston’s work, the new lower and upper bounds both come at superpermutations via the traveling salesman problem: The lower bound shows that a route through all the cities must travel along some minimum number of paths that cost more than $1, while the upper bound constructs a specific route for each n that uses only $1 and $2 connections.
what was the spy agency posters post?
was this snowden?
t. studied Combinatorics & Optimization under the man that cracked Hitler's 0-day cipher at Bletchley Park
and not it wasn't the faggot Turing
Is it safe?
No it was some intel guy from Austrailia, about the five eyes. I do not know that the post exists because it was fake and gay.
Combinatorics has made my asshole a few times bigger. Kudos to this user for sticking with that subject and even traversing new territory. Beautiful math subject, but - turns out I wasn't meme'd - it really is as hard as they say it is.
Thank you for sharing the gospel spelled out so clearly.
so which is it, fake and gay, or a real whistleblower that nobody listened to like the news article says?
It's easy as fuck. Are you burgers low IQ or something? Passed it on first try on first year of Uni.
why dont you faggots solve the Reimann Zeta function
What's that got to do with anime?
Passing a course isn’t the same as breaking grounds in the advanced segments of it