Is college a scam?

Are most of the degree programs worthless? Can you be successful without a college education? What are other alternatives to college?

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trading ;)

trade school
apprentice with some electrician or something

Outside of STEM, yes.

You will get out of it what you put in. If you maintain your ability to think critically and learn the skill you are there to learn, worth it. If you succumb to the indoctrination, no.

Calculate before you go. If it's $100k+ of debt for you, then yes it's a scam.

Want to position yourself well? 2yr trade school + 4 year STEM degree. Ex - welding + chemical engineering. Machining + mechanical engineering. Welding + medical degree.

>Are most of the degree programs worthless?
Most are both worthless, and over-saturated due to college being sold as a fix all for future money problems. IF everyone has a degree, that degree is worthless without backing experience. Student costs have not gone down at all, so figure that the system is broken.

>trade school
Get paid while you get an education, and never have a student loan to pay off is a pretty good deal. If you are a slacker, you will make fair wages for your labor. If you are motivated, you can quickly become a company owner, or a salaried member of a company.

You could just try get a job right out of high school but unless you have student debt no good employer will hire you because they're afraid you'll leave if you don't have debt to pay.

you can be successful without going to college.
There are 2 reasons to go to college:
1. some degrees are actually useful
2. even if you don't get a useful degree, college is a good experience, for chads, normies, virgins and autists. its a pretty cool environment where you are surrounded by relatively smart people. you'll make good friends and learn a lot, both about your area of study, and yourself.

everyone should go to college, but it's too expensive for most people.

>Is college a scam?
A jewish scam, yes.

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1. STEM is not worthless, but even that is getting over saturated.
2. Yes very much so.
3. Trades, routes that take you to a direct career path, starting a business.

here is how college is worth it: you go to a 4 year straight out of highschool at age 17 or 18 and by age 21 you have a degree.
>other alternatives to college?
have family connections that can get you started in a trade, otherwise you are fucked fro the next 10 years

Yes. In general college is a scam. Even the once useful stem is is becoming a waste of time.

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college is daycare for teenagers who haven't transitioned to full adulthood yet.

unless you're lucky and get some good professors who give a fuck, you won't gain anything from it. may try community colleges over state as they're cheaper and there is a higher chance of finding a teacher who isn't pozzed

STEM is such a catch all. Like math is only barely worth it if you get a masters, better with a PhD.
Physics is only worth it with a phd.
it is silly to compare that to a 4.5 year accounting degree
Technology is worth it, but expect to hate your job unless super genius. Engineering is worth it.
As for the rest of the "S" it really depends on what science and what college. IF you do the wrong science and go to a no name school you might be working in a boring lab for the next 10 years making a little better than retail

even if you dont work in stem with a stem degree you tend to get paid $10,000 more a year.
that chart also underlines that you really need to pick the right field

College degrees are a bit like currency if you think about it. The more exist the less they're worth. Take it from a guy who has spent 12 years in public education. Since I was a little kid I had the idea that "college is the answer when it comes to success" pounded into my head. I'm not even a great student yet I was always being told "you will never succeed without college." With this in mind think about pushing this on EVERY student on various talent levels to go. Now put into that the graduation rate and how easy it is overall. You end up with pretty much any person having college education meaning your pool for true talent is full of average people with real no value. Meaning if you want any real value you have to pay more, institutionalize your ideals more, and fall behind on invaluable work experience.

College is a fucking scam my friends.

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If you're asking for advice, I'd say join the military like I did. I went to college afterwards and I graduated with a very high gpa. Nearly attended law school too.

I'll tell you this, I learned much more in the marines than in school. I came away with decent technical skills and a general understanding of hardware. Also, debt free and a homeowner at 23. Do military and then consider school -- or jist do something else

just to clearify, 75% of engineers according to the wash. post dont work in engineering.
If I need to hire someone, there is a good chance I will hire a stem over a English major no matter what the job

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What if you have no interest in plugging wires in or putting up walls for lazy fucks with enough money to buy you

>Be me
>Study a field that will need employees as boomers retire
>Go to college to earn a tangible degree in said field
>Not working towards a degree in lesbian dance theory

Do it right and it is not a scam friends.

A degree is really just a pseudo-certification. Where the real money and job prestige comes from is through non-tangible items such as connections, not being a sperg, and having real world critical thinking skills

The only reason degrees are considered useless is because Liberal arts degrees still exist. You can have an English major with four or five minors in Underwater Baslet Weaving degrees and still be jobless, but a two-year computer admin degree can easily get you a job

See my prior post.

>social scientists

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be a politician

You can definitely be successful without a college degree, but it's riskier. I have a law degree and live a comfortable, but mediocre life. A friend of mine just has a high school degree but he's a multimillionaire. Basically, he started a business, built it up, and invested his earnings wisely. Like I said, my path was easier - people that already had money agreed to pay me a pittance because of my formal education. My friend, however, didn't have that luxury, so he had to become the guy with the money that pays people like me said pittance. Easier said than done, but we all know people with similar stories to his.

blessed thread
yep, we also know a brunch more failures with a H.S. degree

Yes, college is a waste. I wish I went to trade school instead. A friend of mine did that for welding and he makes 90K a year AFTER his union fees.

no he doesnt

Yep, which is why it's "riskier." Plus, a lot of ppl that stop at high school are total losers with zero drive. Those that simply dismiss the benefits of formal education to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors have a shot, though.

Focus on skills rather than degrees. That way you can work for someone else, start your own company or freelance. Build a portfolio of accomplishments and connections (if you can).

What you can actually do for someone else is what makes you the big bucks in the end. If college can give you those things, it might be worth it. There's no universal yes or no answer.

That being said, I think that it's not worth it for people who don't need an accreditation of some sort (doctor, lawyer, engineer etc.)

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