life imitates art, unfortunately.
Life imitates art, unfortunately
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More like entertainment is used to facilitate predictive programming and the ideas shown that seemingly manifest into reality are plans laid long ago.
Fpbp as always.
there is much truth to it, deus bump
>Hits blunt
shit game couldnt play it was so bad human revolution is based tho
>why crunchain it?
>this 30 years old boomer who still making deus ex videos
Currently playing this for the first time right now.
Honestly The Story & characters are complete trash, but the level Design is really well done & makes for fun speedrunning. Still based on the hype i’d say that it’s fairly Overrated, Perfect Dark was much better
Where are my augs then?
Do you have any idea how to MULTIPLY?
Of course, I... I... I know everything
zoomer leave
I'd say MGS holds up better from all those classic Redpill games. The Legacy Collection is worth it.
>The Story & characters are complete trash
either you didn't reach the Lebedev airfield level yet or your taste is a shit
It predicted the meme war and 9/11 you watch your mouth zoomers
JC Denton was a sóyboy
Honestly though while the overall story is good enough to keep you hooked all the way through the plot is still littered with holes mostly at the defection part.
well it's a video game, not a movie or book, the plot needs to be kinda simplified in order to have an actual gameplay.
Funny there was no ending where you gassed the kikes, told the AI to put the nanites in his ass and didn't end up in a new middle ages.