If Jow Forums was smart. We would put these up everywhere

Fighting for the pedo acceptance will absolutely destroy the left and the entire gay pride movement almost immediately. LGBTQIP is absolutely, the way we crush them AND have a great time in the process.

Anyone else willing to start putting up posters? Getting these in to the normie media and watching leftists poster children try and explain why if a person can be whatever gender they want, why can't they be whatever age they want? Why can't they identify as children and be sexually attracted to them? If sexuality is a spectrum, then they have to accept them as their own.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Talk about that anywhere but here. Otherwise, fuck off and you do you.

Being a pedo is unironically based

This has been going on since the 70's. The gays were the trojan horse. Look at most of the gay groups during that time, they walked hand in hand with pedophiles all the time. Once they got on the national stage, (((they))) acted like that never happened.

Nice flase flag LGBT faggot.

you reminded me of this:


and if they find out it's us the right wing will be destroyed, too much is at stake here don't listen to OP.

Attached: raf,750x1000,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.u3 (1).jpg (750x1000, 75K)


Knowing the left, they will go with it and push it as normal. Stupid idea 100%

I thought Ferdinand took care of you people

Meanwhile It’s Okay To Be White posters are investigated as hate crimes lmao

honestly, they're getting their by themselves already, give it a decade, its just the matter of time. it will be a practising thing in the cultural-islamic marxist dystopia in europe in 60 years time.

The link between homosexuality and pedophilia is an uncomfortable fact a lot of people don't acknowledge.

i should just end myself at this point

That's the point. If they did, that would be the breaking point for 99% of Americans. Then they'd realize things had gone too far and there'd be a snapback.


>If Jow Forums was smart
So you copypasta gay ops which is been shilled all day
Something that even to work would have to be done in secrecy
If any retard did this, faggots could point to multiple threads posted here all day

You're glowing faggot

saged and gayops pilled

Attached: 1534895278459.webm (640x360, 2.46M)

>1 post by this ID
Nice try, Pedocrat, trying to make the degenerates in your movement look like an alt-right false flag.
Not even expediting your genocide is worth ironically pushing pedophilia. You're going to die; DOTR coming soon.

What the fuck is up with That video

I think you underestimate how stupid and oblivious the average American is.

>"Anyone else willing to start putting up posters?"

Who is stupid enough to fall for this.
This is a recipe for getting your ass kicked.

The day it becomes normalized, the west will officially be dead

Shut the fuck up, kike. You just wanna pass the blame for the pedo shit to us and sweep it under the rug as a "conspiracy theory". Not happening. I'll that you're put in a fucking oven, you hook nosed faggot.

The left will just embrace it at this point user. You don't understand how depraved and demonic these walking meat sacks are



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