Hillary isn't running again. She's about to get indicted and the media needs an excuse to chimp out


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or maybe
just maybe
it was an opinion piece and not a headline

are you scared drumpfly

Look, everything in the media these days is 99% opinion. It's obvious that Hillary is about to get indicted and executed for treason. You can't stop this. America and humanity will always in the end.

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Nothing will happen until Trump and the GOP officially stop giving a fuck about what liberals are crying about. All they fucking do is cry until they get power then they could give a shit less what anyone thinks. Fuck their whining, start kicking ass and BUILD THAT FUCKING WALL GODDAMMIT MOTHERFUCKERBARGHHHHHHHDHDNHDJDBFFHDHFN

Why do I have the feeling Hillary would actually enjoy women's prison?

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No. Are you, Hilldawg?

She's going to be hanged for treason in Guantanamo Bay moron.

Because she's an old dyke

LIKE ITS 1776!

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No shit

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Makes perfect sense. Pretty bad optics on Trump to go after an official current election rival rather than a former opponent

Not a bad point, I'm skeptical about the 6 million sealed indictments but there's a tiny fraction of dems who would legit want Hillary to go again so this doesn't really make sense.

It's just an opinion piece. She's not running again. She SHOULD announce she's campaigning again for exactly that reason though. If she were smart. If the past three years have taught me anything though, it's that democrats are not smart.

Good, you should be skeptical, and at least you didn't associate the indictments with Q. I'm getting sick of shills trying to delegitimize information by just labelling it as "Q" shit. That mossad psy op is a disaster.

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I feel like it's 2016 and 2017 all over again

>Trump's gonna lock her up
I know how this movie ends. She laughs at Trump on Twitter because she knows he won't do shit

Trump is a cuck. As soon as he won he took back the lock her up part of his campaign. Instead of draining the swamp he hired them for his administration, and then complains that he's being obstructed

Tax cuts for the rich, and money for military in a democrat omnibus bill are Trump's accomplishments. That's not what he ran on

Guess who fucking cares?
Lock their criminal asses up. I've had enough of these damned Staasi shitheads going around using national security as an excuse to see if I'm RAYCISS or not so they can decide what FEMA camp I go to when their Kike Masters decided to program them to go "full chimp bolshevik". Commie shithead.

If the next president isn't trump, then why don't we treat them like how the media treated trump?

Hold absolutely nothing back, make it borderline propaganda, even post a fantasy story about them getting assassinated if needed

You're living under some kind of delusion if you honestly think a single corrupt American politician will see a day behind bars.

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Americans deserve free healthcare and a decent standard of living. These are the reasons Hillary has 2020 in the bag.

I'll be back in two years to harvest Jow Forums tears.

>media chimping out
>tfw media in press conference
you dont understand

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Neck yourself, faggot

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Yeah, I know they all look alike.

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Yes, the excuse will be Trump is bringing an illegitimate accusation because he fears losing in 2020. They've been planning that. It's why they are so desperate to steal this election so they can advance the narrative Trump doesn't have a mandate.

>locked up
Pick one and only one

While he's locking mother fuckers up (according to your narrative), can you lock up that Oprah Bitch, Hanson, most of those Walt Disney Pedo Employees, Nicolodean employees, Netflix Board of Directors, all of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX, ACLU, SPLC, Soros, Open Borders Fags, and ESPN? Those Mother fuckers! So tired, op. So tired.... LMAO.