Even Axl Rose understands forest fires better than Trump.
What a mess.
Even Axl Rose understands forest fires better than Trump.
What a mess.
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this guy is just begging for the Trump curse to strike
Jesus I wish people that I respect for their music would stay the fuck out of politics.
Also Immigrants and faggots
I thought California was a powerhouse that wanted independence not that long ago, what happened, can't California look after itself? I mean they go on and on about how they pay more in taxes than they receive in federal aid.
>Also California: We need to secede, big government is too much, we shouldn't be ruled by people on the other side of the country
>even axl rose
has an opinion. yes, everyone does
>forest fires caused by lack of funding
no, it was caused in the timbering days when acres at a time were clear-cut and the loggers planted a bunch of shit trees
Why would the federal gubmit be responsible?
They always brag about how their state makes biggest GDP/profit whatever...
>lack of federal funding caused forest fire
Liberal logic...
At least he doesn't break character
>Um ackshually
God damn Axl is an insufferable faggot. I hope somebody throws another rock at his next concert and it hits him in the eye.