Has anyone actually encountered a stereotypical subversive covetous Jew?
Has anyone actually encountered a stereotypical subversive covetous Jew?
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why would the muslim draw mohamad like that? i thought they were against it?
>must.. spend 7 trillion... for israeli ethnostate....
No. Irl, they don't actually screw you over either. People hate them because they're smarter than them. If you're a racial realist, this is something you have to accept as it is a known fact brought about by the conditions Jews faced in the Rheinland in the Middle Ages.
>No. Irl, they don't actually screw you over either. People hate them because they're smarter than them.
fuck off, rabbi
לך תזדיין
I'm sure it's just a a myth OP.
I saw a Jewish couple counting their money in public, but it's New York City, so I'm very open-minded.
most of them are like this, but since jews are a really dumb race, it's pretty obvious
that's why they very often don't tell you they are jews, so you are less aware
If the Jews are anything near as shrewd and diabolically genius as the fags on pol claim, then they should be in charge.
How can they control the world and be a dumb race at the same time? Is there an error in your NPC script or something?
Name one thing wrong with fighting absolutely insane conspiracy delirium.
My sister had a Jewish friend that subverted me into becoming a gay and fucking his ass.
Does that count?
Yes. Multiple times.
I no longer work for Jews or Arabs as a result.
I have a college professor that is both Jewish and a Marxist, and continually tries to subtly influence and persuade the class to his side.
Did you like it?
Had sex with one once and it gave me chlamydia. She new she had it but didn't tell me. God i hate those rynoplastic bitches.
if you had any intelligence you would've figured this out on your own, but i guess that's that
underground criminal organization without any moral or ethical boundaries can gain considerable power, using many ruthless means
that just mean they operate together and have economic resources from illegal or immoral activities, like usury and pornography and so on
jews are a perfect example of this, a large organization with immoral and dumb people that work together with one goal in mind
Used to know this Israeli-American guy who used to argue with me and a few friends all the time about various subjects.
He would complain about "racism" but would launch into various tirades about the inferiority and general scumminess of Whites, Arabs and Blacks etc. When it came to Jews he would play the eternal victim, when it came to other peoples he was all on the offence. He was genuinely oblivious to his own contradictory and hypocritical nature.
I actually would not be surprised if there is a common genetic trait within Ashkenazi Jewish populations that actually creates a self perception disconnect between what they think, say and do. You could say it's all part of some super secret cunning plot (I don't believe this at all btw) that all Jews are involved in that leads them to behave this way, but, if this was part of a secret plan, then why would it be so fucking obvious? Jews don't even make any effort at all to hide this behaviour. It's clear as day to the point that even complete cuck boys like Joe Rogan scratch their heads in genuine confusion when it comes to the general attitudes of Israelis and some of the weirder Jewish customs.
They seem to be psychologically incapable of hiding this and after they have rabidly spat venom at all other people, the moment someones turns around and says "ok, i'm going to draw a funny picture of you, how do you like that big nose?" they start screaming in agony and horror.
Pic related is an example of this possible mental glitch that is very frequent in Jews.
I am completely at a loss for rational explanation as to how this guy feels like a victim after saying something that was blatantly racist and hostile to Whites. He actually thinks HE is the victim and that other people are the problem. WOW.
Sorry, fired the post off a bit too quick.
>Pic related
Here's a deceitful Jew in action
They're here with us right now as a matter of fact, subversive cunts.
Another example of this strange blatant hostility.
>impossible to use your gift of IQ for evil
what sort moral equivocation is this?
Jews are the real problem guys
So they're dumb and shit but have the benefit of being evil, which is why they're able to control the world? Huh. Fuck, we really screw kids over teaching them morals and shit then. I mean the clear road to success is sociopathy. You can be subhuman dumb, and still control a fucking bank!
And another to illustrate the point that there is no shortage of this shit.
So he's like everyone else on Jow Forums when it comes to her personal race vis-a-vis the races of others...
But you're at a loss for rational explanation...
yes, you can be dumb as fuck and you can still control a cartel if you're ruthless and organized enough
that's how dumb jews operate, strength in numbers, deception, and criminal activities of all sorts
or you think that cartel members are smart too?
No. That's just an Internet meme. Some people take it too serious
every time.
just now actaully
Yeah, about half of the college professors in the US. I'm really not as hardcore against the kikes as the rest of Jow Forums, but I don't think Jews, Muslims, or any other inherently anti-western ideology should be allowed to reside in the western world. Jews, and Muslims both have their own religious states which they can go back to.
That Muslim is a rabbi. I’ve seen numerous times.
No really, I was really drunk at the time and he did not suck cock that good since he was kinda inexperienced, i actually really got turned on when he started lubing up his ass and then i just decided to cross the event horizon, once i was inside of him it was no different than fucking any other ass. However then after a few days it eventually dawned on me that I actually fucked another guy and got depressed, thankfully he never told anyone since he didn't want my sister finding out.
However as went by I not only stopped caring but even started to feel good about it and started getting turned on by femenine young bois. Then again a lot of guys in this board do so it may have not been that relevant to my sexuality.
The top level management of cartels are very smart, yes. Think about it you moron: you are in charge of a complex business operation larger than many fortune 500 companies, with the added pressure of having to evade customs, LE, etc.
Do you think life is like a FPS were you can just speedrun through it blasting anything that moves, and this is equivalent of intelligence?
oh yeah, being a classical musician they're literally EVERYWHERE and they're home in this circle, which is funny because they are literally playing the art music of the civilization they are actively trying to destroy.
Yes, every day at work. I'm an exterminator in NY and half of our customers are Jewish slumlords. They always opt for the cheapest, most ineffective treatments because all they need is an invoice saying the work was done to get code off their back. The never care about actually managing the pest problem and regularly try to haggle the price down. We've dropped multiple Jewish clients because they used to haggle and complain so much the girl in our office couldn't handle it. Most of them live in the city, hours away from the actual rental properties and never maintain the properties beyond the legal minimums, and usually bribe the code guys to let them get away with shoddy renovations and ongoing problems. Their tenants are mainly brown people so I don't mind too much but they're still extremely annoying and subversive.
>Christ killer kike
>invoking jesus against trump
maximum subversive
ITT Insecure white dudes who bought into islamic propaganda that Jewish people are out to destroy them when the reality is, white people caused their own genocide by allowing niggers and spics to breed rampant infestations and now they are outnumbered. Blame yourselves for being responsible child bearers in an irresponsible chaotic world full of animals. Jews didn't do shit but make a few shekels off of the populace. That's literally all Jews care about.
I was just asking to determine the answer to your question...you know...about whether you had ever met a truly subsersive jew. Sounds like you know the answer now!
Glad you had fun though!—and learned a valuable lesson in life to boot: "any ass feels like any other ass."
World peace is based on principles like that my friend. Which is why the Jews preach their heteronormativity through control of porn!
most cartel leaders aren't intelligent, they are just ruthless and manipulative, sociopaths
if you think that a cartel leader, who often couldn't even finish elementary school, are smart in the way a scientist is, then nobody can help you
if you think they have some sort of criminal intelligence, which is basically how an evil sociopath you are, then yeah, jews have that, they are good criminals, than doesn't make them smart at all, quite the opposite actually
No theyre very unconfrontational, being white doesnt help though a lot of races hate whites.
Not in the shekel-hoarding, hands-clasped as they cling to their sack-full-of-gold-coins way, BUT I work in a profession that is known for being predominately Jewish and the one stereotype that I've found to be 100% true is their overt nepotism.
typical liberal jew
I swear im the only one still browsing this shithole website thats noticed how many muslims post here. There's 2 billion of them and they all hate jews, do you think they would be attracted to this board?
You think that people who do way more in the world than you do are stupid but evil, whereas you are smart but good, which is why you are a loser basementdweller...but smart n'good.
Good Try Rabbi
Yeah typic jews and muslims are very similar you have to get them in a private setting so they can let out all the toxic, anti west ideals, its rather disgusting really just part of their customs.
oh, after being easily outsmarted, your only option is to insult people
see, i have just proven my point, you jews are dumb as fuck
lol, how pathetic, aggressive and dumb, very jewish
now fuck off, you're boring me with your stupidity
>So he's like everyone else on Jow Forums when it comes to her personal race vis-a-vis the races of others...
He didn't post on Jow Forums and no, he was not like Jow Forumssters nor like the other people there, who were not above admitting to having quite offensive views.
This guy legit thought he was an anti-racist, acted as if he was an opponent of racism, and when he got too frustrated he would start insulting other races and talking about Jews as if they were a superior people. The guys he would debate with wouldn't bother to deny that they could be cause racist because they would say "well, there's a lot of truth to racism" or "well, people are naturally quite racist". With this group, there was a lot of shit slinging between the different factions and unsurprisingly, every group thought they were the best, but only one faction had a problem admitting this dispute displaying all the signs to the contrary, and that was the Jews. This is one of their stereotypes and, answering OPs question, yes, I have encountered this.
It's hard to tell if you are trying to twist my words or genuinely struggling to comprehend the point here.
Shot in the dark, and be honest, are you of Jewish descent?
I don't know if they are attracted to the board or if they just found an awkward ally in white men. For all this talk about niggers not being responsible for their own lives it amazes me how many whites are willing to give autonomy of their lives to the Jews. As if Jews can actually stop them from getting a gun and executing one by one the jewish heads of media. White men are just as much of niggers as niggers at this point. Either do something or shut the fuck up. Crying about the "kikes" is literally the same shit as saying "white devil" if you were black.
Was the immigration act of 1965 just for the shekels?
It's outrageously common.
>(((verbal IQ)))
One study using 33 above average intelligent Jews vs 2000+ whites. Lol moron
My literal jew boss yelled at me for buying 2 50cent light bulbs that were supposed to come with the light one day usually a nice guy but don't come between him and his Jew gold LMAO
>nazis were jews
>Stupid goyim who doesnt understand the value of a shekel
I tend to agree with this
It's like God played a genetic joke out and its still going even after thousands of years
nope, it's a lame /pol meme
Denmark mentioned
I may be stupid, but I am evil as fuck. Now go jerk off to the porn I feel you to keep you an incel and extinguish your pathetic race.
No I'm not Jewish. I just have nothing against them and thing a lot of the prejudice is stupid.
And that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that Jow Forums is human nature laid bare. Everyone thinks their own race is superior but oppressed, while all other races are stupid/evil but benefit from some nefarious forces that keep them down.
You're a faggot
I have. Some dumb San Francisco mom who is overtly Jewish. Like can't have a conversation without her bringing it up. Fully believed Christine Blassey Ford even though that entire fucking case was a farce. Her high school daughter is even harder left leaning and delirious
Denmark is redpilled
Yes, I tried to leave but he followed me.
The Indians are the real con artists.
Yes. One instructor charged of giving us a course on algebraic topology during my master's was literally looking like Le happy merchant, exactly the same look. He (obviously) is a fucking kike and spends his time shilling "good books" for students to buy, spends entire course hours shilling them, and saying irrelevant shit - what he doesn't say is HE OWNS THE FUCKING PRINTING/EDITION OF SAID BOOKS - never disclosed it ever. And most books published there are utter garbage for 50-60eur each. I have many stories about this specific one being a turbokike that satisfies way more than needed Jow Forums stereotypes but that will get me doxed extremely easily, just revealing my country will make it very easy for a motivated autist to find who this guy is and who i am. The funniest part is that I did not know about Le happy merchant when i first encountered that kike, and when I've seen the drawing for the first time I thought that it was an actual caricature of this guy.
I had a professor pull the same thing; book was tiny and $160 too. I don't think she was Jewish though.
Holy fuck you just got clobbered and you’re trying to look tough. How can anyone be this much of a loser? Kys
Nah, the other guy was defending cartel members, what a cuck faggot.
>t. Rabbi Goldstein
Thank you for your reply.
So they evolve at an exponentially greater rate than any other people group?
yup, tried to recruit me in violation of contract, poisoned my customer against me when i turned down the offer
No, it was a historical circumstance and it only applied to Ashkenazi jews. Basically they were banned from owning land and working in almost every trade, but were exempt from usury laws because they were a major need for credit. So jews in the Rheinland got into banking. But, prior to the arrival of indo-arabic numerals, all interest, including compounding interest, had to be calculated by hand usual latin numerals. This is hard and you have to be smart to do it. Smart jewish men became successful, wealthy, and had larger families. After several centuries of this, Ashkenazi jews are now significantly more intelligent on average than other western europeans, which likely accounts for their success in nobel prizes, etc.
>"are you sure you're not jewish?"
>nervous laughter
>pic related
>he doesn't get the joke
Yes. 'Boss' who told me to do something then feigned ignorance when his boss asked about it so i got the blame.
Company shut down after and i stole thousands of dollars in cash and equipment though and he couldn't prove shit because the kikes in command were literally too miserly to install a real camera behind the till, it was one of those fake stick on ones.
He even tried to pull the 'admit it goy we have a camera and evidence!'
Yes, I have. They’re few in numbers but they’re actually able to assimilate with the loosely defined Jow Forums hivemind. This was never possible on this board, and it was especially impossible two years ago when jihadis were all over the news.
yes, i've encountered fake jew kike amalekites
and they screwed my life over. i forgive them
though, i'll not cry or dance if muzzies rape
them soon :-)
I worked for one, who had another as his accountant. Neither could help lying. The accountant told me never to to admit to companies that he was in the building. They dodged all debt until services were literally cut.
The owner was inept to an extreme, so it's hard to tell much about him. is son, though, 16 ish, was such a good kid. I wasn't even redpilled back then, but I knew he was going to be turned to shit from his family's influence. The owner was fucking the office manager behind his wife's back, the company constantly misplaced $10,000 products, and literally everyone in the warehouse was being illegally underpaid. I offered to sort that out, but I was asked by more than one of them not to make any waves, as they couldn't afford to lose the jobs. When I left I demanded backpay to cover the legal wage, or I'd make it FairWork's problem. I got that.
Yea, many. They tried to short my paychecks but I write my hours down so I got all my goybucks in the end. They also professed to wanting to genocide Palestinians. They didn't seem to hate whites though, but that was probably just an act.
They're just corrupt and stick together. Your talking points are shit.
Yes I have. He used to try to bait me into saying something "anti-semetic" but I hid my powerlevel while he admitted truth to more and more of what we already know about them.