It may be I'm just getting older, my T isn't as high as it used to be, but did women get really ugly in the last 10 years? When I was a teenager every other girl was just so fucking hot. Now they all look like gargoyles.
That's what I like about high school girls; I keep getting older, but they stay the same age.
Anthony Taylor
Julian Ramirez
Their nature has fallen so they’re exude what stimulates lust but lack what sparks love.
Lucas Clark
definitely but still at least in the 2000s you would see girls that at least tempted you towards 3D But now all the women I see are just "oh that's why I don't even try" tier.
It's something that the "manosphere" (pick up artists types and whatnot) has observed over time. Female testosterone levels are higher than they used to be, and more and more women decide to go "counterculture" and not try to appear attractive anymore. Also obesity.
Isaac Diaz
just LMAO at Trump losing. Looks like the establishment wins yet again. Will be absolutely hilarious in 10 years when Drumpf is rightfully recognized as literally Hitler, and all his supporters are put in extermination camps
that's the whole problem with this circus, at the end of the day the democrats will just say "we cheated, so what" and nobody will do anything.
Chase Gomez
We should really start playing nice with the left, it will help our public perception. Also, we should stop dabbing on the jannies, they are only here to help us. MAGA!
We've only scratched the surface of this investigation. We could spend all year looking into local elections and looking for evidence. The devil is in the data.
Asher Gutierrez
What's new tonight /ptg/? I don't believe Hillary will run again.
It's Jow Forums's fault for making janny submissions based on a million other things than just
>Hey, do you spend a shit ton of time on Jow Forums right? yes >Which board? [board name] >okay be a janny for that board >You know the rules right duh >Okay
Mason Perez
Fucking rased and bedpilled my dude Drumpf n stuff
Oliver Brooks
Both men and women have become uglier and uglier as time went on. Probably because of a combination of technology, corporate food and a less healthy lifestyle due to extended periods indoors (first with the TV, then with videogames and now with the internet). Pic related: A couple of college students in the 50s.
>Probably because of a combination of technology, corporate food and a less healthy lifestyle due to extended periods indoors (first with the TV, then with videogames and now with the internet). Ding ding ding.
Easton Johnson
I think someone might do something this time. It's going to be very obvious where the cheating has occurred. They think that they can get away with it again. I don't think so this time. Giving up now would be the safest course for them.
James Davis
You left out the higher degree of race mixing and non-whites.
>In a speech at New York University, he said he was elected as governor in September on a platform of blocking the plan but that the Japanese government is forcing the relocation” against the will of Okinawa's people.
>"I would like U.S. citizens, as well as Japanese citizens (outside Okinawa) to think about solutions and act together with us,” the governor said before an audience of more than 100 people.
>Tamaki has been urging the central government to move the Futenma base operations outside Okinawa. Tokyo and Washington have agreed to move the base's operations to the coastal area of Henoko in Nago from a densely populated residential area in Ginowan.
>His U.S. tour comes amid growing tensions between Okinawa and the Japanese central government following a decision late last month by the land minister to override Okinawa's withdrawal of approval for landfill work to build the replacement facility off Nago.
Checked. But race mixing is honestly pretty low here in America despite the decades of propaganda.
David James
Highschoolers lack tits, ass and general femininity of women in their 20s and 30s. The only thing anyone is attracted to about them are the instagram sluts and the handful of highschoolers who look like college girls.
Nathan Price
The degree of racemixing is 4.5% under 5 this very moment.
Ian Reed
>the TV >videogames >the internet Matrix when?
Leo Moore
Proof. Looking for proof.
Jonathan Young
How can they when they're outed for election fraud and treason?
The only way to make black attractive is to have some white in it
Hudson King
Let's just change the subject and get on with our lives, eh?
Eli Reed
cute, that's reeaaal cute. Looks like the dems get to steal as many senate seats as they want and god knows how many house races were won by dishonest means.
Whatever, fucking take it, Dems. Their the side with the balls apparently.
Gabriel Brown
I think it has to do with all of the drugs and alcohol, not sleeping well, not eating well, stress, and no pressure to take care of themselves generally.
Cooper Rogers
Trump AZ Oct approval 49 v 47 disapproval, a pr-Trump candidate would have won, crying over spilt milk - sure, but McSally was not the one & AZ deserve to get a Taliban supporting bisexual for not getting in someone who would be aligned with trump's policies. Doug Ducey may not have been the greatest Trump supporter, but he was an incumbent
Fug McDaniel and Hyde-Smith just made herself cute.
Julian Rodriguez
Not what I posted it's factual at a higher degree now then in the 50's no matter what percentage you post. Race mixing isn't just whites with non-whites, but includes any European mixing with a another European ethnic group. Anglo's are pretty ugly with mixing them.
Jonathan Lewis
kys fucking pathetic racist
Easton Ortiz
>dude the dems are totally fucked, we caught them cheating >has no evidence and will find no evidence because the dems will bury it 12 feet under and no media will report it save Breitbart, which no one believes
>let's keep the districts gerrymandered to favor dems but get rid of the ones that favor reps
This is how it works. Also notable how he's only going after red states. Utah is solidly red with 1 swing district, after this the swing district will probably be redrawn to be solid blue to benefit the Dems.
>but includes any European mixing with a another European ethnic group. this, im only having kids with a women from one of the 3 european ethnicities I am
Adam Williams
GOPe fucked McDaniel out of that seat in 2014 He should have been only one running
Connor Gray
has anyone told her she looks ridiculous making that stupid hand gesture in EVERY photograph?