Jesus fuckkk
Jesus fuckkk
I don't get it.
>Remnick was born to a Jewish family in Hackensack, New Jersey, the son of Barbara (Seigel), an art teacher, and Edward C. Remnick, a dentist.
>Newhouse was born Solomon Isadore Neuhaus in a tenement on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, the eldest of eight children born to Jewish immigrants.
Well that's a wrap, everyone go home.
So what?
Jews were the biggest victims of white supremacy so isn't it natural that they oppose it?
People of color walking into a fully white room.
Jews are the biggest victims of their own fucking actions.
>Jews were the biggest victims of white supremacy
[citation needed]
Anne frank and senpai
this, fucking liberals forget that the 90s happenned.
colored congressmen and women are not fucking new.
what should be is a picture of white men leaving a monkey cage
Beating a dead horse in the full sense of the expression.
Christian Russians were the biggest victims of Jewish authoritarianism, muslim slavers, and Mongols, so how is it natural that present day Russia is a normal place for all of those people to live?
the new yorker costs NINE DOLLARS now. jesus fucking christ. i can't believe that dog shit is still in business. no wonder liberals are poor. spend your money on avocado toast and activist propaganda.
People of color
>People of color
They all look like Jews.
What does that heart and one mean
Jews are the purveyors of color.
I love it.
I'm a commie by most people's standards,
But we have so much in common, including a shared hatred for liberals.
Not to mention Obama.
The black lefties that I follow online tend to agree with you.
they should make a pic of browns joining the elite who then proceed to fuck over everyone else like the "white" ones. You ever wonder why whites are getting fucked over even though we have "white" representation?
Why should Europeans accept this?
If the New Yorker thinks I’m going to hate those corrupt faggots in washing any less just because they added three women and a couple of pedo worshippers they are in for a big surprise.
Washington dammit, fuck those pedo niggers
sessions middle left
>the jew cries out in pain as it strikes you
>Jews were the biggest victims of white supremacy so isn't it natural that they oppose it?
European Americans allowed kikes into this country and gave them full legal rights, in return the kikes have waged a merciless ideological campaign of white genocide from the moment they got here. Maybe Jews are just evil parasites that are genetically programmed to destroy their host?
No, Chaim, nothing about you serpents is normal.