There is no evidence of voter fraud in Arizona

There is no evidence of voter fraud in Arizona

Any claims otherwise is damaging to our democracy

Attached: DrxTjpEX0AMYsNg.jpg (932x1024, 100K)

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Confidence deleted, kid fucker

Like the kids in school forming a circle and chanting "fight! fight!" I'm going to stand on the side of this and chant "Civil war! Civil war!"

Gonna need some proof on that faggot

Jeff Flake is a respected senator and if he says it, i believe it.

>"prove to me that there's no proof of electon fraud!"

Attached: cvbbmwwe4rzz.png (403x448, 53K)

Wow, is he the one sane individual left in the republican party?

>WOW. Massive reports of voting machines flipping votes. Everything is so insecure!! Investigate now!!!
their candidate is losing
>Questioning the results of our institutions and voting records is a direct attack on our democracy
when their candidate is winning or about to steal it.

how does anyone believe these faggots. they can't even keep their stories straight.

Can he be more of a cuck jesus christ.

He’s not in the party. He’s a turn coat faggot who will be dealt with the same as you.