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Other urls found in this thread:


AIPAC is blocking it for to save jews


The funny part is the GOP cucks would have won a sweep of the government if we had exposed the truth behind this ordeal. Democrats commit a treasonous act conspiring to overthrow a election via spying and espionage, and they still take the fucking house. Fuck this corrupt dumb fucking country and fuck Trump for not declassifying this shit before the midterms.

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Britain told him he's not allowed

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yeah what the fuck? why hang on to something like this?

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remember this?

Attached: Schumer - six ways.jpg (821x552, 112K)

then there's this

Attached: at what point.jpg (1000x667, 153K)

can't forget this

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and the biggest piece of shit kike cunt

Attached: Feinstein -more mass murders.jpg (1178x1168, 298K)

but even with all these AIPAC protects them using lots of money and Black Cube

Attached: AIPAC influence.png (972x2932, 2.02M)

So he's a pussy, basically?

So not only is Hillary not ever going to prison, shes now going to run in 2020?

Attached: Hillary Must Hang.jpg (573x558, 50K)

Say, for example, the prince of the royal family who are torturing children for Moloch paid your family a visit, told them they'd kill all your children and nuke your country if the truth about the WL files get out then rocked a certain hand gesture to signal back home that the message was delivered...

congress is in the pocket of AIPAC, a foreign lobby that isn't registered as a foreign lobby, they're the ones who run the country from the shadows

There's also the matter of dual citizenship holders in government too

Attached: Dual Citizenship fail.jpg (879x881, 180K)


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Sometimes you have to be willing to sacrifice everything to save anything

Satanists will be exposed and hung, checkem

Forgot pic again reroll

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people are so engrossed with the latest drama in the federal government that now they're annoyed by coverage of mass shootings.

It's almost like the mass shooting are false flags used to distract away from government corruption in order for the traitors to maintain their power.

checked and keked
>satanshits will descend

Attached: 1541811087136.png (417x526, 9K)

Digits confirm release at 11:11PM EST

t-minus 14 minutes, allahspeed


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calling in the release

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Trump and Melania aren't doing the double fingers. Interesting.

That's not what you think it is

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mueller's investigation is sweeping in israely foreign influence too

It seems like the only reasonable conclusions are that it's more useful as leverage, or there really isn't that much in the FISA and it's more useful as a way to rile up the base.

W~what message user?

Attached: gettyimages-602350068.jpg (770x513, 59K)


since the incredible delay i've come to the conclusion it's a van jones signature series nothingburger or it's amazing leverage

betting on nothingburger

>Will nuke Texas
t. Pedo Satanists

Attached: 1540688319688 (3).gif (600x338, 3.55M)

Digits at 11:11 and all will be revealed

>ער ווייסט

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Sorry, I don't read German.

I guess whatever the message was bothered

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It means "he knows" in yiddish. implying that De Blasio let Hillary know that Trump knows everything.

And what the fuck happened to Wikileaks bringing Hillary down if Trump didn’t do anything by October 21st? They’re all just fucking with us.

Glow knikker ??

This seems like it was a pretty significant day/gathering

Attached: images (11).jpg (259x194, 10K)

Interesting conjecture.

I've always wondered what was said.

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I can't wait for the arrests.

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Trump cannot release something (FISA) that doesn't exist in the first place.
I'd rather Trump's tax records be released anyway.

What are you talking about? Assange is a reliable source, and his next big leak will totally obliterate the Democrats, just like the last one and the one before that and the one before that.

This. All of this. And nothing BUT THIS.

he's dead.........................

I'm pretty sure the FISA warrants exist. Not necessarily for Trump, but he's got enough obvious glow-in-the-dark tovarischov around him that US glowboys would wind up with Trump campaign ops unless they actively exempted ALL Russian intel ops from surveillance. Even then they still might wind up catching him because it's not always clear who a glowboy's ultimate employer is.

That said, the fact that the FISA stuff hasn't been released says that the actual paperwork would convince people who currently support Trump that he's a traitor.

They've decided not to let him out of his suite until he showers, I think.

If he really is dead, didn’t he have a failsafe smoking gun kill switch that would activate? That would explain things a little bit. Maybe he sent the right people the right information and that’s why things have been so crazy lately. They’re working on getting the damning info out.

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No more.

I am finished here.

This is Qfan-tier excusemaking. For Assange's claimed failsafe to be useful for his claimed purpose, it has to send his dirt collection to EVERYONE. Quietly notifying a bunch of insiders about things makes it far too easy to cut a deal or silence the messenger.

If I, personally, was handed what I believed to be real proof of high-level wrongdoing within the US government? I'm burning a stack of DVDs with it, posting that shit to my Twatter account, giving my phone to a stranger and going on a long train ride around Europe giving discs to every intelligence agency that's not thoroughly Trumped. Crazy and disruptive to my life, risky as fuck? Yes. One hell of a lot less risky to my life than sitting on a secret that can be most effectively kept by killing me.