Angry White Male = Most dangerous animal on the planet

Why is the White race the most lethal, competitive, driven, ambitious, and dangerous race on the planet?

Do we simply have the best balance of aggression and IQ than other races and dominate them?

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Angry white males don’t seem to put up much of a fight. Feminists literally put more of their skin on the line to kill babbies than white men do to preserve their way of life... Jews are the most dangerous people. Every nation and identity in history has perished except the Jude...

>white many split the atom
>Einstein is white?

cannon fodder for the elite that used Western European countries as proxies to create their beast system dynasty. Anybody can be manipulated, Asians are seen as bottom of the masculinity totem pole yet the japs made the nazis look like schoolboys.

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>einstein split the atom
>burger (((education)))
Come on, user, you can do better.

J. Robert Oppenheimer probably would not want to be remembered for it desu. But are you really surprised at >burger (((education)))

Oppenheimer was Jewish too.

Actually it was German physicist Otto Hahn who discovered nuclear fission.

what movie is this screenshot from?

Got shylocked from the heavy water shipment.

No he didn’t lmao

Pretty sure Gladiator (2000), near the start.

I am become death.

Jewish man.

Time stamp

Ah fug that’s right. Cuckchan uses military time.

>Roman Legions

Romans, just like the Greeks, were, and are, Meds, not snowniggers.

If you want some Ancient whitoid ancient armies, you're thinking of the Gauls, Celts, Anglos, Vikings, etc.

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>the japs made the nazis look like schoolboys
and what did we make the Japs look like?

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We used to be, before the kikes successfully domesticated us and turn us into soulless cattle with no self-preservation instinct.

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You're wrong, user. It's the Chinese.
Niggers think in the Now.
Spics think about tomorrow.
Whites think about their old age.
Jews think about the next generation.
The Chinese are thinking about their impending galactic empire.

You cannot fathom the cultural mindset of empire which pervades Chinese society.

The final battle for true control of Earth will be between the white man and the Chinese.

White men have historically been slow to anger. But when they do get pushed that one inch too far... Crusades, Inquisitions, Sun Never Sets, World Wars... We're almost there. Not quite but a few more pokes with a sharp stick and it'll be on again.

We can go for centuries doing nothing but fucking around minding our own business till somebody has to pull some stupid shit and we crush them.

They're the USSR of Asia except with an even longer cultural history of civil wars and eating each other. PRC is a dying state, desperately scrambling around to trying and grasp something that's not Western to keep them afloat, and the extent of their military ambition is to graduate from being a regional power by taking control of the island chains so they can actually defend their mainland somewhat.

>Do we simply have the best balance of aggression and IQ than other races and dominate them?

Pretty much. But the (((special people))) are just using us as their slaves until they demographically erase us. At some point something might trigger us and we'll get race conscience and get aggressive again, but not at the status quo.

never heard of mongols then.... haha

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Snow niggers are not white. Only Italians are white.

Its actually our high empathy. It allows us to understand the toll of human suffering other races will inflict in the world if they are in charge and inspires us to annihilate them to make sure we are on top.

The jews on top?

The asians on top?

The arabs on top?

The africans on top?

Does anyone want to live in any of these worlds? Or do you want to live in a world with whites on top?

The Norsemen were by no means ancient.


Intelligence is the most brutal form of strength.


It's our birth rate/survival rates past age 6, plus our cultural norms of honesty and respect before either is earned.
It's our willingness to labor for people we will never meet.
It's our sun-rise to sun-set work ethic that makes a 60 hour work week.

Lol damn...thats so fucking savage.

Like warriors the burger mutts feared so much you nuked them. lmaoing at your shitty bravado.

Still listening to your harrowing stories of a Air to Sea missile sinking a freighter to save an Island.

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>Shield wall phalanx

Mongols crushed villages on horseback. Theyve never met the might of a worthy army and population. They were able to take advantage of small populations of farmers and villagers...basically gook vikings.

I was speaking from the standpoint of Western countries in general, not specifically America.
Also those weren't nukes, just regular bombing like what you did to Germany

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>Oppenheimer was Jewish too.
Oppenheimer is debatably honorary

Confirmation bias.
What part of the world hasn't had war?

Dominate what? Your women are getting fucked by niggers in your home country, RIGHT NOW.

Stupid enough to get violent, smart enough to know when and how

campfire marshmellows

>Why is the White race the most lethal, competitive, driven, ambitious, and dangerous race on the planet?

Well, we are most likely to invest a fucking race of dangerous sentient robots. There is a reason both Terminators were cast as a fucking white guy. Then the absolute most dangerous terminator was a cis white female...


We calculate risk. We are the worlds greatest gamblers. Nig r 2 stoopid n fly off da handle too quik. Chinks are waaaay to cautious.

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The asians ponder what they've already learned, while whites improve on what they have

There is a lot of truth to this passage. Non-whites really do feel inferior and humiliated, which motivates many of their beliefs.

what a great video

>The Chinese are thinking about their impending galactic empire.

Lol every gook I meet thinks in the here and now and is reactionary. They are fantastic mimics but have little innovation. This is why they caught so quick, but can't seem to quite advance beyond the west. If they continued at the rate they were going they would be well beyond us.

>Jews think about the next generation.
They don't think beyond tomorrow. They are excellent short term adapters and will exploit trends ruthlessly.

That's it

their spirits are so broken we had to unshackle them ourselves.

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>The Chinese are thinking about their impending galactic empire.

Except they aren't.

>The final battle for true control of Earth will be between the white man and the Chinese.

This is true, but not because the Chinese are greater visionaries than Europeans.

>Be White man
>Conquer and dominate all corners of the globe.

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it's a combination of factors, breddy gud tho

user I seriously don't know where you're coming from with this.
>Birth rate/survival rate
Whites are failing to meet the replacement birthrate at the moment.
America has one of the worst infant/mother mortality rates in the first world. We also die exceptionally early due to heart disease
>labor for someone you'll never meet
How is this a positive? Schlomo thanks you.
>work ethic
Japs are lmaoing at your puny 60 hour work week.

In fact, I think every single thing you said there is beaten by Japan. Try again.

Still have to conquer the jews. Crafty little rodents.

>Angry white males don’t seem to put up much of a fight. Feminists literally put more of their skin on the line to kill babbies than white men do to preserve their way of life... Jews are the most dangerous people. Every nation and identity in history has perished except the Jude
Yeah. That sure does seem to be the case. There's not much hope for White males at this point.

The only reason we lose is because there is no white racial consciousness. In the end, It won't just be jews trying to prevent us from collectivizing it will be all races. It is in the best interest of other races that we are completely atomized.

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>White men have historically been slow to anger.
I have been hoping in recent years that this is the case; that we have a lot left in the tank. Otherwise, it's looks pretty bleak for White males.

It's largely indoctrination from birth as well.

Whatever fault is at play in our ((government)), it's doing a very good job at keeping the beast from waking up.

Thailand, Japan and Korea are the only Asian countries that have never been colonized by Western man. Why? Especially Thailand.

so far they're succeeding at destroying western civilization.

what happens then when the jew out jews himself

fuck chinks. they're literal insects.

and their military is a fucking joke

based Japs and Zipperheads

Dude, cmon, you're the US' bitch, they wrote your constitution.

If you look at a map of how many times the Muslims have invaded Europe and then look at a map of how many times Europeans have invaded the Middle East, you'll realize that when the whites get pissed off, serious, historically significant shit is about to happen.

Hell, 104 years ago, some fucking Serb cunt Nationalist was pissed that he was part of some jack-off with a shitty beard's Empire.

Proceeded to shoot his son and his Sons pregnant wife and sparked two major world conflicts and caused a 60 year long Cold War that could've ended in our annihilation at any point.

Which caused the downfall of:
Germany in general (74 years old)
British Empire (500 years old)
Ottoman Empire (600 years old)
Imperial Japanese Empire (79 years old)
Autro-Hungarian Empire (51 years old)
The Russian Empire (196 years old)

One pissed off white guy shaped the last 104 years of history all because he was fucking pissed.

Imagine what a million or more pissed of whitey's are capable of.

I'm not a White Supremacist either, if you peer into History, you'll see just how true all of this is.
Its terrifying

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Thailand had a very strong unified government and thus European powers couldn't corrupt it as they did other nations in Asia.

They aren't. I'd rather have 3 white men attack me than a single Gurkha although I'd prefer no one attacked me.

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>Do we simply have the best balance of aggression and IQ than other races and dominate them?
We happen to be really good at abstract thinking, which planning and strategy requires a lot of.
>Angry white males don’t seem to put up much of a fight
Angry white males have shaped the world.
>Jews are the most dangerous people
Playing a team deathmatch and convincing the other team that it's a free for all makes you dangerous, until they know. And then comes the shoah.

These guys have to the the most lethal people to ever exist.

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The traits you listed are why they want us dead. The Jew can never compete on the even playing field.

Altrough history, nobody was able to destroy the white race and to conquer Europe.

Are we the most retarded race though? Now with all the knowledge and education, we just let ourselves conquered.

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>grenade blows up in his hand
>kills 31 japs with his other hand

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So lethal than a single sniper (that can't hit a man standing in the open) pins his whole company (80 to 150 men) down and this dude has to do all that shit by himself.
I'm impressed by 1 and disappointed by 149, overall rating? Shit.

>Playing a team deathmatch and convincing the other team that it's a free for all makes you dangerous, until they know. And then comes the shoah

This is the ticket. Jews aren't dangerous unless they use cloak & dagger because they're tactically weak. However, they so utterly inhumanely dishonest and slimy that they can trick anybody into thinking they're innocent. They have the collective soul of a brooding woman.

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>Proceeded to shoot his son

Was his nephew, not his son though. The Kaiser's son shot himself much earlier in Mayerling incident.

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There were no companies of Gurkhas. He would have been on of few among other British soldiers.

Alright I was mistaken about that, Im sorry

Short answer yes long answer its complicated

>not china
begone kike.

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No prob, just a minor detail ;)
Would have headed for war anyway, monarchy was tearing itself apart slowly. Funnily, the old Archduke may have been the only one willing to do political reforms. Fate is ... funny.

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>not the mongols
>not the japs

begone, mike

They also see surrender as the ultimate cowardice. That's why they try to kill enemy troops who have surrendered.

If you can think of a more lethal group of people lemme know.

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>muh whitey alpha make
Sit the fuck down Gomer. You are going to wake your mom up.

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me and my crew are rdy and waiting !

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Wow you are such a conquer that a bunch of brownies fucking a lot beat all your mightiness.

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History is very interesting actually

Angry white male = My Ass
>soon yours kids will be blacked by the grace of lord shiva
>and your daughter will worship cows

>If you can think of a more lethal group of people lemme know.
If killing prisoners of war is how you measure braveness and lethality, I can think of plenty of shitty terrorist groups like isis.
If it's not surrendering, same, let's go with suicide bombers.

I'd say war efficiency could be measured by more logic metrics, a ratio of land/resources gained with soldiers/resources lost, duration of the conflict should also be taken into account.
Heroic stories about lone warriors are good for morale and propaganda but even if true, wont determine the outcome of a war, or even a battle. The so called "beast of normandy" inflicted 2000 casualties on omaha beach, but the germans still lost.