Hello! Do you think I have a chance?
I’m a white male.
Hello! Do you think I have a chance?
I’m a white male.
yeah, send a picture of your last paycheck and one of your dick
>let’s make some cute Elliott Rodgers together
It’s a trap
You are a pathetic retard. Just because you fuck her doesn’t mean you’ll knock her up. Enjoy dying alone.
I know you were trying to be funny but this is just sad
Would go on date with.
reported for being off topic, enjoy your ban
so cringey.
Thread already delivers.
>hides her face with a paperbag
ABORT ABORT, something is fishy
>we share a board with people like this
A thread died for this.
I think you got this nailed bro her panties are probably gushing right now tbqh.
send her this
asian girls are perfect
It wasn’t supposed to go this way
Tell her Elliot Rodger is a compliment
yawn fucking kill yourself retard.
holy shit user. memes aside you actually have a chance now. dont fuck this up
she is perfect
the black man is the epitome of masculinity
Tell her user, save the west.
that tittie tho
This is the cringiest shit I've seen in quite a while. Congratulations.
Now please kill yourself, it's for your own benefit.
What in the absolute fuck
Cute little girls are not for that.
What the fuck...
>tfw some autist gets a qt onnanoko to respond to him on tinder
>I can't get anyone to respond to match me let alone respond to me
>this faggot fuck is going to blow a change that I would kill for just to make a retarded thread
>[Speech 100]
Lol. You won best thread of the day.
based user. tell her ユキさん可愛い!日本大好き
She wouldn't spell her own Japanese name in katakana, faggot.
And thats why you never will you autistic beta.
Learn to be a chad and not give a fuck like OP
You better not fuck up OP. GO IN HER NOW!
not OP but just used this
Congrats OP. You made me want to crawl inside of my own skin. And you've still got a better chance at getting laid that me.
Your journey ended before it even started.
Also politics
Expectations: subverted
Fucking degenerate.
>Race mixing
>Yes you have a fucking chance, the U.S. at this point is all about fucking race mixing, muttland... home of the ethnically replacement, home of the once brave...
just look at all that autism
Here’s my profile for reference
>getting mad at an obvious shitposting thread
Come on now.
fucking KEK
It's not even a meme anymore. The American Revolution was unironically a mistake.
Fucking kek
How attractive would you rate yourself?
Based and nip pilled.
Bumping for interest, good luck OP
Because it's pointless and takes away from genuine threads like discovering how the negress in Broward country is stealing the election.
My ethnic identity is American. I am pure bred.
You'll need a few electroshock therapy sessions first. I recommend bathing with your toaster, should liven you right up for her.
Dear diary,
Today, OP was not a faggot. In fact, OP was quite based.
God bless this man.
Well I hope she likes honesty
Tell her he's an American hero.
All jap girls do that in japan
Post a face pic so we know what the attractive comparison scale is. Im doing research on how much a man can get away with if he is good looking
This thread delivers. Thanks OP.
Half the women using this shit in Tokyo don't even have photos of themselves, just random images of vacations they went on and food.
This just screams Nigerian honeypot stabbing.
Your fucked dude she's a foreigner she won't get jokes but on the other hand she'll be really easy if you're approachable but considering the level of autism you've already displayed (posting your tinder convo on a politics section of a japanese anime imageboard) you're fucked sorry.
muh dick
what the fuck is he doing to her i cant tell if hes molesting or beating her
This is obviously a lure to get you in and before you know it you're either going to get your organs harvested or buttfucked by a bunch of genghis khans. Eitherway your ass is fucked.
Whats your full bio it seems funny as
wait no nevermind hes definently raping her
Molesting them. Looks like he's kissing them on the mouth.
I wanna huff Hibari's pussy vapors through her sweaty bloomers.
Yeah, that's how you get your kidneys harvested.
Your "research" will be nothing but subjective opinion based on anecdotes retard
Fine. Take my face and judge for yourself. idgaf
UPDATE: She hasn’t responded
Might write “please respond” soon. I’m getting desperate
alpha as fuck
She obviously doesn’t know much English
As the rebellion was fuelled by taxes going from 1% to 3%... now there around 20-30% federally, nowadays if I'm not mistaken - with very little if any gun control back in colonial times -- however, if you colonists were to remain with the Kingdom of Great Britain, do you think you'd be your own thing away from Canada, or would there just be some form of Greater Canada or something?
don't be desperate, faggot, wait for her to respond, stop being a pussy
>it's just a compliment
desu not bad user, not bad.
She’s lurking this thread
Next time you should letothers roll if you want a funny thread
Gross jungle chink
you look like randy stair
Honestly you're kind of cute, the type that Amazonian Women love to treat you like boytoy.
What's the rest of your Bio based user?
Fucking Pete Wentz