"Its Okay To Be White March"

Email Patrick Little for more information on the march and if you guys would like to take part in it!
People of All races are allowed to take part in this process of trying to expose the Jewish tyranny in our society. TAKE A STAND AND JOIN THE MOVEMENT FOR A BETTER TOMORROW!

Attached: Patrick-Little.jpg (899x880, 76K)

What if you're mixed race?

Are you mixed with the Jews?

Fuck off with your psyop punching bag "candidate".


>Do not alter the message
>There is no phase two
Anyone who deviates is a shill. Patrick little is a shill. He is an enemy of white people by trying to co-op the message.

I thought there was no stage 2

Then one of your parents has a VERY low self-esteem.

There is no Step Two
>There is no Step Two
There is no Step Two
>There is no Step Two

>email Patrick little

Attached: D285C697-A624-4AB3-9AC7-AB4C00180DF8.png (640x1136, 63K)

so we have a joint venture between Little and IOTBW autists?

or is it more of a merger?

Actually they are both rich and very happy

4% jewish


Patrick Little is a spook. His job is to get you in the streets where you can be identified. Please recall what happened with Richard Spencer. These are pied pipers and nothing more. Controlled opposition.

Post up those IOKTBW signs all day but ignore this controlled opposition loser.

No, it is a kike shill trying to co-op the message and ruin it's effectiveness. He is the enemy. This is worse than Milo selling IOTBW shirts on his website.

Hes a glow in the dark shill trying to poison the message of its okay to be white forever.

Somebody needs to encourage leftists to remove him with a dox or something so he becomes a martyr before screwing things up for everyone

Don’t forget phase 2. The posters are still up from yesterday’s raid.

This guy is a Jewish psy-op. Always was. And still is. Jow Forums should ignore him. He speaks in the most autistic way -- blurting out statistics as if people are truly motivated by his autism. Guy is probably FBI. And Jow Forums fell for it


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Fuck you bitch

user you're already on a list as am I, but mainly I'm already candid in real life on my beliefs, so I have nothing to lose by doing this. I assume there are many people in the same position. Pat names the Jew, Richard does not. Should you join if you have a 100k+ a year job that could be lost? No

gtfo kike

Can you elaborate on how he is poisoning it?

Oh boy count me in!!112

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There isn't. Anything trying to be "stage 2" is a psy op.

>come get your ass kicked on camera then doxed, goyim
Fuck off, glowie.

Fuck you Patrick. I put my ass on the line and put up an it's okay to be white poster tied to my identity for school, because I believed it was right and morally defensible. It's going to be a lot harder to defend myself when it's okay to be white is openly associated with you. You're actively trying to undermine white identitarianism because you're a dirty kike plant. Fuck you. I hope you get raped by a bear

the entire idea is to expose npc anti-whites by eliciting an over the top reaction to the simple phrase 'it's okay to be white'
Patrick Little is attaching his autistic anti-semitism to it.
Now, the mainstream anti-white media can drone on about how horrible and anti-semitic Patrick Little and the 'It's Okay to be White' "Movement" are, making it harder to redpill normies

Eternal BUMP for BASED Patrick Little thread

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All pro white events should be attended by as many people as humanly possible.

JEWS want to make it about race.
If you an american citizen,
and sick of your country being shit on by Jewish agenda's (like open borders, degeneracy, and nepotism favouring JEWS above everyone else),
then MARCH.

Attached: jews rape kids.jpg (4032x3024, 1.79M)

This is going to backfire horribly you dumb cunts.
Patrick Little? That spook's going to wave around Jews Rape Kids signs and associate It's Ok To Be White with that.

>user you're already on a list as am I
I might be on a list but the right people are in control of it.

You're misunderstanding one of many warnings in this thread. Patrick Little does not believe what he says. He plays the role of "naming the Jew" to lure your outdoors. The people who pay him then name YOU. He is acting just as Richard Spencer does. He's not your guy. If anything, he serves to weed out the idiots who believe he's anything other than a left wing actor.

This man looks like glownigger
>Goes full 1488 in fucking commiefornia, literally most pozzed place on the planet where he guaranteed to get no support
>Attempts to steal IOBTW meme which has proven itself extremely effective in its pure simple form without being connected to anything
>Nobody attempted to interfere with him in any way

>wave around Jews Rape Kids signs
>Dont expose the truth
Israel is the human trafficking and organ traffacking capital of the world

"It's Ok To Be White" was always just a stepping stone to expose Jewish hypocrisy.

no need to go outside just vote for him. he got 18,000 votes in the California primary

>Patrick Little is attaching his autistic anti-semitism to it.
Do you agree kikes are ruining the world and all need to be gassed? Genuinely asking so I know if you're a shill or not.
>Now, the mainstream anti-white media can drone on about how horrible and anti-semitic Patrick Little
They already call the IOTBW posters racist though.


Again, this comes down to whether the person is retarded or not. If you need to hide your power level, then don't go out in public. If everyone you know and work with, already knows you want to kill every kike on Earth, then you have nothing to fear.

>Goes full 1488 in fucking commiefornia, literally most pozzed place on the planet where he guaranteed to get no support
>Attempts to steal IOBTW meme which has proven itself extremely effective in its pure simple form without being connected to anything
He's not "Stealing it" he's using it. What changes by Pat Little using it?
>Nobody attempted to interfere with him in any way
He's been massively censored and deplatformed.

I'm all for this retard luring people outside of their basements to be identified and ridiculed publicly, but unfortunately no one will participate, just like in unite the right 2 that attracted only 20 inbred nazis.

You should do it late at night so people can see your glowy ass glowing down the street ya glowy.

Please andrew dodson 2 :)

This is rather pathetic... all the shills have is 'it's bad optics' and 'I'll expose myself.' The jews are openly doing to whites what they did to the germans in the Weimar republic and all the shills have is 'I'll be seen.'
Pathetic. Name the Jew. Be proud of who you are. The time has come.

Please go on one of these protests :)

look kikes and their shills and jealous trumpcucks attacking one of the only people actually doing something to save us from jewish tyranny

Nice try Goldsperg

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