Are we wrong?

What if WE are the real NPC's? Have we had it backwards the whole time boys?

Attached: 1539224085448.jpg (360x360, 8K)

Fuck off kike.

npcs wouldnt think that much

No, retard. Only NPCs don’t get the meme. You can say a lot of things about the people on Jow Forums. You can call some schizophrenic, maybe others retarded, but they’re not NPCs. I’m pretty sure you have to have an inner voice to come up with the shit people on here say

I voted for Trump, but I can't support...
Us white white people need to take responsibility for...

npc's could not comprehend the question you just asked
what this guy said

the black man is the epitome of masculinity

Attached: 1black-fat.jpg (540x540, 22K)

yes you are. the inner monologue you hear is just the program running inside your brain

Is Trump Canadian?

No you fucking retard