AZfag here
Do we have a senator yet? Did this lesbian roastie slut win or did /ourgirl/ McSally win?
AZfag here
Imagine the mudflaps on that sow, suuuuuiii!
I don’t even care anymore
This image always comes to mind whenever I see someone type 'roastie' on here
its all so tiresome
i think of the Arby's logo
what i wouldn't give for one of those old metal office desks
Blackpillers are weaklings, faggots, and jews in disguise
i thought the line in the stairs was a trail of something at first
gotta wonder what the hot sauce is for
>Now pull it out and start jacking off for me. Jack yourself for mommy.
don't think we'll know until Wednesday, that's when all the votes have to be in. Sinema has a good lead but supposedly lots of votes from McSally-leaning areas have yet to be counted
God if she started exercising she would slim down and be really fun to fuck
>t. toasty roastie
>t. roastie
only closing the meat curtains can defend against the internet hate machine
This cunt will win, but not fairly. There are talks about voter fraud here in AZ too. Same as FL, CA, and GA. And all of you faggots will just grab another beer and sit your fat asses on the couch and watch. You'll take it, like the good little bitches you are.
The only fraud is committed by republicans.
>It's all one sided
Sure thing, kiddo. The voting system has been broken for decades, and you still wanna play partisan hack.
That's right niggers. Let this thread die, just like our republic.
No fuck you there may be hope for Arizona left, I won't leave my land of the guns even if a million lefty faggots come.
Toastie roastie is mad that she can be replaced with a fleshlight and memory foam pillow
Republicans happily voted for her to spite the President over McCain.
We're also getting our first Dem Secretary of State in forever.
When I moved here Janet The Dyke Napolitano was the governor and joined the O admin, Brewer replaced her and was BASED AF.
Too bad Brewer didn't run for the Senate seat.
Just find a surplus office furniture store man.
>I won't leave my land of the guns even if a million lefty faggots come.
I'm with you on that one.
I miss Brewer.
Jan Brewer was before I got into politics. Was she really that based?
Yes. Read the history.
McSally will never look at you like this OP.
McSally can sit on my McFace
Right. We need a Senator, not a SJW roastie.
You must have a fetish for power.
And to my earlier point: voter fraud is a problem on all sides, not just a single party. I was being genuine. Something should be done.
Brewer was seriously great, in a way we went backwards with Ducey but his brand of Republicanism is more compatible with the state right now.
McSally's would be too if the McCains didn't decide to throw her under the bus because Trump is President. Cindy McCain took a big fat shit on her at her own rally in Prescott last week.
Hopefully the Rs that voted for Sinema will also try and hold her feet to the fucking fire in the Senate, especially when it comes time for the next SCOTUS appointment.
Those hips