Races of Europe

The races of Europe.
>All newly arrived immigarntes not included
>Shitskins in Russia not included
>Mutts of dubious ancestry do not fit with the wider trend and therefore not included
>Everything painted white is shitskin land

Attached: РассоваяКартаЕвропы.png (282x215, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: west aryan.jpg (500x473, 18K)

East nordic

Attached: east aryan.jpg (1000x1000, 40K)


Attached: Med bull.jpg (425x600, 40K)

Semite and European mix

Attached: polack.jpg (801x1024, 379K)

Asian and european mix

Attached: 1.jpg (450x322, 16K)

Mostly Asian

Attached: Subhuman hohol.jpg (675x767, 77K)

sorry, kid.
but there's only one european race, me.

Attached: ancestry.png (1192x928, 69K)

>Britain in Mediterranean
u wot m8

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