Honorary Jews you respect?

We have to understand that not all Jews are cunts. Who are some honourable jews you respect? People who expose the control of the masses by the fellow brethren. Pic related is Brother Nathaneal who converted to orthodox christianity. He questions the Holocaust and critises Israel and jewish media control.


Another repectable Jew is Benjamin Freidman who exposed the secrets behind ww1 and ww2.


A few others are Bobby fisher, david cole, norman finkelstein, emil maurice etc.

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Why must all e-celebs look like utter retards? Is there a rule that says you must do stupid grimaces, have catchphrases, and dress like a complete moron (what the fuck is that guy on that image even doing)?

Pick one


>We have to understand that not all Jews are cunts.
No we don't.

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Imagine watching this guy's videos. He looks like a textbook jewish plant masturbator, and is dressed like a PRIEST.

Only BroNat, who isnt a jew anymore since he's a Orthodox Christian.

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Very few, but they do exist.

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Congratulations, You've got jewed by the libertarian meme. Here's your honorary fedora hat:

Libertarianism is inherently and fundamentally left wing. Both neocons and libertarians accept and agree with the core liberal framing that the individual is prime.

The conservative, however, disagrees. To the conservative, the molecule of society, the smallest possible unit of civilization that still retains at of the qualities and traits of civilization, is the family, not the individual.

(quoted from one ancient redpill)

>Libertarianism is inherently and fundamentally left wing.
How can this be an argument? I don't fuch¡king care if you sai right or left is just a given name. Also you cannot classif every existing ideology between right or left, it's just stupid.
Also to clarify that Ayn Rand wasn't libertarian but is usually read by the most conservative people.

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Stephen Miller, Howard Bloom, weev, this bitch.

Also, like Hitler, Trumpet Man was right about everything. If you don't respect the silence that serves as the foundation of creativity, you're a sucka.

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He's right bro. What we commonly call the left/right divide, to be simple, is just an opposition between tradition and (((modernity))) in all its forms, authoritarian or libertarian. You got super jewed.

Herr Weiner

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Strictly speaking, US parties is left populism:
- democrats is populist left, buying votes by breeding/importing brown hordes, it's an exchange for welfare, at the same keeping nigga down, the carrot shall stay in front of the carriage. all cancerous outcomes seem intentional, pure exchange of money for power
- republicans is individualism, or liberalism (the stereotypical ayn rand "conservative") which generally serves money interests of robber barons only now.

Both descend from liberal, individualist left tradition which now reached cancerous proportions in the US, as it was always the country on the forefront of it.

Real traditionalism (i guess the word "conservative" is now tainted) is long gone since the 70s, except for some parts of asia.

Europe, oddly enough, didn't suffer as much as it had some remmants of aristocratic tradition (even if token), which evolved into
a strong system of collectivism. So it turned more left, but also authoritarian in economic sense (super high taxes).

I listened to this Crystal interview on WTF recently and was pretty moved at times. A real mensch.
I'm very thankful to have a Jow Forums and alt-right filtered insight into Judaism, the Talmud, Zionism, Israel, et cetera, but (perhaps naively) I still respect a lot of Jews, or even admire them. What little I've learned about Judaism might even be worthwhile spirituality, although I know there's a lot to condemn or point to, now, that is pedophilic, racist and even worse.
Maron is a fuckstick liberal cunt, but I don't believe he's entirely evil-just not 'woke' to MAGAritaville potential, like a majority of Americans (and the vast majority of cultural or religious Jews, I'm sure).

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Alda isn't jewish. He's italian.

weev is a glow in the dark ciafag

I enjoy Bro. Nathaniel's rants when I hear them. I should take the time to listen to more of them...

jews larp as communists and facists they are evil
only the Asian anarchist is pure from jewry debate me

>leaving Isreal aside

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Not from what I see from an 'Alan Alda Jewish' Google search.

That orthodox priest isn't a Jew anymore, he converted to orthodox Christianity.

>MAGA am i rite guys?

Fuck of t_d scum

Howard Bloom was a joke when she decided to do the thing from the past fews week

Impressive. You can type but you can't fucken read.

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what's the underscored word supposed to spell out? Turd? Talmud?
what's wrong with MAGA, anyhow, you australian nigger?

Nathanael is mentally ill.

Personally I respect jewish physicists and engineers like Richard Feynman

I guess you're right. His wife is Jewish, I see.
Oh, well. One less Jew to admire, I guess.

Fuck off and kill yourself you glaring faggot fucking newfag fucking magapede nigger

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Saying that an entire and complete group of anything is absolutely good or shit is something that liberals do. There are kikes like Nathanael who are decent people just like there are niggers and shitskins that are honest and hardworking, they may be an incredibly tiny minority within their race but they do happen.

basic jew lookup 101 user.
it's all on wikipedia under 'family and early life'
worst case, you scroll to the bottom footer

When jew tries to out-jew other people in purely academic field other than finance, the outcomes can be supremely beneficial. Math, physics and computer science definitely work - that's why soviets built special "research" gulag towns just for those.

But even in those fields kike can revert his nature and do the inevitable damage - in physics, Edward Teller was the kike who aggresively pushed for h-bomb and cold war arms race, the niggers of Bikini whose homeland was vaporized were especially not amused.

Or countless jews in computer science, where they figured they could connect harmless e-peen contests into the standard combo of making money & subverting society in the process (think people like Zuck).

Very few, but indeed Bro Nat is one of them. Christ, technically. Bobby Fischer of course. That Frame Games dude, though i think he got shoah'd, he was a good soul mostly.

I'm sure there's a couple I'm forgetting, but indeed "le based joo" is a rare and elusive creature, compared to the majority. Shame they're not all like this and it's another shame that good men like these will unfortunately have to be lumped in with the rest of that god awful race.

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>Having this implicative picture saved to your hard drive

You should be hanged.

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>agree with the core liberal framing that the individual is prime.

Even Hitler agrees to this in mein kampf. Is he liberal too?

Individualism is fine and possible even preferable in a racially homogeneous society that has safety-rules/restrictions in place to prevent any individual from destroying the lot and to help keep the group within a certain framework.

At the moment individuality is a massive detriment and anyone who advocates is with zeal ala peterson and co. deserve to be shot like the traitors they are, blind to reality. They bring more harm than good.