How did you discover Jow Forums?

How did you discover Jow Forums?

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Your mom told me about it.

Read a normie news article about Shia's flag hide n seek shenanigans.
Found /pol. Found /b. Stayed for the world happenings on /pol and rekt threads @ /b.

Was lurking for hentai with dogs and elves, got to russian 2ch /d equivalent, from there went to /b and Jow Forums’s /b. It was straightforward from there.

fuck off newfag

You too?

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I was here before it existed the first time when moot killed it and hastily reversed his decision when the entire site became /storefront/

>first remove the jew
>humanity free from debt slavery
>then to the stars

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be honest cunts, when did you arrive in this shithole?

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I forget how, but I came across encyclopedia dramatica and it made me rofl. Not long after I found /b/. Left. Came back to shitpost on /b/ but it became worse than it was before, and that's saying something. Found pol and now lurk for both happenings which are ahead of news cycles and an addiction to intermittent dopamine rewards from clickbait. Fuckin internet. Need rehab or some shit.


gonna post some classics

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I was intrigued by the digits gets circa the 2016 election, the memetic magick vids...then, pol came to the radar when Pizzagate was starting to pop off following Wikileaks and Podesta e-mails, et al. I had to find another digital sandbox to play in from conspiracy forum hiatus/sabbatical, and got more and more engrossed in Jow Forums. Now I'm fucking obsessed, and have resigned to the fact that white European men or a center to right of center sensibility are essentially in a soft war (at least currently) against most everyone else (spearheaded, of course, by a Jewish synagogue of Satan and other Luciferians/political Zionists).

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1st or 2nd year at uni. So its 2006 or 2007


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In 2004 or 5 my runescape friend told me his older brother went to this place called Jow Forums specifically this board, but told me it was a serious secret and not to post because i was a newfag idiot.

I was told to "go back to Jow Forums faggot" so i came here and havent left since.

Already knew of Jow Forums, i was a /b/tard some years ago.
Red about Jow Forums in a book talking agains feminism, came here and now i can not leave.

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a long, long time user

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Jidf sent me here

Found /b/ through YTMND when I'd first started college in June/July 05. Don't remember when exactly I started browsing Jow Forums regularly.

I was told about a place where the weakest and most pathetic of society gathered, I was told right, holy shit how degenerate you people are.

oh and to answer OPs question, i found pic related. i had been looking for child killers, hoping to find some stories about sexual deviants who had murdered children i could fap to. instead i got a list of children who killed people, and was curious about wtf "nevada tan" was. looked her up, found pic related, came here, never left.

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I have been here longer than Jow Forums has

i had the urge to gas all of /b/ and ventured to other boards.

If I remember correctly I watched some review of a historical movie about the nazi period and the reviewer mentioned it. That must've been like five years ago or some shit. I didn't know proper english back then and it didn't really appeal to me. I got back into it later as I became more redpilled .

Same. Idk if it's a badge of honor or not because I'll always be a newfag and a faggot OP.

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I've been on Jow Forums for a long ass time, even before sandy vagina

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what ever gave you that idea?

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I remember watching, I think it was Colbert, revealing Trump's family name used to be Drumpf and laughing along with it. Then BLM and the Immigrant Colonization of Europe happened and I started getting into politics and came to Jow Forums.

Now I see that the left is basically doing the satanic panic version of identity politics. Getting people into churches, or in this case the right wing, by making a "real devil".

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I've been coming to Jow Forums since 2000. I still remember the happening of all happenings that was 9/11/2001... what a day to be on Jow Forums that was!

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Liar, Jow Forums didn't exist back then. If your story is true you are most likely referring to old /b/

Heard about Jow Forums on plebbit and came here for politics going into the 2016 election.

i have always been here im a victim of the the internet

I heard about Jow Forums summer 2012 or 13
I looked at /b/, it was shit, Jow Forums (hated political correctness as a lad) but it was lulbertarian shit so i left
I stayed on Jow Forums for a while, left after a year or two when i got over being a depressed faggot
Came back to to boards every once and a while, came to Jow Forums very early 2015 and finally started actually posting
Got redpilled quickly, lost some irl frens and got all intelectual


from the kavanaugh thing, i guess i can be an oldfag by now.

Fuck the day of the rake. We will build a great big firewall to burn all leafs from coming in.


Hi my fellow 4channers, I came from Reddit because my magapede friends told me to check this out xDDD. +1 and gold.

>How did you discover Jow Forums?
When user posted on /b/ pics of Diletta Leotta

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