Leftist ruining lives

What do they get out of this? They realize they are creating people with nothing to lose right? This dude seems like a pussy but what about when they destroy someone who only contains themselves to maintain their lives? How often does this really happen? The dude in the video said he was against talking about it at first because he didn't want to give them a win, but then he did to show what they do. I remember something about a leaf that got destroyed because of a blogpost or something. Eventually someones going to fucking snap if they keep this up.

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Other urls found in this thread:


plug her into the brap matrix

Wrong question
>what do JEWS get from divide and conquer tactics (hegelian dialectic)
power, control, attention OFF of (((themselves)))

Forget the brap matrix, look at those milkers! Perfection.

That Jack buckby cunt deserves it though. He went from being a whitenat to a shabbos goy working for (((Ezra Levant))) and suddenly hours entity narrative is mysteriously about Islam and never mentions (((them))). Fuck him.

big milkers AND a big farter. wowaweewah!

Jack Buckby is absolutely disgraceful piece of shit, so fuck him.

>power, control, attention OFF of (((themselves)))
But it seems like a very short term solution, yeah in the immediate they are nullified. But then long term they may literally fly out of the bushes someday to take revenge. Doesn't seem very smart. I know most will just wallow in despair and depression, but they do it so much it seems risky af

>that pic
>but I'm on no fap
TFW life is voluntarily hard

Yeah, don't really pay attention to you guys so IDK about him. However, does that really justify them gaming to system to prevent him from traveling? He may be a cunt (IDK, may be a cool dude), but what about others that are targeted?

>say something terrible
>Never apologize
>pretend it didn't happen
>Why do people keep telling other people about the things I said?

Its called the marketplace of ideas bucko. If you are going to stand for something, you need to be prepared to deal with the consequences.

I really wish right wingers would remember they are supposed to be all about personal responsibility.

>Doesn't seem very smart.
long term its not
hence what they have been BTFO 300+ times...

Its almost as if with each expulsion, instead of going "shit i better change my ways", they go "how can i avoid getting booted out next time".

And this time they really have entrenched themselves DEEP.

Attached: jews expelled.gif (1162x9616, 985K)

They're fucking stupid.

Serial killer that targets Antifa, when?

Is one of the best ways to get replies, I have opened threads just for the pic before. It's literally bait to get people in the thread. Usually works like a charm. Hate doing it though because it kinda muddies the conversation.

>What do they get out of this?

The leftist's ultimate goal is to drag everyone down into the dirt with them

someone post that feminist talking about brap harvesting machines


You don't have anything about pic related do you?

there's a reason shes hiding her face user
infact every other angle of her is not good

>I really wish right wingers would remember they are supposed to be all about personal responsibility.
Oh yeah you leftist with your anonymous tips are really taking responsibility there. Also:
>Said that he hopes she doesn't get raped
>Reported he threatened to rape her
Really supports your argument you fucking retard. Jesus christ just because you guys do no research at all doesn't mean no one else does. The only thing I know about him is what was said in the video, and the video linked. That alone was enough to completely make your argument baseless as your argument is predicated upon the assumption that his statements got him banhammered and not a falsification of his statements. He said he should not have said that, not that he didn't. Althought that doesn't matter in this case.


Nope, try asking
Sounds like he recognizes her from other pics or is a fag

> that pic

Solid genetics, shame she's been through the wringer.

The only joy they can feel is derived from your pain.
There's probably a special place in hell for those people.

Fuck you, bootlicker. Wait till your on the shit end on the stick.

If you stick a stick up your butt it is covered in shit so he probably already is.

i listened to like six or seven minutes of that video [MULTO GENEROSO of me] and then i got bored and turned if off. learn to be terse or entertaining or something dude, jesus christ. also, lol at the fact that he's never even met the parents of his "performance artist" fiancee, who looks like a tranny from the picture. the guy is a fucking soiboi loser. if anything, he should be thankful that now he can have a purpose in life to get revenge against the antifa fags who did this to him. imagine if you made it your life mission to infiltrate their ranks and find the people responsible and rape them like a syrian refugee.

Care to have us take a look on our own?

They merely punish any form of wrong think to instill fear in everyone else as every lefty has ever done before them. It's a show of force really

I know OP, I use similar tactics myself. Just wanted to bump your thread. You're right about jack Buckby, he's a bit of a pussy, but at least he's kinda shooting from our side. In regards to the left/Antifa, I've heard they're flinging their own shit now, there's no reasoning with them, they're mentally unstable.

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She is primed and ready to hook up to the brap collector!

I am farmer Dan and I have been a brap farmer for 12 generations, here at Brap Farms we only cultuvate the finest braps, 100% Irish brap. Our brap is only for the finest connoisseurs, sold right to Japan!

WHOOOAAAHH Bessie settle down now

If they are really curvy in the thumbnail it seems to be most effective. Or you could go with something like this but it is hit or miss. Generally stick to ones like the OP. I have more of that plumb girl somewhere but it is buried in thousands in a random subfolder somewhere.

>It's a show of force really
Newton has something to say about that.

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Thats not how you sit correctly on a chair

Yeah, My assumption is that saying abhorrent things are not going to go over well when applying for a visa. I mean he works for rebel media, which is like a couple months away from being federally labeled a terrorist org...

I am assuming that plus people not enjoying his amazing opinions is what got him stuck in WONDERFUL immigration system.

You mean like less than 20 years ago when people were being ruined for not supporting the IRAQ war?

Or 40 years ago when communists were purged from academia and government?

This is a standard right-wing tactic. Leftists are doing this to WELL KNOWN POLITICIANS WHOSE ENTIRE JOB IS BASED AROUND THEIR TERRIBLE BELIEFS. Rightwingers do this to anyone they can.


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4 fingered ayy?


>You mean like less than 20 years ago when people were being ruined for not supporting the IRAQ war?
Nigger what? Ragging on the Iraq War was everyone's favorite pastime in the Bush years and lampooning the congressional cafeteria changing the french fries to freedom fries was the opening bit in any worthwhile routine. Were you even alive in 2003?

Remember, we are the reactionary force lads, share your thoughts with close friends as much as possible, have as many of them as you can on your side

Based Hungarian to the rescue

>Or 40 years ago when communists were purged from academia and government?
They didn't do a good enough job at that, because communists are academia. They don't teach people how to think, they teach them what to think. They fucking have their own institutions called "Liberal Arts" colleges for Christ sake. What more do you need to know?

i didn't even read your text

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Yeah not watching 12 minutes of a cuck whining. Pls summarise

Slapped by whomst?

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That appears to be a perfect body, moar

>File deleted
Ok, now which kike reported OP?

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Found 'em.

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US embassy personnel might as well be antifa. Just like any federal agency, your not getting hired if you don't please some super Jew SJW HR department.