When will men grow up?

When will men grow up?

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when stronk wahmen stop fucking niggers and throw the kikes in the oven where they belong.

When will you stop posting this thread?

Men are pathetic and I’ll just settle for some loser with a good income when I’m 30. Just have to throw him some pity sex once a week and I’m good. Might as well have fun in the meantime!

Stop LARPing faggot.

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Thousands of years and hundreds of cultural revolutions later it ultimately boils down to the same stuff that women have been complaining about men since we were pooping in holes and hucking rocks at leopards

They can go to sperm bank when they are 18, nobody stops women from doing that.

How about never.

I got my expensive gaming PC and all the books and manga I could want.

Never gonna move out or learn to drive.

It's just not worth it anymore. They ate all too comfortable with the freedom we have given them. The ship has fucking sailed. It's over.

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Lmao when your 30 aint noone want old pussy when money can buy good pussy

These threads are proof that Jow Forums is a containment board.

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>Always blame others
>Never look inward
>looking inward would only cause self >destruction
>Bad decisions are fine as long as I'm the one doing them
>My cat thinks i'm cool
>One more box of wine will do the trick
>White men are to blame for all of societys ills
>I like the way I look with short hair
>Men should cook and clean for me

Gee, I don't know man.

Heres the fucking deal. 40-60 year old people look at 20 year old men and see them as childish because they lack 30 years experience at being a man. Everything will be ok.

Ive had girlfriend's in the past. Im 24 and most women have no interest in settling down. Its always about muh career and omg ill have no life. Women are simply impossible to reason with

Tbh its true. We need a return to morality religion and principle. Strict stoic adherence to principle sans relativisme

>hands of wife are Mexican colored
>hands of PhD awarder is nigger colored
>white man alone in room
>unpaid bills
>shit diet
>doesn't contact friends/family
>about to be homeless
>shitty fucking tumblr nose
great anti-white comic there. fuckface get this shit out of here fucking cunts can't get past one on me you shit bags, literal bags of shit.

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Find one (ONE ((1)) right-wing woman that is
-not already taken
-not crazy
-not hysterical
-not overweight
-not a smoker or a drinker

Go ahead I'll wait.

My only skills are cooking and cleaning, I just want to be a good wife(male).

The way they hold those controllers really bothers me

Why do woman need to marry guys their own age?
They could just marry a guy who is older and willing to marry.

Well i can't find right wing women. The last woman i dated is a 27 yr old self proclaimed feminist and she pepper sprayed me twice. I could tell that my conservative views turned her on tho

Women can be the culprits too. Some just dont want to give up their old life of partying and drinking with friends everyweek.

Patently false. Women are earning degrees and having careers which push back pregnancies. What a cunt. This isn't even disputed. Vox/Jezebel tier garbage. Shit only creates animosity between the two genders (which are based on sex).

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Men, like women, have the right to do whatever they want with thier lives,bodies and time

Just like whores are now allowed to live a life of fornication fuckfest,men are allowed to sit on the couch and play games 24/7
You can tell me what to do! It's 2018!

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My gook wife
Now Kys dien bien Phu looser nigger euro faggot

If she's already taken it's proof they exist.

Search harder.

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shitty father / absent father?

Forgot the word WHITE.
But it was implied since non-whites are inherently collectivist thus left-wingers.

60$ game = a month of simple fun,
modern day relationship = life savings depleted on some uppity cunt whose idea of fun is 'travelling the world for good selfie shots' n will demand your full attention and free time for as long as she feels like it.

its a god damn mystery anons!

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>I've had my fun, now I'm ready to settle down.
>I want a man who will treat me like a princess.
>I have a black baby and I don't want any more kids.
>Any man who dates me better accept that my baby comes first.
>Don't contact me unless you earn over 100k a year.
>I'm a big girl so I need a man who can handle my curves
>Where have all the good men gone?

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Never said they don't exist, it's just that as time passes there are fewer around. And, as such, the "better men" (aka richer and better-looking) tend to take them all.

Do you think our great-grandfathers struggled to find a suitable wife in the early 1900s? Do you think there were more than .000001% of incels back then?



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lol who cares

>be stronkl wahmyn dont need no mayn

>now 40

>where are all the good men!?!

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>Do you think there were more than .000001% of incels back then?
Intradasting point, go on.

I assume there were unmarried people back in the day but certainly not this beta loser victim blame the world mentality that I see everywhere among lonely dudes these days. People knew they could better themselves back then, and were willing to do the work. Fags here just quit then try to find excuses to justify quitting.

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>when stronk wahmen stop fucking niggers and throw the kikes in the oven where they belong.
You could not be more wrong. It is our job as a race and gender (white men) to control women and subjugate the inferior races (spics/niggers/arabs/jews). In this endeavor we have failed. Women don't have the power to not fuck niggers/spics. It is our duty to exile/execute the ones that do not follow our orders.

I don't have data to back this up, I don't think there is because, in my opinion, it was so obvious to be a couple and marry young.
I've spent the entire evening yesterday watching 1914 footage from WW1

Everyone was white, everyone seemed happy in an almost naive kind of way. Men were eager to go to war not knowing what would happen to them, women crying-laughing at their hero husbands leaving in packed trains. Children running alongside the tracks waving at their fathers. Everyone had good manners, dressed appropriately

Compare this to today and you'll find out what's wrong with this society.

Women made me jaded towards them. They have no value unless they have sex often

You posted this on friday

>1 post by this id

That defeatist attitude is one of that factors that caused this social decline. Work your ass off to find that good job and wife.

My grand-parents and parents unconsciously caused this, I have nothing to do with it I was born in it the defeatism is my whole life. Enough with the millennials bashing.

Most of people like me just await one thing now: collapse and worldwide change so we can actually start building things anew.

You don't cure a rabid dog, you put him down.

shit, i was gonna post that

Based and redpilled

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When women decide to stop being worthless cunts

Don't worry pal, gen z will just fix shit for you.

Fuck off, kids are for faggots that want to deal with a cheating wife/gf and a child’s bodily fluids. But also condoms are for faggots.

Gen Z is less white, more pozzed, and more degenerate than any generation before it. Your Generation Zyklon meme is plebbit trash.

>everyone was white, happy etc.

I know what you mean, and this wont explain it 100 percent, but glamorizing it like that reminds me of facebook instagram etc. You see these tiny snippets of life and everyone seems so happy and picturesque and we forget that those same outwardly happy homes had domestic violence, untreated mental illness, rampant alcoholism, etc etc etc.

I think it's that we were closer to nature back then. Even if its just walking down the sidewalk to get to school, cut through the woods, carve your initials inna oak with your Opnel, fish, etc. Also also, definitely something to the simplicity of life back then. Having less options made folks focus on what really mattered; whether that was raising a family or just focusing on enjoying a good read.

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games are fun, call me when you want to hang all the banker kikes

your globalist propaganda coming from Jew HQ post WW2 caused this, dumbass amerinigger

Why are video games more fun than hanging out with women?


Swedes are responsible for teaching muslims that rape is a national sport

Have you ever hung out with women? It's not particularly fun except for the sex. I don't advocate being a mgowt faggot, but it's retarded to argue that women are more fun than video games, because they aren't.

Shortly after women grow up.

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Women look down on any man who makes less money than they do. This is a proven fact. Now that women get all the opportunities over men of course women are going to hate the average man.
>be women
>demand equal pay
>demand equal representation in every profitable industry
>demand special privileges to access higher education
>demand special funds for women programs in certain industries
>fight against any comparable program for men
>demand that men are richer than they are
these cunts and their apologists make me laugh

I'm 40. I fuck 30 year old childless women and then dump them. They are desperate for kids. They lose their shit every time. :-D

Money is pretty far down on the list of women's priorities. I wouldn't sweat it too much as long as you're not ugly or effeminate. Then you need money and lots of it, of course.

right, here we have all the same age bs.
it would make sense to have partners on the same readyness for having kids, instead of age.
>READY FOR KIDS, so no pedophile!

Some how the idea, that the partners need to be of simialar age got injected into our culture, when this was not the case throughout history.

In our capitalist society men just become able to afford kids later than in previous ages.
Woman are always fertile from the same age, if not younger. Why wouldn't they marry a guy who is still good looking and allready sucessful?

this is what swiping on bumble is all about right here

When life gets more interesting. I think things like video games are a good example of how God doesn't exist. We, humans, can create these worlds were anything is possible, but a God who created everything from endless space to us, humans , created it as totally dull boring and not very exciting.

What is your pic from? Someone shared something like that earlier.

This is part of the problem.
In such a solution they would not get to the point, where they need work or struggle to find a man who earns more.

But men were raised by women

When women do.

Like anybody want that, just eject baby.

this to is a result of the sane age problem()

I knew girls who had a simmilar attitude, when around 14. The system encourages them to be sluts or at least wait untill like 30 for a husband or the right guy to marry them. They know, that their relationships to other boys will not hold, so they just spend their time with relationships or whoring around, while not thinking about how it will make them less likeable in the future.

I don’t plan to.

The real problem now is that “manning up” only really works these days if you have several million dollars to burn and a massive tolerance for bullshit and drama.

Pity about the future of civilization and all, but if you’re an average slob with a five figure income you really, really are well advised to stay away from women.

If you don’t you’re signing up for a life of poverty and hardship. Not to mention mediocrity since you will lose your hobbies, free time, sanity, and physical health.

Society has always been female-dominated contrary to feminist delusions but historically it was at least somewhat less humiliating to be a man.

Women have now totally taken off the mask and now demand absolute submission to their agenda as the price of not being totally destroyed.

Everything you do now smacks of submission, if you marry that’s obviously so, but even if you play the redpill game and looksmax, stay fit etc so you can play around you’re still dancing to their tune and the moment you slack off and get fat or ugly you can get MeTood practically overnight just like any other slob. Keeping your own company is the best way to keep the nagging Jew’s influence and control over you at a minimum but from one POV even MGTOW is an act of defeat since you can’t help instinctively wanting women so they’re actually right when they say that MGTOWs aren’t exactly going their own way.

You really, really need a strong pimp hand not to end up the bitch in your relationship with society and women, to an extent that very few of us can realistically aspire to anymore.

But to get a little philosophical here...

The fundamental problem with marriage is that it's a financial arrangement, whereas the subconscious, more primal ideas of human value are based on essentially genetics or characteristics closely related such as health, height, robustness etc.

So even though society claps you on the back and tells you what a great guy you are for getting married, in the more primitive depths of their minds, most people actually despise men for getting married for the same reason they despise men who visit prostitutes. People think a married man literally doesn't deserve the woman he's with.

So while on one hand society is happy to see Captain B. Cuck Provider wife up a woman to take one more burden off her father's hands as well as other potential providers like government, in reality people think a married man is weak, foolish, and inferior.

And while it's true that society at least in the past did its very best to conceal and forbid these feelings, you will find that even going back hundreds of years if not further it was common to mock a married man for his plight.

"The mocking of the cuckold" is practically a whole genre of medieval literature, song, and poetry, and the themes involved are essentially no different whatsoever than the jokes and jibes exchanged on this very website.

women are sanity-draining annoying cunts but they wouldn't be if men didn't put up with it. but 99% of guys are beta faggots and tolerate womens demands no matter how outrageous. they'd rather be bossed around than single. its like trying to do a strike for better when 99% of your coworkers refuse to join the strike


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Women are in the Unforgiven I state of mind.

I hope they get to Unforgiven III anytime soon.

This is my plan.

>by Melanie (((Notkin)))

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this guy gets it

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>childless man fucks childless women and leads them on, promising to give them children but never actually doing it


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you for sure don't have to promise kids or even lead them on. They're super thirsty at that age.

pic related. how most of you would act the nanosecond some hoe you like gave you attention.

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When will this fucking thread stop being made?

>"The mocking of the cuckold" is practically a whole genre of medieval literature, song, and poetry,

that had to do with the husband actually being a cuckold. not for a man just being married. kings were married for Christs sake. trying mocking the king as a cuckold for just being married and keeping your head

it is called beta-baiting

the roastie thinks she is going to sink her teeth and claws into your beta-bux and you snatch it away at the last second.

like a starving jackal denied its meal

if you are that defeatist just knock a bitch up and go to jail for unpaid child support. at least your genetic legacy will live on and you won't have to work for a roof over your head

>maybe if men married me before sex, instead of pumping and dumping me i'd have the kids I'd yearn for
What? Isn't the ball in her court for sex?

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Tell us more, future Cool Wine Aunt.

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Flaggan räcker.

you've never been loved, nor will you ever be in love. your life will be no drunken mistake and one your old and a used up, you'll wake up alone and angry teaching a woman's studies class at a community college.

I’m not sure what your point is exactly. Mine is that married men have never really been as respected as society likes to make out, and that when marriedcucks eventually get, well, cucked they have always been subject to merciless mockery and abuse for their perceived weakness and possible impotence etc. contrary to tradcuck fantasies of a historically sympathetic, moral society on the family man’s side.

People in the old days saw women as wild, crazy, lecherous creatures that needed to be tamed by society to be useful, but the flip side of that was that when the proverbial tamer ever lost his grip it was more often than not perceived to reflect a lack of manhood on his part. Hell you see this idea propagated not just here but on conservacuck media all the time.

Yeah, people probably refrained from mocking the king too openly if doing so was likely to end with their head being separated from their shoulders. I don’t see what this really has to do with the broader theme of marriage always being a) considered the less manly and virile form of coupling from the outset regardless of how much religion has always sought to surpress this natural instinctive sentiment and b) when marriage goes to hell people have always found a way to blame the man. In the past this was done by focusing on the woman’s lack of responsibility (you’re the man and taming the cunt was your job!) whereas today it takes the form of feminist condemnation of virtually anything a man does.

tl;dr the more things change the more they stay the same, society will always, always find a way to make men pay dearly for pussy one way or the other and everything is always your fault and/or responsibility usually both.

oh look, a bunch of literal incels
so this is the threat menacing america

I'm not childless, I have three kids with my ex. I don't promise them children. but it's what they probably have in mind.

Sexpatting is literally the only solution. Flag related.