is the uk more important than america
Is the uk more important than america
Yeah, good one.
Our currency is worth more, so we are worth more.
There are a ridiculous amount of slide threads being created right now.
London is the new world order financial center, Washington is the military center, go figure you bluepilled goyim
This guys gets it
You ate both Jewish slaves with different purposes
In what regard? It might be more importent to the shit skins as a breeding ground, because it's closer, but I wouldn't be proud of that if I were you
>is the uk more important than america
wow y r u so upset
No. And actually India is more important than the U.K.
dey h8 us cos dey anus
It has been like that for a while.
uk is a totalitarian dystopian shithole where you get persecuted for jokes
It should be to you. Why even ask such a retarded question?
with those digits, you deserve to /thread yourself
Who makes these fucking slide threads that try to pit us against each other? It's not the UK vs. US. We're going to both be irrelevant if we don't join forces. We both have an infestation of shit skins from the south that (((they))) can't welcome fast enough. I'm sorry for your struggles my UK brothers and hope you succeed.
You became the Fawkes mask meme movie
Not since 1776
the pound is fucking worthless. it may be "worth" more compared to the USD but if you think that it's worth more as a global currency you know nothing about economics
>Who makes these fucking slide threads that try to pit us against each other?
like we don't know. lets see, what nation likes to support both sides in order to fuck everyone up, who would do a thing like that. I think we all know.
You got a licence for those digits mate?
Haha, yeah righ. Have you sucked your quota of muzzy cock today?
stock exchange wise - yes
Yes.....Sending many shiny kekels to my mates in Australia.