This wonderfull young SERBIAN model just committed sudoku

This wonderfull young SERBIAN model just committed sudoku.

PRESS F to pay respect!

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proof that slavs aren't white

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Thanks for a small boost
I needed the death of a shitskin

wtf serbs look like that ?


Yeah. It's because Serbia was under Ottoman rule for a 600 years.

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Wtf? Explain catholic brother.

That chick hang herself today, even our newspapper reported it. I just found it funny she is serbian.


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She is a Serbian mutt, her mother is a kongo niggress.

Who is this semen sorcerer?

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Don't lie. Only her grandmother is from Africa and she is still blacker then 60% of black from US.

Thats actually depressing.

This mutt is rich and her mother is a nigger also rich people here are fucked up people with a lot of artificial problems.

I used to hang out with them, they are beyond repair also this mutt has face of my oneitis from HS tfw.

600 years ? that sounds alike a choice

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> Rođena je u Beogradu 15.8.1993, a korene vuče iz Konga, tačnije majka joj je iz Konga a otac iz Srbije

My source is from
I never heard of this nigress, I just read it in our newspaper so prove me you are right.

What was the motive?

Anyway sad they for Serbia. Their whitest citizen just died. My congoleances

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forgot my sauce

motive was drug and artificial problems
Rich people are the biggest degenerates here, worst than any liberal.

she white tho she got that crackkka skin

>- Djed je bio ambasador, upoznao je moju baku, tako je nastala moja mama - ispričala je nedavno Marija, rekavši da joj je u djetinjstvu bilo mnogo teško jer je bila drugačija od druge djece.

Also her mother is that negro from Al jazzera

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She did it before any Serb BIG BALKAN COCK impregnated her BLACK womb and gaveth birth to a n*gro.

>Lives in NY
>Arguably THE most racially diverse city in the world
>Having an identity crisis because she 'doesn't look like anyone'
I wanna smack her upside the head, tbqh.

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She will be eating bananas in Heaven

Kurvat please thats just a turkroach

Fuck off sven that was probbably only nigger here your country is like 90 nigger

why did she hang herself? was she bullied for being a negro?

Rich people problems.

Her job was to promoted night clubs so she was probably hooked on drugs and was whoring herself.

How on earth did she become a model?


I mean, eww. black woman.

is pic related white?

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Press z to ziveli


found the newfag

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came here to say this, she committed bukkake

literally who?


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also, interestingly enough, any mutts we have (now without this chick, that's like 5 people) always look like this

unlike mulattos in the west

based dinarid gene bleach nigger twice as good kek

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>ooooo cute mutt
>quick, put her as model in every single thing in order to appear diverse n shiet

basically way too much attention, plus richfag, which adds up to her probably snorting half a kilogram of speed and drinking a bottle of vinjak then deciding that an heroing is a good idea

shame, she was cute mutt

90 niggers? Yeah probably, we had some Serbian refugees after all

Suicide is such an NPC thing to do

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She does have the color of a S*rb, that's for sure

dear lord

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The standards for niggers are so goddamn low. That creature was a model. A model!

That's great.
my ass

Doesn't Zivjeti mean "to live"?

Sudoku is a popular game

It's not about being white, it's about being yourself like centuries back and deciding who can come in or get money. Now some faggot capitalists decide who gets money and who is imported, they should be all killed. Niggers have land in Africa, chosen to destroy it all, why should we share that land? We took care of it.

your bait is weak. It reeks tolerance.

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Why does average nigger with puff hair pass as a model and gets jobs while there is really noone that wants to see them while beautiful girls hardly get well payed modeling jobs?

It's obvious why, because people decide nothing, not even what is beauty in own country.
Why is Serbia so incompetent and cucked to have niggers in beauty fashion? You aren't even in EU, not even rich.

We do not, really, I've never saw model nigger here but it's possible it's some nigg living in belgrade photographed by self entitled photographer
>people on pol have any actual knowledge of what makes model
This is just bait shitpost as every other to start balkan thread shithole
You wanna avoid it

Models are normally literal whores and those cream of the cream models just escaped constant sucking dicks of different managers, that's how this works now in capitalism. Other way to get into modelling is to be a girl of rich daddy, who pays you access to miss universe or something. Of course at bare minimum you have to be skinny. There is no election by people who becomes a model, it's all magazines and promoting by some international companies and native company buttlickers of international companies.

Feel genuinely sorry for her... always marry within your own race

Sadly you do not have idea of what model is either
If you think that every man/woman suck dicks for better job you have mental issues and you should leave this place every once in a while

Poor girl. Should be viewed by parents that think about mixing races and cultures.

Yes, but it is like saying Cheers.

For some inexplicable reason every advert requires someone who looks exactly like this.

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lmao, the fact that you even need to ask shows how fucked usa actually is.

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She is just too lazy to carve out her own identity.


"oooh look a nigger so rare, so exotic" way of thinking

quite literally

mutts like that here consider themselves always serb first, they have no identity problems because there is no muh raycism like in amerimuttstan

Because she's actually not ugly you fucking pleskavicanigger.

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Model lol i wouldnt touch that with a stick

Why ask why? It's a mystery that surely will never be solved.

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this: meant for:

side show bob

How is the NPC wrong? Red is a wavelength. The fact that the “woke person” thinks that subjectively indicates that they reject objectivity and accept emotion

Thats a nigger

looks like an albino troll doll jesus

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I literally said models suck dick, not every woman. And nigger women cheat all the time anyway, why do you think Africa has so many children? Niggers fuck around the clock with different partners.

shut up amerimut


>My concoleances
Mein Negger!

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You know you live in a snow flake society when the whitest of flakes is trying to be even more special by denouncing her flakiness

Pretty dang hot, not gonna lie.

Oil drillers are as bad as coal burners

Hot AF

>ERROR 19902 cannot compute subjectivity and individuality expression does not fit standard sheep talk functions. Dumping memory!

give her white skin and she would be terrible

This would not have happened if the caliphate remained intact.


t. Afrodita Karambolo