Shit you used to like before you were redpilled? Pic very related

Shit you used to like before you were redpilled? Pic very related.

Eleven years ago, I thought Borat was a hilarious social experiment. Now, I see it's just a Jew running wild, shitting on whites as well as middle-eastern countries and races he doesn't like. While happily fucking up careers of several unwitting white participants without a whim because he's a Jew and they're just goyim, misleading them during the production and laughing at them as they were paid nothing afterwords.

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Never liked it.
I used to like Ben & Jerry's until I saw the refugees welcome shit

All I noticed was the ouragous shit he said back then I thought as a joke is stuff I genuinely believe in now

The eternal new strikes again you can't win

>The eternal new strikes again you can't win
This typo is very profound
What's old is new again
>or it's just the eternal JEW

>before you were redpilled?

Id better stay man myself

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I used to like niggers and Jews. Then I came on here. And realized that hating on Jews is wrong and well Niggers are the worst but Mexicans are great.

>tfw this shit probably redpilled a fair amount of whites during neocon years

I honestly still think that the jew house scene was actually funny

I used to think Detroit techno was the most redpilled music there is. Now I just love it.

Cohen has a persecution complex. Every one of his characters (with the exception of Ali G) is a rabid anti-Semite.

He ruined that guy's life in Pakistan or somewhere. He just dubbed a bunch of shit he never said on there to make him look like a terrorist. Fuck this kike. You're spot on about how it used to be funny until you get red pilled and learn it's just a jew making fun of people. He does it by taking advantage of their good nature a lot of times too. Like the song he song he sings about throwing the jew down the well. Those people that chanted along probably love Israel but just saw him as a harmless, ignorant person who was a guest in their country. So they sang along.

this is the origin of bobs and vagene
F for respecc

they throw money at a cockroach after it shapeshifted from old jewish owners of a bed and breakfast

This is actually interesting, ive listened to all his interviews and podcasts

Im gonna be honest, reflecting on what i thought was him being passionate about artistic expression about how its interesting that different people identified with ali g is actually literal hand wringing joy about how the goy masses lack so much sense of community that they identify with his character

Yeah, it is funny but the point is he's making fun of middle eastern people who don't like jews by saying they're seriously stupid enough to think they turn into cock roaches and shit when they really just don't like getting slowly genocided for Greater Israel. The entire thing is just to make fun of the enemies of the jew.

Come to think of it, Blazing Saddles is that way for me. It was my favorite movie of all time. Now I just look at it and see how it was a bunch of ignorant white people forced to accept the help of the noble, suave black man and his troupe of chinks and niggers or else they'd all die off. Every white person is stupid as fuck and a complete caricature of the people who built this country.

The "In my country there is problem" bit was funny as shit you joyless cunt.

Will jews ever apologize for their objective proliferation of racial slurs?

Or are apologies just for public shows of submission to israel?

>but the point is he's making fun of middle >eastern people who don't like jews by saying >they're seriously stupid enough to think they >turn into cock roaches

hehe nice double digit pol troll checked. i'm throwing money in a last ditch effort to escape the next shape shifting jew i see

Borat is the epitome of Jews smarmily shitting on white people.
As a Gen Xer I bought into the nihilism of 90s "alternative" music. Some of it was good, but a lot was utter shite and all of it was demoralising and degenerate.

I never liked Al Murray, a British comedian who plays a working class character ' the pub landlords. But I never suspected him of being one of them until he parachuted in to Thanet in Kent as a comedy candidate to split the vote and stop Farage winning a seat there.

Turns out he is related to some pretty elite aristocracy and went to boarding school and Oxford.
He's basically the modern version of Alf Garner.

All our telly now has to have a lefty message. But i hate these cunts that do the equivalent of black face but for class not race to sway opinions

Marilyn Manson
Machine Head
Sum 41
Green Day
Tim & Eric
IT Crowd
Rick & Morty

... to name a few

...feels bad man

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Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars series.

I reread them recently and realised the entire series is nothing but a ultra-feminist cuckolded space communist fantaay.

yeah, I miss when entertainment was still something to escape into and politics weren't a concern, just my social circle was. Now everything I turn on is 'jewed' and I only feel like I'm not wasting my time if I'm consuming reactionary news or memorizing stats for future arguments with libs. What a life.

This, but 'Blazing Saddles'.
Also: Red Dead Redemption 2 is basically the same concept, modernly. I hope it never comes to PC, pisses off the normie playerbase, and kills Rockstar dead.

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Rockstar is decidedly anti zionist thematically

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Kazakhstan is not Middle Eastern - it is a Central Asian, ex-commie land of Hapas.

Fuck Otep.

We had that cunt at our venue once, and that fucking dumb peace of sliz kicked my friend out of her signing line because he wanted to get the show poster I gifted signed but she was only signing shit if it was bought at the show. What a fucking pseudo-kike. He threw the poster in the garbage and went to leave, so she told us to get him out, so i just left with him to the downstairs and made fun of she stupid ass for the next hour. I was suppose to watch the signing line, but I didn't go back. Fuck that bitch.

This is after she cut her supposedly 1 hour 30 minute set to 40 minutes, so we got MANY complaints and back reviews from her dipshit fans after. Double fuck that bitch.

Keep the artist separate from the art.

A lot of artists are different in person, behind the scenes, than their public image and rhetoric let on. Those things are cooked up by kike producers and PR teams to make the biggest amount of people possible buy records and tickets and merch.

There are many, like Otep, that really are just brainless pecker-heads though.

They should keep mainstream politics out of their art. There's no escapism anymore

FYI, Otep looks like a cracked-out 55 year old corner ho up close, and doesn't smell much better than that either.

It's hard to do that when they are openly calling fans like me evil and telling me to basically fuck off.

That was the only part I enjoyed.

How fucking new are you? Actually how fucking old are you, are you 15? Jesus christ at least get some goddamn taste

So the difference between then and now is that now you can't take a joke?
Sounds like Jow Forums made you an insufferable faggot, but that's not a surprise.

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It's even worse when you talk with them away from the crowds, and they turn out to be even completely indifferent to what they JUST got done espousing on stage because they are just in it for the fame and shekels. They give less than a fuck that they may be morally, faithfully, or monetarily hurting their fans.

Self Defence against the Jewish Claw was up there...

Wow, thats crazy. She openly supported Hilary in the last election and told all her Trump supporting fans to get lost, after years of telling people not to vote. What a cunt.


>Sum 41
No please no

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Did you know capcom got in trouble with american execs once someone at microsoft actually played the game?

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what a fucking cunt

>hilarious social expirement

I saw you fags repeating this like a mantra 11 years ago, I questioned how exactly streaking in a hotel is social commtary, none of you could answer because you just repeated what you were trained to think. Now 11 years later on Jow Forums you are repeating redpill or other slogans without thinking, because you are still being trained what to think. I have no hope for humanity.

i used to be able to enjoy watching sports like the NFL and NBA but not anymore

I used to enjoy this movie until I realized they put a weird demonic scream when they burned out the bunker, shaved German heads, etc.

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>Now, I see it's just a Jew running wild, shitting on whites as well as middle-eastern countries
>Middle Eastern
I hope to meet an intelligent American one day.

can you elaborate on this? what pakistani mans life did he ruin?

Im jewish by blood. My father and mother are jewish.

Adolf Hitler killed 6 JILLION Jews. Im a victim. Prove me wrong.

She literally crushed my friends spirit, when all he wanted was for an artist that helped him not feel so bad about himself when he was younger sign the poster and take a picture, and she did all that to him after having the GALL to be on stage telling all of her fans there she loves them all, and please come hang out and get a signing* (*offer only good if you bought an item IN LINE), then cut her set that we had contracted the length of with her by 50 minutes and stuck us with the blow-back.
Two-faced cunt.
Luckily, my friend felt better after I explained to him just how full of shit label acts are. We still make inside jokes about her today.

Used to love this show. Now I can see how fucking pozzed it is.

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what happened?

Rick and mortey is actually pretty good

You do realized Borat is just one big ass stereo type for muzzies right? There's no way you could be that ignorant so you must be being sarcastic.

Are you a retard? My Kazak wife (white) got the fuck out bc it’s being overrun by chinks and semites. She was one of the last 10% of the nation that escaped with blue eyes before it fell after the Soviet Union collapsed.

Blog: now we have a green eyed and blue eyed kids. GREAT SUCCESS. JEWS BTFO

Hitler killed 6 million jews.

Gods CHOSEN People!

Right, keep giving celebs that hate you money so they can donate the money to activism that directly opposes your interests. If this was like 10-15 years I could see that, but nowadays I can't. It's not simply having different views anymore, it's to the point where a lot of them make an active effort to demonize and silence you.

This, exactly.

I laughed my ass off the whole way through at everybody kissing her ass the whole time.
I didn't get it at all, never having encountered her music until then.
Getting blood-contractualized to any bigger label does it to literally everybody. Even before the ink is dry on your signature, the handlers, producers, directors, PR teams, label reps, and a hundred other money junkie fucktards have FULL control of everything to record and release and say and do.

I think a lot of artists from back in the day rode the anti Bush wave to fame and fortune, now Trump is in power it sems they are trying to re-ride this anti conservative wave to sucess, not realising that the left are the ones in power now and the right are the new counter culture.

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It's dominantly Muslim now. You're right, it's (mostly) in Asia now, but its culture is middle-east all the way, bruv. That shit ain't soviet anymore, and even the EU is kind of on the fence about letting them in.


I used to like watching WW2 documentaries and stuff. Now i find it impossible to read anything on the war now especially if the lolocaust is mentioned. I cant even watch TGSNT to the end either just makes me so depressed.

The theme of the main story is a genuinely scathing take on america in the middle east after 9/11

Used to love cartoons. Now I think they're all degenerate

Yep, this is the same way I feel about Metokur

I'm muslim and used to like him until i realized how much of a kike he is

And yet kissed President Bongo's half-black ass every chance they got, even though he escalated every bad demoshit war and political agenda since Carter. Sure didn't have shit to say about things like extra-judicial public assassinations, illegal drone bomb raids that also wipe out entire towns, waving the dog in EVERY middle-eastern country that didn't want to trade oil in petro-dollars, or signing in the absolute worst medical insurance money-o-gram in the history of pork-barrel politics.

Small label and independent bands in the 90s tore Clinton to shreds in their songs, major contract label "artists" spent those terms all but sucking him off or never mentioning him at all (which is even weirder).
Signing a big F-ing deal contract is analogous to getting caught by pod-people in 'The Bodysnachers'.

Just follow the time-line of Bad Religions career. It is the very best example of losing your mind, heart, and soul under a major contract.

>1 post by this ID

>Bad religion

Greg Graffin was my biology professor in college back in the day. he's a fucking idiot.

>As a Gen Xer I bought into the nihilism of 90s "alternative" music. Some of it was good, but a lot was utter shite and all of it was demoralising and degenerate.
Exactly. I fucking hate 90s "alternative" music. Though I thought it was pretty much crap compared to classic rock back then too. Like grunge bands were pretty much a crappier version of seventies bands with a really depressing attitude.

Like what do you do when you are a super popular rock star? Get depressed, shoot heroin and die. At least that is what that sad fucker Cobain thought. A sick idol for a generation!

I think Baron Cohen is a comedic genius. Although it is true he really jews the people he "interviews".

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I wouldn't doubt it. Most people that are dumb enough to sign to these completely one-sided label contracts are dumb as rocks, they just happen to be talented enough at putting music together that appeals to the masses.


This is also a good example, imagine co founding Slayer, one of the biggest bands in the world and getting treated like this behind the scenes. Unreal.

>Eleven years ago, I thought Borat was a hilarious social experiment. Now, I see it's just a Jew running wild

In other words, it was funny when it wasn't targeting your dumb country and political options, but now it isn't.

You voted for these people. He just exposed them for what they are.

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I can't help but still love this show, I just see it differently now.

Caddyshack. Used to love it. Now it’s clearly about Jews replacing the old WASP elite.

that shit's even funnier post-redpill. Yeah it's a kike making all the jokes, but they're still good jokes. And he wrote the new american anthem

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Unironically this

Blazing Saddles. Used to think it was funny. It’s literally a Jew and a black teaming up to ousmart a bunch of racist goys. And of course the black fucks a blonde German woman.

i've never met a jew. jews do not come around this part of the country because there is no one from them to leech off of. but just because of the (((news))) articles i read online, jews get the oven (although i think gut shooting them and watching them die would be more fun).

Obviously not redpilled.
Rick and Morty is blackpill and gateway to LGBTGP.
Rick fucking Morty will be the climax of the show and ((you)) fans will high five and say it is soooo clever and like only really intelligent people get it.

Idk, it's cheap humor but it's still entertaining. The people he interviews really are the dregs of American society. It's fun to laugh at rednecks. That shit he pulled at the rodeo was funny.

omg THIS

Goes to "the south" to "expose" people

His work is mainstream media with one layer of irony removed


I saw Borat more as exposing the ills of society. They shit on Jews as well as Americans.


Now I understand just how degenerate they are, and I'm planning on having mine removed.

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you know they made things before the 80s?
and 60s?
and the 20th century?

it gives the artist money, so no

Truly, it is unfortunate that jews choose to identify as the opposite of freedom

I liked it, but I also think that America has all the good whites, and the left over euroshits are defective.

Sacha is one of the rare comedians out there right now that is actually funny. He plays his Jew card to get away with murder. He generally plays it rather centrist, shitting on both sides of the aisle, but lately was only able to get anywhere by being harder on conservatives.

His recent appearance on Jimmy Kimmel was great, but a lot of people did not find this funny at all. Lefties thought he went too easy on conservatives and wasn't mean enough. Right wingers are just still buttmad over him pranking Sarah Palin and some other conservatives not too long ago, so they find nothing he does funny anymore.

Bad Religion has been back on epitaph records since 2002, a record label run by their (Jew) guitarist, and only made four records on a major label.