Is tinder a good place to redpill girls?

Is tinder a good place to redpill girls?

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Redpilling girls is pointless, they are a lost cause.

cringe as fuck
this must be some aussie ploy to shitpost epicly again or something right?

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That's only gonna comfort her in her ideas. You're not redpilling her you're doing worse fren

Chink detected


Trying to get dat Chinese pussy on WeChat, eh?

>redpilling girls by accusing them of being non-white

Bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see how it plays out.

being an edgy faggot is not the same as being redpilled, ya fuckin' fool

You sure showed her what this redpill thing is all about

zhang always LARPs as an Aussie shitposter.


hating women and minorities, right?

Stop showing respect to worthless whores who think they are white when they are not.

Wait how did you recognise it lmao

you inject the redpills into their pussy with your dick

>tfw asian
>never get a swipe back

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Did this really happen?

This girl has very low IQ, thanks to arab genetics.

We use it for the same reason you do, but we like to pretend that we don't

the funny thing is those insults probably made her wet

I don't use WeChat tho but that's bretty interesting. I see fobs using it all the time tho

Ahh, nvm, mistaken you for OP.

The state of pol.

tfw never used tinder
tfw no swipes either way

what reason is that?

based lad, which state is this boong mixed breed from?
"i obviously am white" look at her, shes desperate to be recognized as such haha

There is no point interacting with non-whites at all, kangaroo boy.

To learn about different cultures.

why would you want to "redpill" girls? girls are for fucking and making babies not for political discussions
just put a baby in her and she will do and follow whatever you want

But burger, it gets lonely when you have no one to talk to, no one to hang out, no one to hug.

I miss human contact.

are you that autistic chinaman who keeps posting his australian passport photo on here

I don't get it. you mean chatting up chinks?
you're never going to meet them in rl anyway, so what's the point

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I'm never going to meet any of the people here, yet her I am.

>Tfw using friend's tinder profile
>swiping every tranny and nignog

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political discussion and shitposting is a bit different, I'd say

Good shit OP

With friend like this, who need enemy.

You sound like you suffer from the big gay.

So, are you my cure? :wink:

Just be yourself dude girls like personality.

I’ve got some news for you buddy

>political discussion
Am I in the wrong pol?


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I'm talking to a shy thicc goth who doesn't know how to take selfies well but is very pretty. First time on tinder and a virgin weeb. She posted in her profile that she is "traditional" though and has been dropping hints that she is redpilled. I'm going in, lads, this seems too good to be true.

How is this redpilled? It's just cringy. Kys OP, shit thread.

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It's a dude.