See here is your fucking problem america

see here is your fucking problem america

maybe if you would start building your houses out of concrete like the rest of the world and not out of wood like some niggaish tropean house you wouldnt have these massive problems with fires and tornados.

when will they learn ?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You're talking to California, mate. The only thing they care about is looking altruistic and pretty. Even if you could convince the populace to make houses from ugly concrete or brickwork instead of wood, they'd never go for it, because government safety and environment regulations have strangled the shit out of the house development market.

Just let it burn.

not only california

why build such houses in texas when you know it is a tornado area ?

Attached: 2748329_0.jpg (640x480, 46K)

Hanz is right let these monkey jungles burn

3rd little piggy was right. Build the house of brick and clay.. the other 2 pigs were cheap ass niggers who don’t do risk assessment

Florida has mostly concrete houses...

Only bc of hurricane codes

North Florida and Georgia are niggerfied straw and cardboard boxes

Attached: fort-scott-fire-3312017.jpg (894x618, 107K)

Attached: Apartment-Building-Fire-Masonry1.gif (800x599, 285K)

Checked. America has shit cheap houses. Have fun changing your siding every 10 years and painting non stop.

>East German Detected
The Soviet Union was just gay for concrete buildings.

When brick houses are burned out they take more effort to clean up

I thought hurricanes and that subtropical humidity, it would rot wooden houses away eventually.

Your nation routinely gets the brunt of it at every hurricane. Brickwork is obvious over woodwork.

It also helps that meth-heads don't give a shit about looking pretty.

you notice the different right ? the building is still standing

>Have fun changing your siding every 10 years and painting non stop.
Vinyl siding needs no paint and lasts thirty forty fifty...years.

I've been wondering that for years now. maybe someone else in this thread can help me out but one of our founding fathers actually had a word to say about building out of stone and brick hundreds of years ago. Basically saying that wouldn't structures are replaceable and a nation cannot be built upon that.

That said does anyone know who said that quote was I want to say it was George Washington or Benjamin Franklin but I'm probably wrong.

You haven’t been to South Carolina I see

They have jungle humidity there like you wouldn’t believe. They love building cardboard box houses. Owners have to spend 25k every other decade re doing the exterior or it’ll rot completely

*Wouldn't structures

Should be
>Wooden structures

Voice to text is a real whore sometimes

needing to be knocked down and new put up yeah way less clean up with wood and quick build times

And get a concrete fundament instead of those shit wooden things with exposed electricity and plumbing

Have fun when a minor wind storm blows through.... or when a single spark of fire touches any part of it... again... this is why America has a shit home problem. I live here. I have a Florida code concrete cinder block stucko code home in North Carolina. It’s fucking gorgeous and it’s hurricane/tornado/fire proof. Insurance is super low bc of that too.

Have fun paying the insurance Jew..

do you supply and demand? These are the houses we want for the price we want to pay, anything else would be prohibitively expensive and only serve to worsen our housing situation, esp in the areas that need housing the most. It's the land that holds the real value anyway

Wooden structures? More like WOULDN'T structures! As in they WOULDN'T stand up against a fire! HA!

Yeah, that must be why every time somebody worships idols they have horrible issues. And why every OT prophecy was fulfilled thousands of years later in the NT, exactly to the letter.

Slide thread. Repent and be saved, ignore JIDF; they will burn in Hell for rejecting the messiah.

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Vinyl siding is ugly as fuck. It gets weathered easily, collects dirt, gets sun damage. A sign of being cheap and basic idiot

Should the roof be made of concrete too?

/comfy/, and a person could save up that much money in no time or pay it off with a 15 yr mortgage

Golly gee some faggy kraut thinks we should all live in concrete houses because of two states that have problems with wind and fire.

99% of us are fine, Mohammed.

Roofs have alot of surface area that people should be able to stand on and hang out. Typical roof designs are stupid

Lets see your super cool (and safe in all conditions) house then faggot. I want to see your house that would withstand a fire that multi-million dollar brick compounds with elaborate sprinkler systems could not. You probably live with your (single) mother in a roach infested shithole just outside of the inner city.

It is made out of wood, so it's a shed.

>three rivers, Texas.
I can’t fault you for not understanding the whole country isn’t a single market. Actually I can because you’d have to be retarded to think that so you’re intentionally being misleading

The bricks have lost structural integrity, they would never be able to bear weight without collapsing. But you are right, that shell will stand there for another 100 years before anyone attempts to clean the area up.

Almost every house in my state is made of concrete you ignorant fuck

Attached: a1.jpg (3072x2304, 1.54M)

try selling a 300,000 dollar brick house in three rivers texas

also, any builder will build you a brick house, all you have to do is pay

Have fun with your uninsulated house retard.

which state

>that wood

that's not concrete user, cinder blocks; very similar, yet completely different

We don't have tornadoes that often. Also
>what are shelters

look at that garbage

Attached: NancesCreekAL2018EF3.jpg (1280x960, 901K)

>walls ??

Attached: 1280px-April_15,_2018_Elon,_Virginia_EF3_tornado_damage.jpg (1280x960, 474K)

Burger living in a concrete house here. We used those concrete + foam blocks, the walls are ~6in of straight up concrete in the center. Absolutely no regrets, the insulation is incredible and it also enabled us to build a safe room behind a steel door, that could most likely function as a bomb shelter as well if need be. Seriously if anyone here plans on building a house, look into these concrete blocks. I'm trying to remember what they're actually called, it's like a three-letter acronym.

Err and I meant to say, the point of my post is I agree with the OP. Houses in the US are built like shit most of the time, for the sake of producing a cheap house. But if you have the money to do it right, you absolutely should.

Lots of Mexicans is 3 rivers shouldnt be that hard. My Texas city is a suburb of Fort Worth and only builds white people houses. Farther south some boys in Alvarado build houses from steel.

Howdy neighbor

if only because it's good for the soul, to live in something built to be durable (which can include wood, desu)

Look at that, my carport consists of double the material used in this pathetic pile of shit.
I don't think it would be legal to build that way in Germany. Look at the toothpicks they used to build the frame. What the actual fuck?

and in the hamptons they build em out of titanium, whoopdee fucking do

Nigger thinks he's in space or something.

>the toothpicks they used to build the frame
that's the problem
not that it's a wooden structure
it's built as cheap shit because that's what people ask
which is yet another problem

I swear some of you Europeans on here have the brain of a nigger.

Fucking christ you people are so fucking dumb I can't even.


>when will they learn?
Maybe in 451 years

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>How does architecture work the post

You are dumb.
If you build a concrete box, inna woods, and those woods burn, everything is still gone. No possessions. No electricity. No plumbing.
You’re still rebuilding the entire house. Stick to talking about refugees, sausage, antifa, and your caliphate. You obviously know nothing about what you’re yammering about.

he's right. the fires would spread less easily and at a slower pace if your houses were made of brick or concrete

Because it's easier and cheaper to break down a wooden house and build a new one than to refurbish a brick monstrosity from the 60s that has a retarded layout, too cramped living space, too small windows, outdated gas/water/electricity provisions, outdated insulation, outdated/aging ceiling beams and all manner of retarded/dangerous workarounds that previous owners installed. And that's disregarding the fact that this type of fire and the US' types of tornadoes will fuck up brick houses just the same.
What's that? You have some brick walls still standing after the fire? Good on ya. It's not like you'll have to fucking knock them down because the entire structure has become unstable, anyway. What now? The wind didn't knock your house down but it did still your roof and the debris blasted a whole through every wall? Who'd have thunk it. Goddamn.

Yeah, you wouldn't want to try to reuse that. The heat may have compromised its structural integrity. Remember, brick houses ARE NOT like real stone that could withstand a lot more. Bricks are made out of clay, sand, and other stuff that's been ground down, then made into something solid with bonding agents. It can easily be compromised by extreme elements and a lot of moisture that makes it crumble down eventually. Also moist environments and are already compromised when an earthquake of sufficient magnitude gives it a little shake. It's really just a step above adobe (mud brick). If you made it from real stone, then that's a different story, although your average homeowner couldn't afford such materials.

It's literally the same fucking blocks they build their faggy European lego houses from.

lol you guys are dumber than i thought

nice try tho

no its not

Attached: depositphotos_109260152-stock-photo-new-house-foundation.jpg (1024x768, 216K)

literally this

Attached: 1542028826762.jpg (1426x713, 689K)

ICF - Insulated Concrete Foam.
Built like brick shithouses.


I'm still wondering if anyone knows the quote I'm thinking of.
Been trying to find it for a while now and it seems more relevant than ever.

European houses are literally superior
My parents even hired a German company to build their house

Good shit mate

I'd rather live underground.

what do you think about this guys?

Ok nigger

looks solid

Way to go my Uruguayn friend

what kind of earthquake resistance do they get? Do they have a rebar frame? Or are they just like Hatian style unreinforced masonry?
concrete buildings here are so fuckig hard reinforced that you can’t demolish them with explosives, you need a big excavator with a bolt cutter sort of attachment that snips through the reinforcing bar mesh
takes forever to bring down even a 3-4 story building that’s maybe 10 meters wide

brick buildings are basically nonexistent here due to the appalling seismic performance
although you still have some old brick structures standing from the Meiji period, probably a matter of luck in most cases and they may have some unseen reinforcements since they’re historical relics and not buildings that are actually used
Thin brick patten cladding facades glued to concrete buildings are rather popular though, but of course they look like obvious fakes if you’ve ever seen a real brick building up close