Reationships and your power level

So Jow Forums I just revealed my power level on gays to my recent gf who i've come to learn is actually bisexual.

I told her if I had a gay son I would most likely throw him out of the house, and that drag queens are a degenerate culture of low lifes.

Obviously she took this pretty hard, accused me of being a homophobic intolerant asshole, and keeps bringing it up.

Tried to convince me that drag queens, trans people, and homos are just like you and me, and want to be left alone.

Do any of you have experience with this.

Is it even possible to redpill a bisexual woman.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>"Why don't you accept them for who they are"
>"They just want to live life like you and me"

>forces people to participate in their self image

I tried convincing her that pride events are based entirely around sex, but she will not even concede that.

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There's no such thing. That just means that she's so easy that she'll spread them for anyone.

"Bisexual" women don't exist by the way. She'll forget about vaginas as soon as a built chad with a ten incher glances in her direction. Obviously that chad isn't you, OP or you wouldn't be experiencing these issues with her.

This. She also probably fucks niggers. Dump this woman

I am a pretty avid gym goer.

Im pretty sure the only reason shes still with me is because I have big arms.

If you could give her the good fuck she wouldn't be whining about bullshit like this.

This. "Bisexual" people are degenerates who will fuck anything men, women, animals, niggers, etc.

>telling a woman, the bearer of a child, that you would throw the spawn that she holds so intimately close with her for nine (9) whole months and has an incredibly strong maternal bond with, out of the house if he fell for the gay meme
You are a fucking RETARD, leaf.
You don’t abandon your kid. Even worse, you NEVER TELL A WOMAN THAT YOU’LL ABANDON YOUR KID.
You FIX the kid.
Gay/Tranny is a mind virus. Literally a slippery slope meme. Don’t leave the kid alone on the Internet too long. Look what fucking happened to Jow Forums; this timeline...

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If he is going to dump her because of that, then please give her to me. I'll slurp that cunt like i've been walking the sahara for days.

It's time to walk away, user. She's a sloot.
Think about it: what is the point of drawing a line in the Sand about your sexuality like that if you are in a committed relationship? Do straight men make sure to let their partner know that they are sexually attracted to other women and not just their partner? It's sexual degeneracy at its finest. She wants you to know that she can still fuck behind your back and by stopping her you're being oppressive.


She's cheating on you

>Don’t leave the kid alone on the Internet too long
Good advice. I've 5 young ones. We don't have cable, and internet time is limited.

This. Best hard throat-fuck of my life was with a lezzer. She loved it.

Get rid of her, stupid. Every woman has a pussy, not just her. Move along. She will just fuck your kids up

I larp as a nigger on pol a lot too it’s really funny. One time on one of the Neo pagan threads I put on that thread and kept saying Thor was black.

*that flag

Obviously not a big cock. Unfuck yourself.

Tell her you were just kidding about the gays but that trannies are an abomination. Mention how it is unfair to women that trannies beat the fuck out of them in sports

Show her the silicone man

You're probably fine OP, don't listen to these virgins. Women are too compassionate, and over the last few years I've realized that giving them the right to vote actually destroyed the west. Look at the recent midterms; if most women hadn't fallen for the Kavannaugh theatrics we probably would have kept the majority in congress.

My point is that unfortunately it will take years to change your woman's mind about the risky lifestyle choice that is homosexuality; Glorifying the lifestyle with "Pride" and the like is just degenerating society, spreading disease, child abuse, and perversion. Even if you show her statistics that prove gays are 10-20 times more likely to abuse a child or spread disease than a heterosexual, she probably will still hold her opinion that you should tolerate the gays and embrace drag queens.

Don't bring it up and don't respond when she does. She's still with you because you are more valuable than the challenge you presented to her beliefs. If you bring it up she will grind you down, if you respond she will grind you down.

Don't be a cuck about shutting the argument down either, simply indicate that you are not interested with eyebrow movements then going back to whatever you were doing, after an appreciable period of silence change the subject in a natural fashion, comment on a paragraph in the book you're reading or whatever it is you do when you're with her doing alone time together. If she continues pushing verbally simply state that you have no interest in discussing it until it becomes something that might impact your life.

This might lead to her arguing that you have no intention of having children with her which based on the word recent in your OP means she's crazy. If she moves on then you know she can be reasoned with, when you have to have the talk in a few years time if you decide to have children with her she will be much more receptive to compromise, which you will have to do too.

Come home from hard days of work, then bend her over the kitchen table and engage in rough sex, then after that tell her to never question you about your decisions or she can leave.

>tfw turned normie ex into nigger and fag hater while i was with her
>tfw moving from female to female transforming their world views to be contrary to mainstream narrative
shut up virgin. impose thy will. women respect confidence above all. that is why she is still with him

Lefties can't be rescued. You should of done a background check before you fucked her.

Dump and find a different one, she will only bring you headaches and chaos.

I was out to eat the other week with my gf of 6 months. There is a table of middle aged men sitting next to us eating and drinking loudly. I guess by the way they are speaking English that they are German. Now she knows I’m into conspiracy and what not but she’s silent for a minute and asks “heyyy you believe in the holocaust?”
>the face when non face
>Ahhhh well you see it’s a really complicated subject
>it’s okay user just tell me
>go off on quick 15 minute soft explanation
>I think that’s really interesting
> go home and preform sexual acts upon one another for the sole purpose of recreation.
I’m going to stay with her for a while

She will use it against you if you ever spite her.

larping fag

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Lots of virgins in this post. Nothing makes your dick harder then seeing two sexy woman touching and kissing each other

Tell her you want to chop your dick off and start wearing a wig and a dress, see if she thinks trans people are normal then bro.

When left wing people say retarded shit just drop facts and watch there emotions get the better of them as they fail to come up with any form of coherent argument.

>I told her if I had a gay son I would most likely throw him out of the house, and that drag queens are a degenerate culture of low lifes.

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Someone post that buff manlet pic

This man is a legend.

haha canadians, come to Germany, I've got my 9/10 German girlfriend whose parents and herself admire Hitler and national socialism

>bluff that you will go trans

Retard alert. Obviously she would leave if I went trans, but If I tell her to think about it, a woman will deny rejecting a tranny til the end of time.

Shit has to hit the fan for her to admit anything.


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>Do any of you have experience with this

nope forever alone

The word stop was enough you fucking retard. Why are you making personal attacks on her when you ostensibly want the argument to stop?

You're done. You probably went about it stupidly but now you've confirmed that she's an NPC and unfit to be a parent. Move on.

>drag queens, trans people, and homos are just like you and me, and want to be left alone
If that's true then why are they in public trying to push their shit on other people?

Yes you never argue, just agree and slowly red pilled her,º make jokes about it.

And what of those who dont? The same thing can be said about all groups who have a social presence

just never concede and keep your foot down
she'll come around eventually
it's annoying and you'll constantly find that you'll repeat yourself, but keep doing it anyway

>and want to be left alone

if you're willingly dating a "bisexual" you have no power level. dump her ass, find a white woman who isn't a dyke in hiding.

We have 8 year old kids cutting their dicks off because of the shit being taught in schools to kids that haven't even reached puberty yet. That's way beyond "being left alone". It's fucking brainwashing and a clear declaration of war on anyone psychologically healthy or sane.

you fucked up by showing hate for them

just keep ur son from toxic plastics and you wont have to worry about him turning gay

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I’m gay and I just wanna be left alone, can confirm.

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>keeps bringing it up

This was the final straw after it constantly being brought up, telling her she is being intolerant turned the tables around.

"Stop" is not enough.

>Is it even possible to redpill a woman

>Is it even possible to redpill a bisexual woman
Double no. Don't even waste your time

You fucked up getting tangled up with someone like that to begin with.

If the thought of gay, trans, and pedos even existing does not turn your stomach and make your want to eliminate them, you are weak.

there is no redpilled on the gay question, this is entirely your emotions,

When it comes to revealing power level to women it entirely depends on how well you fuck them. If you are better than anyone she has had then she will hamster away justifying anything you say to her.

My wife was already pretty redpilled on nigger, muslims, and commies die to her being a chink.
I’ve slowly been working on the jew angle and she seems to be taking to it pretty well. She even points out jew stuff in newspapers now. Still hetting there cuz it’s a slow process.

I once dated a girl for 5 years and shifted her right on every issue except gays.

Women love gays and you cant really undo it

Gays to them are like giant children in adult bodies who they can go shopping with and get a non threatening "male perspective" on things

Internet fucks kids up I’ve never known a kid who spent too much time online as a youngun who didn’t end up weird as fuck.

Only faggots hide their power level.

Ask her how she’ll feel when he son is better at sucking dick than she is

Redpilling must occur gradually. Take all your words back and start again with completely differen approach in few months.

this is false, before licking gay ass was trendy women were the biggest gay-haters

why do you have a retarded gf in the firstplace?
my gf is really redpilled. even took the (((final))) one pretty normal. she doesn't believes it 100% but she supports my awakened wisdom. she can't handle every aspect as good as i do because woman don't like horrible thinks. they get emotionally sad after too much redpills. but they are not man after all. they should not be worried about the future like we should. they should be great mothers to our sons and we men make things right. just get a loyal conservative kid loving woman. if she likes you, and you are more intelligent than her, she will adapt your view and will support you.

The correlation between mental illness, homosexuality and transexuality.

Litteraly pummel here with science.

This is proof.
Coming from verified lefty (The Guardian) and expert (psychology today)

Simply show empirical proof that mental illness is related to sexual deviance.

I'm bipolar/ADHD, and have as a side effect being hypersexual.
When I was in a hospital (clinic) for treatment ALL the young patients had either homo / bisexual or trans problems.

All of them except me and one girl, all were fucking sexual deviant.
2 normal out of like 12 patients.

I didn't believe Jow Forums at fist, buy I had to live through it to believe it.

>recent gf
what did op mean by this

>if I had a gay son I would most likely throw him out of the house
That makes you an asshole
You can recognise behavioural patterns within gay people and even be kinda weirded out by them without sperging into disowning people who could still be useful

>not deviant

never had this problem. my wife aligned her political views with mine as soon as we married. if you seriously can't convince the roastie that her opinions are ill-formed and retarded, then you're either not much of a man or that thot is too far gone and you need to drop her.

a relationship of about 3 months

Don't say, show. Easiest red pills are going to a gay pride parade and letting your gf see the fags sporting half chubs over little boys being groomed by other fags. Same with nigger hate, walk around the inner city and point it out.
Just don't let her ignore what's in front of her. That's the issue with many libshits is they ignore what's plainly visible.

Gay people are not your problem. At least, not the most pressing issue. You have an immigration minister that actively wants to replace you. Muslims breed like flies around shit. Gay people don't breed. Focus on getting your voting population concerned about being replaced.

>tfw been dating a chick for a month and the few times we've attemped sex was after a friday night out at the pub.
>Tfw booze kills my boner but recently begin to notice the life in my boner has gone down.
I'm fucked m8s.

Was surprised when she didn't give me any shit for being a Trump supporter when i'm fairly certain she voted for Ol Bernie

Race traitor

If you have a son, it’s your job to keep him from turning gay. It therefore shouldn’t be an issue. You’re culpable.

I had a sociology professor who worked in AIDS therapy and his clinic did a study of all of their gay male patients and discovered that 100% of them either didn’t have a dad growing up or they never felt an emotional connection to their dad. All of their gay male patients said that. It’s not biological.

you as a father fucked up if your son goes full faggot apeshit. there is no excuse. it ia not genetic. it is an illusion and a void the society creates and you as a father ahould protect your kid from becoming degenerate. if it's the school that is pushing that shit and you see it. change school or start homeschooling. don't play into (((their))) hands by reacting like they want conservatives to react. you just play into their hands and your kid becomes gay for being a rebel against you. be a good father. stand above it. he should learn that he can't make you sad by rebeling against you. he has no power because you are his father. if he sees that that while you are also a loving one he will not rebell. give him calmly your redpills without sperging (he will think you are crazy and won't want become like you). thats all. faggottry is confusion. prepare your kid that it won't get confused. help him find the right way. it is really hard nowaday to stay on track. don't be angry when he got tricked. but learn him to overcome it and see as you see it. be a loving father

Did I say I wasn't a deviant?

I'm a full blown degenerate.
I'll gladly admit that.

What about you mutt, care to expose your own personal flaws / sins, whatever you call it ?

And I said there were few heteros, mostly gays and bis and trans.

Compared to homosexuality, bi and trans, being hypersexual, is perfectly normal.

Not talking nymphomaniac, that's different

how would a gay son be useful for anything? he's not creating children to carry on the family name and he's a affront to your family's name and reputation. you're better off having a child with downs, at least you can excuse their behavior and you don't have to worry about their mugshot showing up in the paper next to their gay lover tyrone's.

Good luck chasing after that white unicorn ya NEET
You should try sucking dick instead - you’d be better at it than you think.

Racemixing retard, you'll never be lel redpilled. Enjoy your supreme gentlemen kids.

>just give up and get a insect!
I admire MGTOW and waifufags more than race traitors. At least they admit they are failures damn ing their offspring.

I've either redpilled all my past girlfriends or made it so that they don't mind my views.

you just make sure not to talk about politics at all until after you have given her a good dicking, then you can chat about some general things during pillowtalk to find out each others values. Just don't be a sperg about it.

For the vast majority of women their political opinions are simply a result of them not wanting to stand out from what they perceive to be social consensus. Only a minority of women have genuine political convictions.

If they think they have found a good man they will usually bend to fit him.

You're either a prime cuckold or don't actually have a gf. Girls don't argue about these things with you if they love you. Early in the relationship my gf thought gays were cute because of will & grace but two years into our relationship she answered the question "what would you do if your son came out gay?" with "try again". In fact I've never been with a girl who didn't agree with me on politics and ideologies.
I don't know where you cucks find such opinionated women in the first place. Is it just Finland where women take after their bf's?

this is true.

Digusting race traitor.

Sorry man time to find a new girlfriend. Get one last good throat fuck on your way out

Haha the seething butthurt ITT
By all means, grab a huwhyte waifu if you can find one. There are only so many to go around.
You can be like my brother who is obsessed with finding a decent white wife and ‘keeping it pure’ and is constantly frustrated becauae there aren’t any around. He’s a Quasi-chad too and not some hopeless wreck of humanity either.
Meanwhile I’ve got a house and a family.

Silly you. Should not have revealed that you would kick gay son out of house... chances are, you would never have a gay son, never have to kick him out, and wife would never have had to hear this.
If you learn anything today, you should at least learn not to just talk about too much random touchy shit like this unless it is an issue right here in front of you right now that must be dealt with. As more than likely, people around you even those you love will always use what you say against you.

Option A: Potentially contributing to the continuation of your species with beautiful progeny

Option B: Guarantee your inability to contribute to the continuation of your species with disgusting, mongrelised creatures because you're incapable of finding a white woman that is both worthy and willing to marry you

You can make whatever excuses you want to for your inability to succeed in an ideal fashion, you'll always be a disgusting race traitor. It's not hate, it's pity and shame.

>bi girlfriend
dude, fucking dump her. She isn't mother material or wife material. She will fucking cheat on you.

She is degenerate filth, send her to the curb and find a good woman.

I look at it hedging my bets:

I can raise my kids to be a racist as I want without reprisal. They can convincingly infiltrate and subvert non-whites if necessary. When the race war comes, they can (and will) fight for whites (and they will be welcomed with open arms because let’s face it, we need all the help we can get).
If whites win, they share in the spoils.
If whites lose, they can blend back into the brown hordes and continue on as if they were with them all along.

Either way, my genes survive and win because I play the long game. Lemme guess, you’re the type if republican voter that says “well at least we aren’t stooping to their level! I’d rather lose honorably than win like this!””

Kill yourself please

ironically and unironically must be word of the month.

There's nothing more irrelevant than a woman's world view you cuck.

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>implying women actually care about their children
1 in 4 women in the United States have murdered a child inside of them.

It's also well known that "sudden infant death syndrome" is actually mothers who either accidentally murder (shaking) or purposely suffocate their child and get it written off by the doctor as "a mystery."

It was also common in the old days for women to outright drown their children. They don't all have this "super mom protective" attitude, not that it exists anyway.

>accuses me of being a homophobic intolerant asshole

ok but you are homophobic and intolerant. you can own that surely?

Reconsider your life choices

I hate fags as much as the next guy, but wtf OP? Doesn't every dude want a bisexual GF?

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That's a big red flag right there. Dump her and get yourself a proper gf.

Yeah actually I take back what I said...this

It's not a bad rationalisation, but it's still a rationalisation. I actually would prefer if people who are incapable of breeding within their own subspecies to simply not breed at all. If you fail in the sexual market place you should let nature run its course rather than latching onto a gook. Even better, improve until you stop failing within your own sexual marketplace. Hedging your bets is a rational strategy, though. I still think planning for failure makes you weak and unworthy. No wonder you couldn't find a good white woman. I will not be killing myself, unfortunately. Sorry friend. Maybe if you ask again I will.