Women are a nightmare.
Self-absorbed but not self-aware.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Reading material

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Most common misconception about MGTOW

>You're all incels

Incel or "involuntary celebate".

In reality, most MGTOW are dudes who have been married; had the life sucked out of them by some fucking Demon Whore colluding with the State and have taken a MGTOW path instead of suicide.

Young men are being called "incel" because there are so many thousands of old men issuing warnings about the modern parasitical woman.

But the whole phase is a misnomer. These young men are not "involuntary celebrate". Rather they are Volunteering to save themselves from the modern female demon.

There is no shame is taking back your male sovereignty.

go back to wikipedia, plebbit

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Pretty sure Kanye West was called an incel once

I do not argue with AI.

beep boop beep

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I could go on all day about saving Little Debbies from the waves of Googles infesting our society but Facebooks are selfish and wont help with the work it will take to go full on BMW.