We fount mo votes, white boi

Nearly a week after Election Day more and more ballots are magically appearing.
>msm not saying a peep
>drudge completely ignoring all the voter fraud shit
>the Ben Shapiro’s of the right accepting some of these findings
>no threads and few tweets

This isn’t the first time the left has done this.
Blatant election fraud is happening by the usual suspects and no one is saying shit.

Attached: 92A4B7DE-E496-489D-A3F0-FC4A17B8A600.png (1200x630, 744K)

If this is not grounds for a civil war then what is? This is blatant coordinated subversion of this republic. How is this even allowed

Weakness? Trump is trying to show us how to win but the right is very reluctant because of the (((optics))).

no one wants to talk about it because the whole system is a scam and there is no democracy

This. What is Trump or anyone on the right supposed to do? Call out the system they are a part of? It would undermine the rights faith in the system and the left would have to respond in kind because they cant give up their advantage. Its the same reason nothing ever came from investigation into HRC or The Memo. Also why full JFK documents were never released.

I live and work within Broward county.
Corruption is a core value for appointees and elected officials.
Anybody with even the slightest bit of authority looks to take advantage of their position.
One example is Tony Russo, a lowly building inspector for the city of Cooper City. 150$ea is his personal fee to summarily review and approve plans/new construction in his city.
If you don't play ball with him then he rejects your work.
We're basically the Brazil of the USA

If we say anything, we appear crazy. The conventional wisdom is, “why do you care about something that doesn’t affect you?”. People are ignorant about the steal, don’t care, or think it’s great! Memes aren’t as effective as they used to be due to Boomers. We need an effective way to make people care this is happening.

You guys are so fucked
If you can't purge the perpetrators out of the system completely before 2020 you're in for a hell of a ride

Attached: USA-Banana-Republic.jpg (640x421, 117K)

Every single thing that Rick Scott has done in office has been anti-constitutional tyranny; I hope you get fucked by oncoming traffic

except none of what you just said is true