White Pride

Since a lot of niggers and cucks have been bashing on white people lately, with such threads as:
>how does it feel to be hated
>white women love POC dude
>we wuz kangz
>you'll be replaced white boy

Let's talk about white people's accomplishments (of course we can't talk about all of them, otherwise we'd have to describe all of humanity's accomplishments throughout the ages).

>white people settled one of the shittiest regions of the world - dotted with mountains, cold as fuck, full of dangerous wildlife and even ooga booga people
>other vertents of human races that settled other parts of the world (some even worse) descended from white people
>created modern civilization, democracy, civil duty and rights, the strongest military powers to date
>have weapons capable of erasing life on earth, and resources capable of keeping any life on earth alive (and even bringing life back from the dead)
>subjugated virtually every other race in the world (blacks, asians, indians, arabs, we.) through sheer military, intellectual and cultural superiority
>every other race uses cultural and technological aspects invented and upheld by white people
>bleached all other races throughout the ages
>could have destroyed any other race, or all of them, but chose to preserve them out of empathy (the worst point of this list)
>literally nailed god to a cross and fed him vinegar

Damn it feels good to be white.
I smile to myself every time I see whores, retarded thugs and cuckolds advocating for white genocide, when they all know, deep inside, they literally cannot exist without white people. Their whole existences depend on white empathy, and they live in fear of white men, for they have the power to erradicate them from the face of the earth (as jews have almost experienced).

>inb4 but Brazillians ain't white
Southern Brazil is as white as it comes, and it's where I'm from.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Daily reminder: jews are not white.

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Yep, this one going into my white male fragility collection.

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>calls black people we wuz kangz
>holds onto the accomplishments of people who just happened to be more closely related to him than others so he wuz kangz n sheit
K, bro

Thanks to admitting to liking black cock?

European Pride, “huwhite pride”.
Stupid fucking monkey.

Attached: WHITE_AMERICANS.jpg (1256x3903, 1.11M)

You only further prove your white fragility, monkey boy.

i'd rather be a monkey than be a nigger

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>having no bragging rights but still talking shit to cover up your race's uneventful past
>having so many bragging rights that other races are legitimately pissed at yours for owning the fucking planet

Canadian. What a surprise.

You got something against whites? Why don't you drop your phone invented by whites, stop using the internet whites made, trash your computer created by white people and go live somewhere that isn't made by a material white people invented?

No i creampie black fag bois

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You wouldn't mind being uma delicia?
Also that's an ape you Wigger larp.

I got an issue with pathetic whites, the majority of this boards white population, taking credit for things just like you did right now. How about you stop appropriating the culture of the United States but that is too late as your new leader has already claimed to cuck to the U.S. by aligning to our policy.

So you like putting your dick in a gay black ass that has even a higher chance of having a sexually transmitted disease. Live your life I guess.

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Sure. Just give us back our motorized aircraft first, so we can both stop appropriating things, and you can stop contaminating other countries with your presence.

>Muh motorized aircraft
Sorry pal but as the same with anything involving the cultural center of the world, if we do it better, it's not your culture anymore.

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monkeys are glorious and majestic, niggers are just ugly and stink
yeah i'd rather be a fucking monkey

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Well I know which Brazilian in this thread is the furry now.

Mano, esses burgers fodem homem e provavelmente acham que o Brasil é igual a Amazônia (graças, claro, à educação americana que sempre foi superior).
Nem adianta tentar explicar pra gente que filma a mulher fudendo negão que negro não é humano.

No one is making those posts except larpers pretending to be your imagined opposition.

>lets talk about white people accomplishments
How about you autists actually go out and accomplish something for yourselves. Stop being a bunch of beta cucks taking credit for shit that has nothing to do with you.

>Nem adianta tentar explicar pra gente que filma a mulher fudendo negão que negro não é humano
this. i hate to say it but fucking Varg is right, civilization is doomed just buy a piece of land and live of it with your family like nature intended for it, there is no fixing this shit.

>"I-I'm white and fuck burger education" the post
Why do fragile males get like this?

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never forget your past

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>The lion of Europe will wake up

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>Your past
Leaf your past is fucking dogs and letting Chang buy your house. You have no stake in the past that you never lived nor that you have contributed. Why live this life only to lash out when white does crack. It's sad!

I like where this is going

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I am accomplishing a lot as a matter of fact. Not going to get into details, but I'm rather satisfied with my life and proud of myself.

Pick one:
Because as of now, you're checking all the boxes and I'm getting confused.


Hello i'm white can i get in on this?

Of course. You're probably one of the whitest people here.

Well thank you kind sir :)


and the best fpbp I have seen in quite some time.

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Yikes, all three of those are wrong.
Lets just say I'm the living personification of an oldfag using Jow Forums for shitposting and triggering niggers like yourself.

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Hello joão, how is orlando this time of the year?

>this thread

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Be quiet.

I had this feel when I first posted in this thread.

>Saving a dicpic compilation

Japan was doing fine before surviving losing WW2

we actually wuz kangs
stop culturally appropriating english mud

Japan is still doing fine, their people inherited a lot of traits from whites.
One of them is radiation making them stronger.

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Only if you were Norman, Anglo peasant.

>uneventful past
lol k. I guess those 5,000 years of Indian history, written, taught and studied are all “uneventful” because a Brazilian White told me.
stop using my number system Indian cum.

You know, I don't advocate hate. Aside from what I mentioned in OP, I actually have nothing against POC. For better or worse, I myself live in a country filled with POC.
What really annoys me is how they want special treatment and how they try to make white people feel bad for things that are way outside of their own reality. One such thing was the push against racism a while back.
I live in a region filled with white people, and where we have pockets of black/mulatto communities. I have never, in my whole life, seen a minority being discriminated against. In fact, I have seen black people calling one another "nigger", as if they are different breeds of black (one being superior and the other inferior). And then these dicks try to pull the white guilt on us because other assholes are doing it in Europe and the US?

Same thing for women. I have never seen a single woman being harassed here past 2003 (where I did see such a fact). Yet nowadays they all push for feminism and rights and protection, when the average man would never approach an unknown woman outside of a party, club, bar or the likes (where this is actually expected).

Still, my comment stands. For all the shit people try to throw at us, it feels great to be white. I'm proud of my color, proud of myself, my parents, my grandparents and everyone before them.

I wasn't talking about indians. I was talking about the people who actually lie they were kings (blacks).


You just have gay interracial porn on your pc?

>Black people: fuck white people
>White people: fuck black people
>Black people: lmao ur so fragile sweaty

>Has never seen a nigger fragility thread.

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Well now you'd better show me since you've roused my curiosity.

>one of them is radiation making them stronger
I keked but it’s also true, those poor fucks have radiation in their milk, when the nuclear fires come, I’ll leave it to the Japanese to be the last survivors.

I'm not Google you damn roo.

If you google 'black fragility' you will get pages upon pages of globohomo articles about white fragility.


All that history and literature and your government has to enforce a policy to prevent your people from shitting on the street.
What a legacy.

Look harder. Also most nigger fragility threads are not label as such. Usually in the form of nigger hate threads. How fucking new are you?