Abdir Isaak lives in a tiny apartment at just 62sqm with his wife and nine children, and the municipality refuses to provide them with a larger apartment. Since his family of 9 came to Sweden from Somalia 6 years ago, his wife has given birth to two more children, making the apartment crowded to the point that his children can't even do their homework in peace. The family can't even eat together since the kitchen isn't large enough to fit them all, forcing them to eat out almost every night. Isaak and his wife are desperately trying to find a new place to live, but at the Swedish housing market it's almost impossible for unemployed couples like them to buy an apartment. While they're open to live anywhere in Gothenburg, the municipality refuses to provide them with a larger apartment, since 5+ bedroom apartments are very rare in Sweden.
How do we solve situations like this one, Jow Forums? These children need a place to live. Now.
Give them more welfare so they can afford a big enough house. Maybe just build them a new one for free. That should do it.
Nathan Wright
You can tell by the scratched paint on the door there that he uses his bathroom as a gass chamber. Holocaust 2.0?
Chase Thompson
William Perry
Maybe you could fix the problem by forcing people to be held accountable for their own choices?
Joseph Turner
>How do we solve situations like this one Let the retards who created the problem dix the problem.
Ill give you a hint. Its the parents.
Ethan Young
Obviously, the only solution would be to find two adjoining properties with Swedish families in them, evict those families onto the streets so that they can ponder their racism in allowing this to happen and having those dual properties be converted into one single luxury property by way of apology to this brave new Sweden family. come to think of it, a third family in a further adjoining property should also be evicted too in the situation that this brave proud family requires the extra space. The third family was likely racist too, due to being in a home adequate for their needs. This is the only fair solution, I'm sure everyone agrees.
Thomas Green
Sweden has failed in this test. These children are the future.
Anthony Rogers
Austin James
Why the fuck won't niggers EVER try to improve their surroundings even a little? How about a coat of paint you lazy motherfucker?
Dominic Gutierrez
i hate this godforsaken niggerfilled country
Logan Rodriguez
Asher Richardson
Set the apartments on fire. Take care of 33 birds with one stone.
Daniel Green
>How do we solve situations like this one, Jow Forums? They go back to Zoomalia.
Brayden Allen
>How do we solve situations like this one, Jow Forums? Dunno, maybe they should shit out a few more kids and see if their situation changes.
Thomas Barnes
>How do we solve situations like this one, Jow Forums?
Well, if we were to set fire to the buildings they live in they'd have no place left to live.
Then the niggers can live in the street like they should.
Samuel Reyes
uhhhhh kill them?
Aiden Bell
>that door Tells all you need to know about why Africa is an absolute shithole
Jackson Scott
buy them a mansion
Justin Garcia
>"Here, have this nice apartment" >Hhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggg *pops two more children* >"What now?"
Carson Jenkins
>, but at the Swedish housing market it's almost impossible for unemployed couples like them to buy an apartment Found the solution then: get a fucking job you lazy slackers, instead of mating all day.
Joshua Rogers
Sure, the average Frenchman has to pay two thirds of his monthly wages to live in an appartment that's way smaller than 62sqm, but the poor people of color are so oppressed! Give them a manor, for free, right now!
Angel Wilson
That's some top IKEA shit.
Luke Rogers
>be shitskin >live in 3rd world shitskin shithole. >move to prosperous white nation >contribute nothing >get gibs >shit out 9 little shitskin kids you can't afford >expect host nation to pay you more for doing nothing >complain to media >get more gibs >still contribute nothing >turn prosperous white nation into 3rd world shitskin shithole >rinse/repeat.
So this guy is fucking his wife while laying right next to his children?
John King
Maybe there's a suitable apartment in Somalia
Easton Young
>6 years ago >still unemployed Lyxnegrer
Jaxson Mitchell
Half the kids are probably his other wives.
Nathan Evans
Jag faking hatar negermänniskor som dom
Thomas Diaz
skjut dom
Nolan Scott
>negermänniskor >människor Does not compute.
Sebastian Murphy
Well because it's not his apartment so it's not his responsibility to fix it. He's showing the door to demonstrate that the apartment is in a bad condition and the landlord (the municipality) should fix it.
Luke Gutierrez
Yes this would also make sense as we have to factor in family growth. Between bringing his extended family of future Swedes and his wife popping out at least 5 new Swedes, not to mention he’ll probably marry another 2 wives, the 3rd apartment will no doubt alleviate some of their anticipated growth.
Liam Taylor
>swedish family >says they are from somalia right after Hmm.
Carter Long
>but at the Swedish housing market it's almost impossible for unemployed couples like them to buy an apartment. >came to Sweden from Somalia 6 years ago >unemployed Gee I wonder why is theit life not very good, truly a mystery.
Aaron Carter
This >came with 9 kids >unemployed >get gibs >6 years later >11 kids >still unemployed >moar gibs plz I'd like to personally thank Sweden for taking omw for the team and redpilling the world on African migrants. Sorry about your lands and culture swedebros.
Noah Wood
Nothing improves in their neighborhoods, Things just fall apart and nothing is repaired. But of course it’s the white mans fault.
Nolan Nguyen
>his wife and nine children Goddamn chimpanzees
Connor Rogers
You ain’t seen nothing yet.
Justin Anderson
Sweden must be held accountable for this!!
Josiah Lee
This is a leftist wet dream.
Charles White
>Defending the niggest of nig behaviour I'd pay out of my own pockets just to have a cozy habitat. Could you really live like this?
Sebastian Gray
>came with 9 kids
most of them won't reach adulthood in Somalia, will die of aids or something
Ayden Gray
Most municipalities already evict people and let refugees and new immigrants skip the housing queue, but it doesn't really work since there's a shortage of rental apartments and it's not possible to evict people from apartments or houses they own. Sometimes the municipalities buy apartments for tax money for refugees and new Swedes, but that's getting increasingly expensive causing massive municipal budget shortages.
Joshua Bennett
***spay and neuter laws***
(mandatory) every country should propose population control legislation. women can be implanted by a long lasting long acting contraceptive at puberty. couples should be required by law to have a license to give birth and reproduce. mandatory income qualificatiins should be met, the list of potential laws and legislation goes on an on. caught breaking "birthing laws"? mandatory deportation from that country. these ignorant people reproduce at a careless rate. the un-intelligent cannot help themselves. (regardless of race, ethnicity, or gender)
this idea would greatly improve any country if you think about it.
the law of all lands should start with legal population control.
Julian Ramirez
you people are so dumb it’s unbelievable. all of you deserve what’s coming.
Carter Rivera
Put them in the houses of Social Democrats members, that would fix it.
Thomas Bell
>The family can't even eat together since the kitchen isn't large enough to fit them all Who the fuck eats their family dinners in the kitchen?
Carter Allen
There is a hell of a lot of room in Somalia, why don't they just go back to where they can have big houses there?
Isaiah Ortiz
>almost impossible for unemployed couples to buy a house The madness of it all. It's all so tiresome.
Landon Ramirez
This thread is filled with racist comments from white nationalist nazis.
all of you should be ashamed of yourselves. These people are in need and all you can do is this of racist things. Please seek psychological help.
Stop treating people like animals...IT'S ONLY MONEY AND MONEY IS NOT REAL
Nolan Thomas
dysgenics in action: smart people whose lives are not in order simply won't have children until they are ready to take care of them. dumbfucks don't care how little money or future prospects they have they'll just shit out low iq goblins until old age sterilizes them.
Robert Garcia
Shut up, nigger sympathizer.
Samuel Foster
>not Swedish, never contributed >unemployed >having more spawn >give us MORE Disgusting
Jose Adams
>husband and wife are unemployeed >given free apartment, food, healthcare, clothes, and money for anything else >move in with 7 kids >is barely making it >guess well have 2 more kids so they will give us a larger place and more money >our apartment is too small to feed everyone for some reason, we go out to eat every night since the schools will feed our hoard of useless nigglets >let me show you a picture of a door thats had the paint scratched off to demonstrate just how horrible my condition is despite for the cost of one meal i could repaint the entire door with 10 minutes of my 24 free hours i have a day
is there a more pathetic country than sweden
Wyatt Scott
This is a Swedish cuck basedboi. It’s the new Swedish man. Apologist for their own demise.
Brody Price
They've been there six years and can't get a job? But keep having babies? Forced to eat out because there table is too small? When was rhe last time that a party of 11 rolled into a restaurant and was seated within 20 mins?
Julian Ross
Feeding these "people" is the root cause of all our fucking problems >random niggers in Africa get welfare >turn welfare into 5x population in only 20 years >ngo shills to migrate Africans for their shit living condition to improve >niggers move west, get fed, 5x population in 20 years >we need moar gibs pls Anyone who helps a nigger IS a nigger and should be killed well in advance of their African pets
Isaiah Rogers
Why are you acting like Germans...give the people proper housing or else
Colton Harris
>swedish family >abdir
Isaac Price
This is stupid. Simply concrete over a bit of countryside and build more boxes for them to live in.
Levi Young
>Isaak and his wife are desperately trying to find a new place to live
I hear Somalia is nice and has plenty of affordable housing.
Christopher Hernandez
Your fake hate is retarded
Ian Hall
I believe there would be lots of people willing to buy them a ticket back to Somalia.
Alexander Williams
If he doesn't like it he can fuck off home no one's forcing him to stay
Gavin Edwards
I don't understand why these poor Somalians don't just leave Sweden since Sweden is apparently such a horrible place to live
Jonathan Morales
Nice pasta, faggot.
Dominic Roberts
>Simply concrete over a bit of countryside and build more homes for them to live in.
treat your citizen proper Sweden the world is watching
Julian Powell
>unemployed couples like them to buy an apartment >nine tiny shitskins Aaaaaaaaah. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
Leftshits I fucking abhorre every single one of you.
Alexander White
Sad but fucking true. Only an armed revolution could help them now.
Ian Gutierrez
>Since his family of 9 came to Sweden from Somalia
man Jow Forums is educational I clicked on the image and can tell that he's from Somalia due to the high forehead and oblong face compared to other Africans before I came here they all looked the same