How much worse will it get?

>Upper-class white women who call the police on black men suspected of breaking into their apartment face death threats and lose their jobs instantly
>Whites unanimously condemn her, nationwide
>After she loses her job she gets on national news to talk about how she married a black man
>Not with a bang, but with a whimper

How did we get THIS FAR, THIS FAST? This story is like a page out of a KKK novel from the 70s.

Attached: 15xp-apartment-articleLarge.jpg (600x730, 31K)

is this the chick that blocked the door of the apartment complex and demanded the guy prove he lived there?

if she did that to me I would not have been so patient

he was trying to sneak in while the door was open

didn't she leave the door cracked open?
what was he supposed to do? close the door and then re-open it again just to prove he lived there to bystanders like some kind of autistic?



Do you have autism

I saw the video. This fuckin' bitch tried to stop the nig from going into his apartment because he wouldn't tell her his name or in which apartment he lived. Then she followed him up to the floor he lived on. When the nog put his key in the door, she demanded that he introduce himself.

That's just because she's a roastie not racism. She probably just wanted to be blacked. I mean, look at that attire, and honestly tell me that she's a loyal white woman. I dare you.

What she did wrong was changing her demeanor after he opened his door. You can tell that she went into damage control, and that makes her look hella bad. I'm kind of on the niggers side on this one.