Uses legal gun to murder a bunch of college students

>uses legal gun to murder a bunch of college students
>The bar had an armed guard and the shooter killed him
>Police officer shows up and the shooter kills him


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Other urls found in this thread:’s-underworld

well if guns were illegal, he would have just used an illegal gun.

More made for TV theatre in the round.
Nothing to see here.

Didn't he pass mental health screening?


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>gun free zone
>legal gun
really makes me go HMMM

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>the most gun control state
>shooter had an illegal mag size with him

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Are you implying OP is a liar?

Have we found out yet why he went burgerpig hunting that fateful night? What was his motive?

then we just genocide all you faggots, how about that? i hope the fire burns you all to death

Please let your son/daughter be shot dead

Sweaty, this literally never happened. Gun control works and shootings can't happen in gun control states. This whole thing was made up by Fox News.

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he was a Muslim fucktard
he converted to Islam idiot

He used instagram to say he had no reason and that he was bored.

>Think republicans are fucking the country on this issue? Wait until you see this.png

Are you kidding? Doctors literally inject poison into people.

It's almost as if this tragedy occurred simply to provide the specific arguments you made.

>leaves out that authorities were once again completely aware this guy was a wackadoo and once again did nothing.
>because of local law enforcement's ineptitude we now must take away gun rights from people thousands of miles away who didn't actually do anything

He had been in the military. The people the left says should have guns. So yeah.

The innocent should always be punished because of the actions of the guilty. The smart should be punished for the stupid. The successful should be punished to help the unsuccessful. The rich should be robbed to provide luxury to those who refuse to work.

How do you Republicans not understand this? It's common sense regulation.


Or it's likely that right-wing arguments are complete bullshit

He had a Commiefornia legal 10 round Glock. He modified it with an aftermarket black market parts.

He had a 30 round Kriss magazine on it that he probably got through contacts in the hood or bikers in the desert.

30 round .45 ACP mag that fits Glock... Kriss SMGs use those.

If the mag was legal, the media would have been making a big deal about it. California gun control FAILED!

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I'm implying that OP is a faggot and chokes in dick

>the most left wing state is complete shit but it's the right wing's fault somehow

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no one believes these blatant false flags
If it was real someone would have stormed one of the election rigging places, not shoot random nobodies before an election.
Every single mass shooting nongang related is the intel agencies, they think they are the good guys letting drugs in, sending their killers to shoot places, they use the Hegelian Dialectic to push for more money, more power, less oversight, less rights for us. They think they are saving the world by shooting children to ban guns, the ends justify the means to them
The CIA has never done anything good, thats why its all highly classified, because we would have the right of self defense if everyone knew what these monsters do

pic related

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>muh control
Niggers in Califucknia need to choke on organic poison gas

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>dude shoots up people because he wants guns banned

Wow so we surrender everything for safety, maybe we should all just stay away from each other, work in government rubber rooms, eat government approved food, get our hamster like treadmill for 30 minutes per day, avoid all sex. Get all clothing and shopping delivered by UPS. Wait this is sounding a lot like a NPC like you that wants everything safe and lives on the internet.

Two of my family died from car accidents, do you see my griping about cars? Faggot socialist.

Just what prevents someone from driving to texas, entering a gun shop, buying whatever hi cap magazines/weapons/ammo you need and driving back to california/new york?

>All efforts to disarm the worker should be frustrated by all means
You're pathetic even for a leftist.

California and New York gun control laws.

It’s weird that you don’t realize how much safety you have every day.

We drive cars that have safety regulations. We breath air that has air pollution regulations, we drink clean water that has regulstions, hour houses are built to safety code, noise levels of airplanes and cars are regulated for your comfort, food safety is regulated, drug safety is regulated, there are prohibitions on all kinds of thing in our society.

t. No gun regulations because muh safety, gets mad at women for using language to demand safety for themselves.

Can't pass the background check in Texas or any state unless you've been a resident in that state for 30 days.

>No Conceal Carry Holders, just easy to identify targets

This is why you goofed. Oh and no castle doctrine or self defense laws.

He didn't just have a standard cap glock mag

He had a mexico imported 30+ rounded that sticks out the bottom of the gun about a foot

>Bullied in hs
>Never good enough to go pro at baseball
>Angry veteran sick of the country he fought for
>PTSD and drugs
>Illegal high cap magazine

Mexico has extended mags

Border is still open for CA criminals

At least in US states they check drivers licencea and dont sell to CA residents

Mexico border is open and automatics can be brought back with no paperwork

Regulations to ensure the environment or people are not poisoned by ecological factors is a false equivalent to removing tools of self defense from the arms of those same people.

I got my 32 rd glock mag off the Internet.

>he thinks gun legislation will protect people from men programmed by the US government to kill.

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>left wing fag calling someone else a fag
Check your fag privilege

In CA you'd have to import it from mexico

Political power is worthless to Dummiecrats if they can't use it to steal people's guns.

this. its all fucking made up bullshit to grab guns

So hiw is this guy any diffrent from the Huston shooter they were both veterans with ptsd . how come blacks got blamed for huston and whites aren't blamed for this guy ??

he was an emotionally defective millennial that raged at people with better lives than him. He probably posted lots of edgy faggotposts on Jow Forums too, just speculating that one

That’s why I take my trained attack tiger to work every day.

You people are psychotic and you're going to die violently

where would he get it? Magical Black Market gun dealers on the street corners?

I was in CA when I got it mailed. I just wasn’t allowed to assemble it

guns should be removed from anybody between the ages of 18 and 36, basically

Yes, to fight cancer
pic related

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Drugs are illegal and their dealers need protection

Drug dealers all have connections to guns

Treading a thin line there

When Breivik wanted to shoot up all those Norwegian kids he traveled around Europe trying to acquire weapons illegally. Result? He got nothing.

In stead he used his legal firearms.

The lesson? If Breivik didn't have access to legal firearms, he would have had none at all.

I’d say they crossed the line at that point. Total infringement of my right to buy arms.

Dude you’re the ones keeping your shiney penis extenders around over the lives of kids.

so yeah, hope you pay the cost.

>not a onions-free zone

found op's problem

And I bought it directly from the online store. I didn’t have a friend mail it to me.

Illegal Guns are more accessible than illegal drugs. This is a fact. In the USA, cant speak for cuckland.

America has more guns in civilian hands than every single military and police force on planet earth.

Drugs were illegalized and their use and access has exponentially increased.

Guns cannot be banned.

And what stops these shooters every single time??? A gun.

When you cant get a legal gun you get one of the hundreds of millions of illegal ones that are abundant in every major city.

he was in the marines, he could find one or damn well make one.
anti-gun statists don't understand how easy it is to make firearms, and don't realize that it is only getting easier.

Found the hare krishna

That's fucking stupid and you lack of knowledge of the country for which you are speaking about.

>This is a fact. In the USA, cant speak for USA.

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there are enough drug addicts to support a large black market, making it nearly impossible for law enforcement to shut it down entirely.

If prohibition didn't work for anything, ever, then you'd be able to but a bazooka on any street corner. It's bizarre to me that Americans think banning things that shoot bullets wouldn't work, given that they already have a whole bunch of laws banning things that blow shit up.

and the reason people dont know this is because of how sheltered the privileged upper class white liberals are.

They smoke weed and take MDMA but then think banning firearms will stop people who want firearms.

Its the "government will fix this" mindset

Ironically, the most gun violence too occurs in places where guns are almost universally banned.

You make lowers out of a paper clip and some chewing gum a lot do you?


He had a Mini-14, what magical illegal gun was he searching around Europe for?

hes just repeating false eurotrash news talking points. Its not facts its just programming he heard before and is repeating like a gay parrot

Most of them have no idea how guns work and have no idea about all the gun laws that are already on the books. It's just "ban scary boomstick that I don't understand" like the cucks they are.

wtf he does not look middle eastern

>doesn't know deutschland has the most CNC trained technicians per capita.

keep flipping burgers m8, you're going to need it.

War on drugs didn’t work
War on guns? I don’t know a lot of Colombian forests growing handguns.

California has the strictest gun control in the nation and you want more? Lol

Guess y'all should ban acid, trucks and knives then

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He was looking for an AR-15, a military rifle that fires the largest 30 caliber clips which means it fires 30 rounds per second, giant 30 caliber rounds.

Europe is not America. Do you think making guns illegal will somehow remove the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of guns that we have? Even if there was a federal mandate to disarm the population to the point of us being as gunless as you yuropoors, how in the good god damn would they pull it off? The police aren't numerous or powerful enough to do that. The military would see a massive number of troops abandon their posts if they were ever ordered to take action against Americans. It's nigh-impossible in this day and age.

Acting like there isn’t massive jail time for milling unregistered gun in de


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How is that ironic, la luz?

>fake noos’s-underworld

Based USMC training

fewer guns in circulation = harder to acquire a gun

its not that hard to understand

>Drugs are banned
Yet somehow drugs are everywhere fagg

Just like drugs Abdul ?

>we can't even begin to fix problems because the solution wouldn't be perfect and immediate


honestly this is great
the shooting drives home the point that local law enforcement is useless and just steals taxpayer dollars
local guvernment is a bunch of genocidal immigrants
local guvernment is untrustworthy
they let thugs roam around threatening people
killing commies that tolerate this is fine with me
kill the god damn fucking commies
those fucking commies work all day and that money goes to local guvernment nazis

"Truth is light. And these guys are anxious to collect the global power now in the few hands of their Freemasonic brotherhood's elite hands. It is a very, very small group and a rather homogenized group of global top down existentialist Zionists and socialists. In short, Nazi's who came to the U.S. when Hitler, their boy, turned on them in 1933." -Kay Griggs

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And we have had Presidents who have used cocaine and weed.

lol. People are so fucking retarded.

Its faster and easier to manufacture or import a firearm than to grow a coca plant to maturity and harvest.

Firearms will always be abundant as drugs because the WANT is there always.

Its so simple. And we can look at many central american examples where all guns are banned yet people with guns somehow rule the streets.

I say more shootings like this are good
Show the whole world that genocidal communist nazis in the democrat party are incapable of making a society

Because black people are niggers and we don’t take too kindly to niggers ‘round these parts

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I can make a rifle with my lathe and milling machine

guns are not addictive, cletus

if the Californians hadn't supported
1. communism
2. attacking the USA with undocumented migrant workers
I might have a little mercy.
I don't.
No mercy for the fucking commies.
No mercy for the fucking californians.

the guy was in the damn military, literally no law could change your greentext

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