City life

How can anyone enjoy living in a crowded, noisy, expensive ant colony where privacy is nonexistent, everything is dirty and reeks of shit and piss, and seeing a homeless man masturbating on tbe subway is considered zany "city culture?" Human beings are not meant to live this way.

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The manifestation of Babylon.

By not living in the u.s. cities?

People don't take the Mouse Utopia experiment seriously enough

How can anyone enjoy living in some bumfuck country town where the only entertainment is opioids and the closest Walmart is 10 miles away?

I guess that some cities,
Not my city.

>this is all he can come up with
are you even trying?

how do i get vargpilled guys?
i want to break away from this shit lifestyle.
the only benefits i see in living in a metropolis is the "night life" but im an introvert virgin nerd
that never leaves his house and nothing seems to me more bothersome then being around people.
what benefits do i get?
prices are higher,there is noise and people everywhere.
how the hell do i get out of this shit hole?

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Most whites no longer live in cities.

No retard. You have to stay in the city to stand up to the nigger hordes. You can't run away like a little bitch.

Good. Stay out.

Yeah cause they're retarded cowards.

t. Too pussy to move into the city and stand up to the nigger infection
>letting niggers have are most important economic and cultural centers

How can anyone be so concerned with where total strangers choose to live that they wake up early in the morning to start terrible threads on the subject? Human beings are not meant this way.

short on sleep

>Chimpanzees have 5 kids
>Whites are responsible and have 1 or 2
>Blacks outweigh whites in votes
>Further turn the city to shit
>Can't take away nigger voting rights
Yeah, I'm gonna leave.

This isn't the 1920s. You can run the world on a laptop. Niggers can have their concrete jungles.
The important thing is getting other whites to leave and cutting the inner city welfare.

>having less kids is "responsible"
No it's cucked. Have MORE kids you Jew brainwashed moron.

>You have to stay in the city
Have fun with that.

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You are a fucking retarded pussy
>herp just live on the internet
No wonder niggers act like whites are socially retarded. You are a fucking antisocial sperg disgrace.

Yeah bitch I have actually beaten up niggers. Sorry you are a fucking pathetic coward.

If enough wyt ppo moved to cities to flip them red the Mexicans would rule everything else.

thee is nothing out here .stay in the city. you wll be safe. do not come look for food when the shits happening, we will send everything you need. promise

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>10 miles

Nigga, I have to drive to the next town for Wal-Mart.

I live in a large city. I make 6 figures without a degree. 0 debt, 0 kids. I am not degenerate. No drugs or drink. I enjoy a full and active lifestyle. Come at me.

How are you gonna pay for them?

I didn't say live on the internet. You said "economic centers" like I gotta walk down to the stock exchange to make a trade.
Maybe if you had some brains you wouldn't be bitching about getting white votes in big cities.

this is bait

you in programming or construction?

>0 kids
Yes you are a degenerate

I live in NYC, retard.

I cant. I hate it. My vote means nothing here. I am not a supporter of multicuckism and feel more and more alienated every day. Worse still, I'm at a university in the city. Luckily I'm doing well but the incessant liberal bombardment is taking its toll on me. I can't decide if it's better to get a degree and then move to a rural area, or just pack up and leave now. I have wanted to move for many years but I keep letting people influence me. I feel like my brain is rotting, but if I get a blue-collar job it will probably be worse. I'm not sure what to do; I literally go to sleep every night with the hope that, in the night, everything falls apart and I will have a chance to kill leftists, bootlickers, and shitskins without ending up in prison, but also so I have a chance to be apart of a new nation, built on tradition and whiteness. I can't keep going like this

Thats gonna wind up being everyones future but the super ultra bezos tier rich. All these wildfires, opioid addictions in rural areas, industrial scale farming, stealth gun grabbing in rural areas. Its just gonna push everyone into urban areas and unless your in the billionaire club your gonna get beat down by the big boys to lose your land. Just look at top land owners in america by size of land owned. Absolutely crazy how much land some few individuals hold.

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Hotel. Union house.

don't be such a faggot.
the Federal government owns most of the land.

You're trying too hard

the jew kike said its the thing to do, so women do and men follow the puss. everything in between is niggers, theres not much thought there. gtkrwn

>chasing after roasties
there's your first problem, bucko

Transfer your credits to a college in a more rural location and wrap up your degree. Marry a Christian farm girl qt and breed.

That’s worse, not better.

Go hire a hooker and see if you like it first.

I didn't. Felt like a glorified prison to me who's only saving grace was the fabulous commissary.

Isn't a degree just a glorified Participation Badge? You constantly have to compete with ruralfags with higher motivation just to get one, and then it becomes worthless once Everybody has one.

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>The beauty of nature and peace and quiet are inferior to the trivial distractions I've become addicted to.

the federal government holds it because that's the law.
If a man doesn't own the property, then it is held by the government until conveyed.

it's tough to find a job in rural areas. City living is more economical which is why we've crammed ourselves together like this. It's really out of necessity but we try to convince ourselves it's a choice. I think deep down everyone knows it kinda sucks.

The nearest store to me is 11 miles away and its just a gas station, Finding work sucks

Finna boutta have to make something

I beat up 200 niggers and over 9000 yids

Good food
Good job opportunities
Can fuck 2 or 3 new girls a week

These are the three main reasons to move out of hicksville. If you're under 40 or unmarried there is no reason not to live in a city if you can afford it

Last night I stopped at a grocery store in a wealthy part of town that I haven't been to in a couple years.

The memes are true. It was like a third world country. Muslims, spics, Asians, niggers; and the few white people there were depressed or cucks.

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Yup like I said unless your bezos tier things are fucked. You gotta have deepstate connections if you wanna keep holding onto land into the future at this point.

>city life is degenerate hurr durr rural ftw look at me I'm so special because I want to live like an antisocial outcast hillbilly
if you want peace and quiet just go to the grave you lazy faggot
how many great minds and successful men came from the middle of nowhere and how many are there in NYC alone atm?

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that's right, goyim. enjoy the sex culture we created for you.

>user leaves his house for the first time

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top tier bait.
In fact, I don't even think you're baiting, I think you're just stupid. very sad.

that's not what I'm saying, but I wouldn't be surprised in the near future if the jews/niggers revoke the right to possess/own land.

I'm pretty close to one the major cities. I could bike into it in 15min. I hate going in for work. But the comfiness of the semi-urban suburbs is great. You don't have to go far at all.

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Cuck mindset. I'm out here like a fucking king fucking all sorts of young wet pussy while you're sour grapesing at your mom's house for the 30th consecutive year

>t. absolutely seething gypsy bugman

>top tier bait
It's not bait. This glorification of hick farm towns where the most sophisticated establishment that exists in it is an Applebees has to end. These are subhuman areas and you're sour grapes that you lack the intelligence, dedication, and toughness to succeed under urban capitalism

London is a shithole. Everyone smells of cat piss, it really is a cesspool. I never want to visit there again.

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You're triggered because you have peasant blood inside of you, only nobles used to live in the cities. The outcast lived anywhere but in them. You know it's true faggot

OK kid.

The only thing you're doing is perpetuating the jewish system and getting a ride on broken pussy like all the other mediocre men that can't find a decent woman to settle down with.

Negatory. I used to live in the area years ago, and it was mostly decent. There were a lot of wealthy Jews in the area, but a lot of WASPs as well. Now it's turned into a cesspool of multiculturist trash.

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For the most part yes, but not "everyone has one" so not having a degree means instant disqualification for many better paying jobs...for me college was about demonstrating self-sufficiency and developing contacts for employment

>the pinnacle of human existence is a concrete environment where niggers and jews reign supreme.
White Europeans came here to farm. Surely not all of them were "hick farmers".

>cities have existed since the dawn of humanity
That's how I know you're baiting.

>decent woman
All the decent women in rural areas escape to the cities the second they get a chance and you're left with D-grade genetic failures. The only way for you guys to keep your women on your farms is with extensive child grooming and usually child rape

People have a romanticized view of the city. Once they move there they become faced with the cognitive dissonance of seeing actual city degeneracy. Since the dominant culture is to put the blinders up and ignore it, that's how most people cope with it.

>Can fuck 2 or 3 new girls a week
Well just don't complain about supply when you're creating demand

>came here to farm
I'm afraid civilization has advanced a fair bit since the 1600s

NYCfag here,
You get used to it.
You’d be surprised, there are plenty of redpilled people around here, although I do admit barely any of them are white, most are Hispanic.

>fucking all sorts of young wet pussy

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>degenerate who kisses lips which have been wrapped around 100 different dicks
your input on the word decent is void

nice try kike.
most of the economic movement in the whole of the country was agrarian in nature.

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>raising a girl to think is grooming
>however, raising a girl on social media is progressive
you do notice the hypocrisy there don't you?

Can't wait until the "second death"

Finish school then get the heck outa there.

>distinct lack of negroes on walls. unrealistic as fuck and ruins the piece.

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this has to be fake. what sane man would let a roastie keep a used condom.

humans beings werent meant to sit on their ass typing into a screen, but your dumbass is still here

not every city that exists in america is nyc


they are american

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You have my condolences, I was there a few years ago. Did they finally shutdown the subway to actually fix it?

Not sure user.
It’s also worth noting that all of Jow Forums‘s problems are strictly limited to cities.
I believe most of what Jow Forums says, but I just don’t see any of it out in the country.
The women are honest, the men are strong.
There’s 1 rainbow haired feminist girl in town, and she’s trailer trash.
Come home Jow Forums, life is still pure. You just need to come home. Cities are no place for the white man.

People who live in big cities like New York have to convince themselves that they live in the only place that matters.

If New York wasn't the centre of the universe then they would be poor for nothing.

what if cities looked more like this

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It is without question that "diversity" ruined this country.

>hurr durr my urban respresent all the others
why is america so shitty in general?

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Not taking the capsule pill...or shall we call it the capsule capsule

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Galatians 5:19-21 (MSG)

19-21 It is obvious what kind of life develops out of trying to get your own way all the time: repetitive, loveless, cheap sex; a stinking accumulation of mental and emotional garbage; frenzied and joyless grabs for happiness; trinket gods; magic-show religion; paranoid loneliness; cutthroat competition; all-consuming-yet-never-satisfied wants; a brutal temper; an impotence to love or be loved; divided homes and divided lives; small-minded and lopsided pursuits; the vicious habit of depersonalizing everyone into a rival; uncontrolled and uncontrollable addictions; ugly parodies of community. I could go on.

This isn’t the first time I have warned you, you know. If you use your freedom this way, you will not inherit God’s kingdom.

insect people are insects.

niggers and jews.

I've thought of this. However, I've been considering law school or a masters degree and unfortunately, most (((good))) schools are in urban areas

Because I don’t like driving hours to see a band I like. Because cities have great food, museums churches, parks,. Maybe I’ll move back to my little town when I’m older. But for now no way I’m moving back to my dinky little town.

It ruined the lives of subhuman rural weirdos who work in manufacturing but has made corporate entities much stronger. Now sit back and get replaced

The minorities have to live in the cities because that's where they receive their benefits. that's the beauty of it - they're completely self-contained. Dont buy into the city life is fun meme.

I used to think like you, having grown up in NYC

Now I realize that in America at least, it's the Rural people who are actually MORE brainwashed because they do nothing but watch TV and aren't exposed to the reality of modern Babylon. They still idealize it. All those hipster lefties are usually people who move to cities from the country because they believe what TV showed them about cities.

forgive me if im wrong but i recall a lot of strong corporate entities in pre diversity america
could you clarify what you mean by this

>be me
>32yo married with kids living in rural area
>trade skill job making lods of emone, wife works too
>bills and expenses barely put a dent in monthly income
>owns land, home, cars and boat
even back when I was single working a shitty factory job it was pretty easy living out in the country. you just have to have some basic budgeting skills, good working car and anything better then a McJob. serious.

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>living in a nigger-ridden city with a high crime rate is a good thing

This was true before boomers.

It is NOT true today. In the country all the girls consume Disney and pop music nonstop and all the boys are raised on eminem and wigger culture. It's even worse than in cities because they aren't exposed to defeneracy so bad it would make most people grow up and become disgusted by it.

Modern rural/country culture is literally corporate urban culture repackaged like Hollywood westerns with closet gay actors like John Wayne

At least city dwellers are open about their degeneracy while rural/suburban degenerates still pretend they're pure