How did we go from THIS

how did we go from THIS

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to THIS?

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As a fellow leaf, you do realize that it is the current year, right?

The Japanese were the good guys in WWII, the Americans fought to make possible today. Old American veterans need to be put on trial and executed for their crimes against humanity.

Misgendered at a fertility clinic, the last great frontier for trannies.

>The ultimate redpill

>Reading comics
Grow up mogli

The States were so racist back then. They were even more racist than Nazi Germany.

I got misgendered once. It’s worse than death. Don’t you EVER do it to anyone. In retaliation I took off my pants and raped him. Score one for the good guys.

Based nigger spic

This guy gets it

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the good guys didn't start a war by ambushing the navy while their ships are moored in harbor
jap monkies got what they deserved

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the Jews were the ones who gave the Japanese the idea to get the US into the war

My great uncle was a Marine in the Pacific. He saw first hand what a bunch of fucking animals the Japs were. That is why they received the blessing of the immaculate thermonuclear warhead.

Also go fuck yourself fuck wit.

"Superman" is a yid, and jews are incredibly racist.

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nigger hate was acknowledged back then.

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Superman doesn't want black Lois.

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A couple go to the fertility clinic
They ask "Doc why can't we get pregnant? We have sex all the time"
The doc says "have you tried sex with women?"
Then loses his whole practice to a lawsuit

based shazam

They did just bomb pearl harbour remember.

Remind me of old franco-belgian comics that almost got censored

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*slap* *slap* *slap*

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Your great uncle was a cuck. This was his cause, this is what he killed for, this is why everyone like him needs to hang for their crimes.

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isnt daredevil blind

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>tfw no wife who enjoys being spanked

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>laundromat bar
I kinda like this idea

>being so deluded you think wishing real hard gives you a uterus

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This is funny though.

Feminists BTFO

Wow I bet he loves watching CNN and being indoctrinated if he already fell for that in the 1940's?

The good side won WW2.

Honestly I kinda do too.

The majority of the old japanese rulers were left in place after WWII and much of their culture was still left in place. The Japanese as a people were always going to devolve into degeneracy with technological advances and a metropolitan economy/culture.

>how did we go from "bullshit propaganda for brainlets, advantageous to the establishment in reaching their current socioeconomic goals"
>to "bullshit propaganda for brainlets advantageous to the establishment in reaching their current socioeconomic goals"

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I live in a city ~300k and theres actually 2. Although they started out as laundromats that just took over the bars that were beside them. It is kinda weird, you never have time to just drink and do laundry for long, and a lot of space is wasted on the laundromat part when it shuts down and operates only as a bar late at night.

do you have this but with sound?

OMG how can a Dr be so cruel?

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holy shit..... wtf is this trash

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Jokes on grandpa who killed many a jap is already dead after a long happy life...

What comic is this from?

>Doctor, doctor, I can't seem to get pregnant, what are my options?
>you're a man...

>...and he did not even apologize for telling the truth!!

You're right, actually. WE DID THIS.

Why isn't see the total hero of Jow Forums? You only see Tanya from time to time, but she is the most based facist character in years.

What is the comic?

You know what makes my blood boil?
Liberals act like it's racist to depict indians in headdresses, or asians with slanty eyes, or actual Indians having funny accents.

But they are the first to depict slavs as gopniks. Either gopniks, or ushanka-wearing people covered in snow who roll their Rs. Stephen Colbert himself did this a year ago, where he play-interviewed a russian spy who was a woman in a big coat and ushanka putting on a silly accent.

Why is it okay one way, but not the other? Because they're white? Can we create a movement to end xenophobia against slavs?

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I'm betting this

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A bunch of yellow pieces of shit died..nothing of valor was lost

There was a laundrymat in SF called "brain wash", that had washing machines, beer, and diner food, like massive burgers. They're gimmick was they had stand up comedy almost every night, live music, too.

Pearl Harbor was a false flag

haha dis nigga know wat up

By the emperor, those little shits will serve on the firing line.

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Comics were Jewish created and written, even back then so it all makes sense

Comics like most products follow what is likely to sell the most. Marvel/Disney thinks it will sell more products by pandering to modern social justice.

Don't blame the soldiers. They were betrayed.

They literally copied spongebob..

>retarded nonsense
the internet was a mistake

you fucking reta-
>in SF
ah, that explains it. Cali Sallys drinking all that good tap, I guess.