The GOP needs to treat Hispanics as white people

There aren't that many actual Amerindians in the American hispanic community. Many are, like Italians, just white people. If the GOP stopped being openly hostile towards them, they'd have a fighting chance at winning their vote.

Attached: ana de armas.jpg (1080x811, 60K)

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isn't she Spanish?
not even "castizo" or whatever the fuck the guacs call the lighter ones down there

>trying to keep the country from being flooded by squatemalans to protect their wages and jobs
>hostile to them

Spanish people are white people who were raped by arabs

kys wetback, and kys your shitskin senpai while youre at it


Attached: ana pepe.jpg (2011x3000, 1013K)

This. Jews and the Left are trying to have Hispanics, of any race, identify with the preColumbian cultures rather than with the West. It's a brainwashing tactic to make them hate whitey despite being white or having white admixture themselves.

Attached: charros-charreada-mexico-patrimonio.jpg (400x291, 67K)

>There aren't that many actual Amerindians in the American hispanic community
Stopped reading there.

>white people

I can't believe the US went from doubting German whiteness in the mid-1800s to now debating mestizo whiteness