Global warming casued this

I live like 2 hours away from the fire, my house could be destroyed and no one cares to see how humans re ruining the environment

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Did you vote blue?

Stop voting democrat.

And now the environment is ruining you. You should be happy to die in the fire, brother.

This was God's wrath for voting Democrat.

Looks like it's all along the roads.
Stop putting shit on fire you dumb califags.

Attached: nwWmQTO[1].jpg (576x960, 75K)

not to worry, nature is cleansing problematic humans with fire

No piss poor forest management caused this. There are to many fucking trees in Cali and due to the fucking tree huggers they can't cut them down.

Let me break this down, right now, there are so many fucking trees packed together they are fighting for what little water there is. Because of this the tree becomes stressed, a stressed tree does not produce sap. Now why does that matter?

Enter the hook nosed friend of the tree world, the bark beetle. The bark beetle is this little fucker that burrows into a tree and then kills it from the inside out. A normal healthy tree fights them off with their Sapp, plugging the hole and killing the beetle, but because the trees are stressed they can't find against them. So these beetles are turning achees of Forest into massive wood piles. And because Cali won't fucking let the forestry department does its fucking job to clear out dead trees, remove trees that are to close together, and clear brush you grtassive fucking fires.

The same thing happened up at lake Tahoe years ago, residents started to clear brush around their home, but the fernfeelers fined them because they killed a bush. The home owners said lol fuck you we are clearing any way. Later that year a fire rolled through bruned down a bunch of homes EXCEPT for those that cleared the brush.

Climent change is not helping but these fires are because of shitty management and tree huggers

Based and redpilled

your aids infected government officials allowed for the tinder to pile up and never had controlled burns to take care of it.

I love that classic

It was bad Forest management, and what sparked it was PG&E had a faulty transformer that was spitting Sparks and they didn't shut it off or clear brush and trees around their transmission lines (PG&E is responsible for this per CA law).

This has nothing to do with climate change or Trump. California can't even take care of it's roads, CalPers, or maybe drug addicted homeless, they can't manage the forest or sanction bad actor power companies.

But keep sipping your glass of piss and sweet lies the Dems are feeding you.

>should we spend money on fire department and fire spreading prevention tactics, or onions latte and abortions?
>my body my choice duuuh...
>proceed to cry for help

Exactly it's bad fucking management because of to many regulations and tree huggers

YOu mean the grand solar minimum? Global warming is bullshit.

notice same shit happened in Sweden just recently. they spend shitload on foreigners and welfare and cant even deal with simple fires

Grand Solar Minimum, pole shift, and famines coming soon. Are you anons getting prepared?

>Global warming caused this


With the lower solar activity of the sun we will return to a maunder like minimum in climate. Very cold temps. The lower solar output also lets in more cosmic rays, which cause cloud nucleation (more clouds and cold and rain) and pushes evolution. Also the lower output means a weaker magnetic shield, which is what lets in those GCRs and also more space weather. This means more auroras further south. That means teh shitty infrastructure we have is going to be hit by more electric events. YES! So more fires will be started in places like california where they can't manage fires or fix bad infrastructure, and the sun is going to fry more of those transformers and start more fires. Just hope we don't get a big CME or EMP from teh sun, anons. You will only have days to get supplies then, before the chaos begins. This is the beginning of a truly wild ride, and it doesn't end in our lifetime.

Based fire reminding us humans despite all our control over the world and our environment now we still can't stop fire even with planes and helicopters and advanced equipment

wtf I love global warming now

pick one

Really tho it is just pure stupidity of humans. They can't even clean up brush and debris and trees. It just has to stay in place and begin super kindling for these fires. So the fire isn't really based. It is opportunistic.

>global warming caused this
Wrong, it was a fire.

It could’ve been caused by seismic activity surrounding the volcanoes around Paradise. There will be a massive earthquake in the PNW. The smaller quakes we see building up now surrounding paradise could have sparked the fires because there is actual lava leaking from somewhere.

>Filthiest state in America
>Gayest statein American
>Sanctuary state for criminals
>Illegals are used as slave labor
>God set it a blaze
It's orange man's fault.
What exactly does the Bible say happens to filthy gay places again?
Israel same soon

This is possible and I like where your heads at. The lower solar output also means more earthquakes across the globe. We are in an earthquake drought right now but the seismic events have been increasing as of late. Cascadia is very much overdue for several large events. I cannot wait.

>tHe LefT cOaSt Is BuRnInG QQ

Posting on the wrong board for fucks given. . .

>Global warming
So Australian eucalyptus and the retarded hippies that buy them are now global warming?
oh wait
(((1 post by this ID)))
it's another kike shill thread.

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Why would I do that? I didn't have my soul, brain and heart removed.

Hey OP, do you have a two hundred foot defensible space cleared?
Then shut the fuck up. EVERYONE who lives in a wildfire prone area knows the guidelines for surviving forest fires, they just ignore them and then cry like a bitch when the big bad fire burns their shit.
T. Commiefornian that owns and knows how to use a chainsaw.

the jews are losing support for israel because their
younger jews in america dont give a shit so its allready will be like sand running trough their hands.

Fake news. Almost every line of that is bullshit.

I actually like that kike shills make these global warming threads. They usually get attacked quickly by Jow Forumsacks with good info and the truth. I just proceed to grand solar minimum post. I love GSM posting. GSM posting is very comfy.

Just praise and embrace your spic and libtard overlord's and die in a fire

n the 1850s, Eucalyptus trees were introduced to California by Australians during the California Gold Rush. Much of California has a similar climate to parts of Australia. By the early 1900s, thousands of acres of eucalypts were planted with the encouragement of the state government. It was hoped that they would provide a renewable source of timber for construction, furniture making and railroad ties. It was soon found that for the latter purpose eucalyptus was particularly unsuitable, as the ties made from eucalyptus had a tendency to twist while drying.

They went on to note that the promise of eucalyptus in California was based on the old virgin forests of Australia. This was a mistake, as the young trees being harvested in California could not compare in quality to the centuries-old eucalyptus timber of Australia. It reacted differently to harvest. The older trees didn't split or warp as the infant California crop did. There was a vast difference between the two, and this would doom the California eucalyptus industry.[50]

One way in which the eucalyptus, mainly the blue gum E. globulus, proved valuable in California was in providing windbreaks for highways, orange groves, and farms in the mostly treeless central part of the state. They are also admired as shade and ornamental trees in many cities and gardens.

Eucalyptus plantations in California have been criticised, because they compete with native plants and do not support native animals. Fire is also a problem. The 1991 Oakland Hills firestorm, which destroyed almost 3,000 homes and killed 25 people, was partly fuelled by large numbers of eucalypts close to the houses.[51]

In some parts of California, eucalypt plantations are being removed and native trees and plants restored. Individuals have also illegally destroyed some trees and are suspected of introducing insect pests from Australia which attack the trees.[52]

I live about 1.5 hours from it and you're nowhere near in danger from this particular fire.
Smoke inhalation is bad tho. Lotta that going around these days...

I live 10 minutes away, my favor hiking spot pn valley circle is scorched. STFU pussy and get comfy

Northern California isn't the issue here. About 2 hours north of SF you start getting into a different political sphere. Should be it's own state.

>mfw there is a town in there literally called Helltown.

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Youre a faggot and deserve to burn to death. I am 2 hours away from the fire and its not gonna happen.

San Diego reporting.
No smoke on the horizon yet but all the dust is giving me hay fever

if only you didnt leave the accord, if only you payed more, you could have prevented this