What was the peak of european civilisation and triggered the downfall?

What was the peak of european civilisation and triggered the downfall?

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>Roman Republic

>1900 western europe
>a pointless war between cousins

Pagan Europe

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The Roman Republic was. The downfall was the Empire, and more precisely, the Empire cucking to a desert cult from Judea.

Gas the Picts, bvild wall now!

The bible refers to Jews as the children of Satan

John 8:44

>triggered the downfall?
The same thing that causes every down fall

Jesus clearly says to give unto Caesar

Definitely this.

This kills the Pagan LARPer

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Roman poofters

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The west was doomed the moment it picked a fight with judea

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according to the Pagan LARPer, Europe hasn't been Europe for almost 2000 years. So what exactly is to be proud of?

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and here comes the kike to give his fellow anti-Christian shills ammo

btw the consensus bombing in this thread is quite obvious

Old christianity was based

>getting fed to lions by romans
lmao wow so based

The bible refers to Satan as the Pagan God of Zeus. The Olympic Gods are Aryan and anti-Semitic as fuck.

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/comfy/ stuff.

The French revolution was the beginning of the downfall

>what triggered the downfall

>What was the peak of european civilisation
>triggered the downfall?
WW2 and American influcance in Western Europe, and USSR influance in Eastern Europe.

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Watch: youtube.com/watch?v=pcL0J_ndaUc
You can thank me after

Christianity is a program to turn the Goyim into a proxy force to fight for the Jews and kill the Goyim without the Jews ever lifting a finger...

>>getting fed to lions by romans

It seems pretty based to me. Better than lethal injection


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this is the real answer, cohencidentally the rise of Freemasons, The Illuminati and the Rothschilds all appeared at around the same time

You’re a retard

The Olympic Gods are just reskinned Egyptian Gods, brainlet

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There were many peaks, but the adoption of Christianity as the religion of the Roman empire was certainly among the highest
The pride of the Pope leading to his departure from the Church in 1054 is among the lows, along with the further shattering of Christianity started by Martin Luther, the fall of Constantinople to the Islamic hordes, and the satanic murder of the family of the Tsar by the bolsheviks
Let us hope that her brightest days are ahead of her, though

Now post the average welth per citisen back then vs now.

>triggered the downfall
The French revolution
Fuck the frogs.


>It seems pretty based to me.
Therein lies one of the problems with christcuckery. You see glory in dying a miserable, horrific death for your faith, you empathize with losers and weaklings. You see meekness as a virtue. Pathetic.

Refugee cucks aside.

Now is the peak, economicly speaking, in no terms culturaly.

If you disagree your just too poor to really enjoy life. We live like modern kings.

Good goyim.

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Good goy.

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what a fucking mutt, kys

>God's son is a sandnigger
>"Good goyim"

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Too stable a government, couldn't adapt quick enough to dramatic changes around the world suddenly showing up. (Especially the tech of Invaders)

They had a land redistribution system that among its flaws made it so *I believe half* of the land that belonged to a Spartan fallen in combat went to the state for redistribution and the other his wife. Women soon grow to have massive land/farming empires.

There are plenty of other things but the details of these two are not known to that many so I thought I'd add them.

Good goyim.

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says the brownie

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Christ =/= chris*ianity

In future it will be even worse. Now they are accepting the lgbtqpt

Prussia is the peak
WWI triggered the downfall

yes The Crusaders were meek men, they were stronger than you by a million fold

says the mutt niggelover


the mexicans of the ancient world AKA the nordcuck race.

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1914, before the onset of WWI. WWI triggered it. Then the idiots who caused WWII from the aftermath of WWI. If not that, then certainly the French Revolution.

nazis would have gassed you,mutt

Victorian England

You know it’s true.

I need an art fag to explain this to me. I know they could paint more realistic representations than this, but this seems to be the predominant style anyway. It looks like trash to me. Help.

This. We rejected our place in nature when we built civilization. Everything we have now is rapidly becoming meaningless or both physically and mentally bad for us.

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>What was the peak of european civilisation
year 3078

Genocide, slavery, race mixing, corruption of morals in the cities, immigration.
Genocide, debt slavery, race mixing, immigration, urban moral decay has spread to the rural areas, along with immigration.

The barbarians were right, but we aren't taught their side of the debate.

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Bullshit. Go ahead and go live in the woods then faggot. What's stopping you?

OK, he disagrees. Let's see what his argument is...
>go live in the woods if you want
Ah, he has none. Civilization= desertification of land, mind and body.

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and youd be the bottom of the barrel making those colossal monuments, People seems to forget only the 1% got to enjoy these buildings

The one huge advantage that the ancients had is they knew who they were culturally and they did not practice self-hatred to the point of nihilist self-destruction, until Christianity came along that is.


Definitely pre-WWI. Also triggered the downfall

And it happened, so get over it.

People same that same thing today, but now we
have a civilization that is schizophrenic (wtf is multiculturalism?) and degenerate.

You’re merely parroting Kaczynzki. Our minds are capable of infinitely more than being hunter-gatherers. Civilization is there for the purpose of freeing our minds from the sole focus of physical survival, like you and kaczynski want. Civilization is us conquering nature for our own freedom. What is your argument for why that is a bad thing?

I don't understand the people saying Rome and Christianity. Rome was glorious, but Victorian England/European Christendom had the height of civilization, art, culture, and buttfucked the whole world. The West only got cucked as we've become more secular. The arguments that Christianity was some ploy to "subdue the goyim" has zero fucking merit when you consider Europeans controlled most of the globe and were deadliest/strongest when Christendom was at its height.

People like to be edgy though, and people who are fucked up inside love to hate God. That's alright. He'll take you back when you're ready.

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Antiquity = Summer
Middle age = Autumn
Modern age = Winter

Spring is coming.

It's because the European people are glorious, but eventually once any success is achieved Christianity says it is all immoral and bad, and then we destroy ourselves.



>Fucking English/French
>Fucking Italians and Romanians
>Fucking Germans with their fucking strategies
>Fucking Americans with their political belifes what stands for only their friends
>Fucking liberals and Komies

Probably 1900.

>What triggered its downfall?
Widespread democracy.

>peak of european civilisation

Charles V, The Emperor of Universal Dominion

>triggered the downfall
Anglo's selling their soul to the Devil and his Usury

that makes zero fucking sense. so give up the thing that gave you glory? Is that what you're saying? And what exactly are the fuck you referring to? What a cunt stain you are.

German romanticism


Europe would have been great with or without Christianity. That's the point he/she is trying to make. Europeans could have had an alternate history... One without guilt. Any Semite banished.

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And we all know who caused their down fall.

Forgive the change of ID. Different device.
A good point, but Rome's military campaigns and the decay in its cities during the pagan era concern me nonetheless.
I haven't read Kaczynzki, but please, give me arguments, not names. At any rate, while I didn't talk about hunter-gatherers, one certainly can do more than worry about physical survival. One can explore the world, discuss philosophy, create art (paintings, sculptures, songs, stories, poems, etc.), improve tools, write, read, and so on. The self-poisoning comes with agriculture, increased population density, and endless greed devising ever more powerful ways to destroy nature instead of live in it as a bird in its nest or bees in their hive do.One can shape his little niche in the environment in a small and positive way, or so I think.

Hey dumbfuck, you're better off going after shitlibs and commiefags. Having guilt is part of being human. So we fucked up somewhere. Fix it. Don't scrap the entire system. That was always the Lefts answer and the fucking kike answer.

No. Try again.

But you kept not just mutilating children, but also sacrificing them. And you keep, overtly and to this day, mutilating children and drinking their blood.

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As much as I love A-H, I have to say that the Americans actually had a decent plan. It just never came true because of the Anglo-French cockblock.

Yet another non-argument. Too bad, there are people here with interesting things to say.

Julian the roman apostate(pagan) attempted to rebuild the temple and was stopped by jews. And today the zionist pagan freemasons are behind the currant attempt to rebuild the temple and were behind the rise of zionist evangelical christians. Pagans always conspired with jews against christianity, especially through freemasonry, which continues till this day.

In 363, not long before Julian left Antioch to launch his campaign against Persia, in keeping with his effort to foster religions other than Christianity, he ordered the Temple rebuilt. Fires breaking out stopped this. A personal friend of him, Ammianus Marcellinus, wrote this about the effort:

Julian thought to rebuild at an extravagant expense the proud Temple once at Jerusalem, and committed this task to Alypius of Antioch. Alypius set vigorously to work, and was seconded by the governor of the province; when fearful balls of fire, breaking out near the foundations, continued their attacks, till the workmen, after repeated scorchings, could approach no more: and he gave up the attempt.

The failure to rebuild the Temple has been ascribed to the Galilee earthquake of 363. Although there is contemporary testimony for the miracle, in the Orations of St. Gregory Nazianzen, this may be taken to be unreliable. Sabotage by Christians is a possibility, as is an accidental fire. Divine intervention was the common view among Christian historians of the time. Julian's support of Jews caused Jews to call him "Julian the Hellene".

Its just that you're argument is so immature. How old are you? 18? You've got quite a bit of learning to do there.

>Julian the roman apostate(pagan) attempted to rebuild the temple and was stopped by jews
should be *was stopped by christians*
jews always will side with pagans and atheists vs christians against christianity as we see today

>mfw an american says that italians aren't white

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Based. I would have loved to live in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. Franz Joseph as my king. Probably one of the best monarchal systems. And the culture.

Past 18, not that that's an argument. I am putting forth an idea for why we might be self-destructing (while destroying other life as well). Our policies are based on endless growth (meaning expansion of production and living space---more urban deserts and less and less biodiversity). Habitat is being destroyed at an alarming rate, and our crops have become severely narrowed down from the variety that they used to have. Personal freedom and independence continue to be chipped away at in this process. Just today we had a thread about advances in microchips and successful their implantation. Can't wait until you have to have one of those, right? That way, your money, your car, your house, your job, your activities, all of that can be switched over to the benevolent people running the technology.

Italians aren't white. Only in a very broad sense of the word. They were never considered white to american protestants. They are dark haired and eyed and swart and look more like the people of canaan land and anatolia. They are afro-asiatics.

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Why do you pagan fags always leave out that our ancestors united around Chrisitianity and put a lot of production into Christian symbols and doing things in their name.
Regardless of the kike on a stick meme you have to admit it did help Europe in many ways and made us less degenerate.

Degeneracy has always existed. United? With much resistance, rejection and re-converting, crusading, etc.

>What was the peak of european civilisation
>and triggered the downfall?

Nowadays people can drop the facade, is my point, but the pagan alternative isn't as accessible.

You can't lump together all Italians. Very recent concept. The variation by region is insane.

>Italians aren't white.

say's the american.mongrel, trying to teach europeans what they...rotfl

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Perhaps it was because we allowed the entire world to flood into European societies and we are being crushed under the weight of it.

Europeans are a responsible race and we generally do not breed beyond what we can care for, unlike other races.