Good job, Arizona

Good job, guys.

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Was this McCain's seat? If so then let's not pretend it wasn't already in the hands of a Democrat.

>she will be senator forever
another election is already on the way, then another, and another.
why do americans freak out at elections results?

No it was not. It wad Flake's seat. McCain's seat is up for grabs in either 2019 or 2020.

Oh it was flake's seat, so it definitely was already democrat

Whoa it's crazy that the lead is insurmountable now, a week after elections. Gonna be a war soon

I hope so, but I fucking doubt anything will ever happen until after we become a totalitarian communist state.

It's over, dummies just really want to be repressed slaves.

Georgia and Florida are gonna flip too. It was a blue wave indeed!

>>she will be senator forever

the re-election rate in the senate is like 98%. Once you get in you can hang around for decades. Its practically a lifetime appointment.

Because the amount of Mexicans and Californians that have moved into the state have made Arizona blue forever, you fucking idiot.

As far as I know dead dems can’t hold office

reported to the FBI.

i could of told you Ariz was full of socialist long ago Janet Reno, John McCain,Jeff Flake....

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I fucking knew the GOP would let them steal Arizona.

So, the dems finally fabricated enough votes and the Republicucks wont do anything about it.

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Dun dun dun. Another one bites the dust! And another one gone another one gone. Another one bites the dust!

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STFU faggot
I will fuck your mother so hard that she will make your bed time 2 hours earlier, that way we have an extra two hours for me to fuck her silly


Honestly the best outcome.

Mommy Sinema is super moderate and will only vote with the Dems maybe half the time.

Plus she's fucking hot.

I know tons of Republican dudes who flipped (D) because uggo McSallly did nothing for them.

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she's a communist who openly called the people of her state stupid. after electing flake and mccain she's not wrong. no reps flipped to D, the fact that the other elections in arizona are the opposite of this is a good indication of fraud on her part

What? Freddie Mercury come back to catch the cure for faggotry again?

>Mommy Sinema is super moderate and will only vote with the Dems maybe half the time.

This is a joke right? Pretending to be retarded?

Or Occam's Razor: she's hot, she's smart, Trump is unpopular, so people voted for her.

Arizona was never a full retard nationalist state. It was moderate Republican, and McSally had two fatal flaws: too extreme, not MILF enough.

>unironically saying mommy
>unironically pretending moderates exist among leftists
>LARPing as a conservative to downplay Demonrat treason
dumb faggot shills like this are the first to die, not even worthy of wasting a bullet on

I wonder how many people voted for her still knowing about her contempt for them.
What do they think "oh she can't possibly mean me."

It’s the gen z fags that can vote now that caused this, and illegals.
t. Gen z

Yup, I'm 22 and the group a few years younger than me seems to have gone degenerate commie tier.

I’m sure it’s election fraud, but I wouldn’t be surprised. Phoenix Metro is starting to tip blue, due to all the illegals and commiefornians infesting our state. Also the second major population center, Tucson, is very liberal. Also (ironically) the actual baby boomers are dieing and they vote R no matter what. The younger generations are brainwashed by public schooling and outright socialist.

its all the white people who lived in arizona moving to texas to fight tyrome or to cali to fight pedro. and yes thats how it worked out so their intent to fight pedro in both states matters not

its the principle of the thing
democrats have been bitching since 2016 about russians, but as soon as they lose an election its magically over turned by all sorts of ballots that come in days after the election. is anyone correlating the votes with actual people?

I voted for Sinema, buddy. Get absolutely fucked.

they'll pretend to bloviate about democrats stealing the election, then hang their head and go home. fucking faggots.

occam's razor she's a dem therefore them magicking up ballots is both expected and fraudulent. McSally was about as milquetoast as you can get.