Nice president you got there, faggots

Nice president you got there, faggots

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wtf i am Mexican now


Fuck off we're full

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Unlimited, Immigration!

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When liberals have resorted to giving the man shit about the weather, we all know you faggots are hitting rock bottom.

Shut the fuck up you Swedish bitch. Aren't you late picking up your wife's boyfriend from the welfare clinic so he can come home and shoot more loads of cum into your whore of a wife, you cucked bitch.

Nice broken ribs, busted up lips, raped daughters, hand grenade attacked house, sniveling Jewish masters and weak, cultureless people you have there.

Now come repeat that cringe up close and see how quickly you get made into a good Swede. Years ago on /tg/ there was a Swede called Masterfag who used to make fun of religious people and never shut up about how great his country is. I told him I hoped his entire country was destroyed. How naive I was--he and people like him were RIGHT in the process of doing it themselves.

Now every day little Swedish girls are dragged out of their homes, brutally raped, and then ground up into dogfood. The ancient homeland of the Vikings, despoiled, covered in shit, more and more of their ancient relics melted down or sold for scrap. Your men are effeminate and do nothing because you lack culture. You're left-wing--you destroyed it all to make way for faggots, niggers, muslims, and shit television. The only thing you have left is sky-high suicide rates, open faced sandwiches that nobody eats, and some Yugo expats who are actually the only tolerable people in your country.

I fucking won. I got to watch Sweden turn into a joke. I get to read about your many people tortured and murdered regularly, and I get to imagine that Swede, staring out of his window in Stockholm, and not seeing a single one of his people.

I feel nothing. NOTHING for Sweden. I'm glad it's going to be destroyed, and what an irony--Poland won't be letting THAT deluge of refugees in either, I assure you, you racially inferior child of traitors and apostates.

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I was on Trumps side till you pretended the US is safer than Sweden. The US is third world for safety.

wanting to stay in doors, in the safety of one's own caste warming by the hearth is one of many in the Ultimate Red-pill Category. this is why city folk have shit for brains. "going out" is for degenerates.

We're fucked too, but we were never paradise. It's one thing to be born in shit, it's another to be born clean and then go roll in a septic tank.

The Swedes CHOSE their own destruction. Nobody forced them to commit racial and cultural suicide.


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it is why the brave and glorious viking age came and went with no lasting impact. if vikings controlled their wanderlust, scandinavia would be largely uncucked today, but the desire to explore and see new things and meet new people is only a impetus for corruption of cultural and familial bonds.

You need to try and not sound like such a spastic. You are making the Trump side look like the cringe side.

You see, according to the democrats plan, I'm the enemy because I like to think, I like to read.
I'm into freedom of speech, freedom of choice.
I'm the kind of guy who would sit in a greasy diner and think "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the big rack of barbecued spare ribs with the side order of gravy fries?"
I want high cholesterol. I want to eat bacon, butter and buckets of cheese alright?
I want to smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinatti in a non-smoking section.
I wanna run around naked with green Jell-O all over my body reading a Playboy magazine.
I wanna grab pussy.
Why? Because maybe I feel the need to, okay pal?
I've seen the future, you know what it is?
It's made by a 47 year old beta virgin nu-male in beige pyjamas drinking a broccoli milkshake and singing "I'm an Oscar-Meyer Wiener".
You wanna live on top? Then you gotta live the liberals way. What they want, when they want, how they want.
Your other option: Make America great again, by any memes necessary.

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It's not about Trump, I'm indifferent to the guy, this is about how much I hate Swedes. Thought that was clear.

Where there other reasons for not going besides the rain meme?

When trumpcucks ironically defend a soft handed trust fund babby to the point of worshiping at his feet, you know you faggots are the epitome of pantywaists.

Was your dad a little girlyboy like you?

All the Swedes you respond to are Americans with VPNs. Almost every retard on this site that doesnt have an American flag is an American with a VPN.

Its called bait.

A fellow fan of Demolition Man. Leafs might be able to reclaim their dignity.

But witches melt so it was self-defense from water which would violate NAP.

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Well that may be true, but the guy I hated originally, ten years ago, was well before the time of flags, even on Jow Forums. A guy who I knew for certain was a Swede.

So, I just happen to hate them. This is a board for hating foreigners--unless you're The Golden One or something (he's okay) let me get on with it.

6.5% of our population commits half of the violent crimes and it's mostly within that same group. To suggest our entire country is dangerous because of literally four or five leftist counties is quite something.


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did you even fight this world war?

Orange Man Still Bad

And free healthcare and a better economy, infrastructure, prison system, better city planning, statistically happier people, still primarily white

America isn't the best, we were all lied to. We are the North Korea of the western hemisphere

fake and gay

Sweden is far safer for both women and men than American.