Group rape in Sweden in Friday 9th of November

Woman was group raped last Friday.
But who was responsible?

Well wouldnt you know, it was the migrants!

These fellows were apprehended today:

Haashi, Yaxye Abdikarim, borned 25.1.1998, lives in Tyresö. Somalian citizenship.
Hasan, Abdikarim, borned 10.3.2000, lives in Spånga. Somalian citizenship.
Omar, Abdualrhman, borned 10.10.1989, lives in Gnesta. Ethnic Somali with Eritrean citizenship.

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Other urls found in this thread:

how it is possible they were apprehended?
because they raped a woman in a public place, hundreds of people walked close by and somebody witnessed it

she deserved it

>Woman was group raped

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>Haashi, Yaxye Abdikarim, borned 25.1.1998, lives in Tyresö. Somalian citizenship.
>Hasan, Abdikarim, borned 10.3.2000, lives in Spånga. Somalian citizenship.
>Omar, Abdualrhman, borned 10.10.1989, lives in Gnesta. Ethnic Somali with Eritrean citizenship.

Sounds like names of people women love to vote in via immigration.

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Bring back odins and go round up those monkey from the lamp posts..

Maybe the (((authorities))) will do something about migrants once they discover all these reich-winger-incel-rethugliKKKans are happy that women are being raped

Nothing will happen.

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Let me guess, she was walking alone in vibrant shithole at 3am?


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Good. I'm happy she was raped. It's what she voted for.

Mumma Merkel won't protect you for long Abdul, her time is up. The Germans are getting increasingly frustrated and you'll soon find yourself fleeing another hostile country.. if of course they don't want to back to labor camps, workin' off some debt you owe 'em.

>Mumma Merkel won't protect you for long Abdul

The female electorate protects muslims

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>The Germans are getting increasingly frustrated


Stop protecting cunts, you fucking idiot.

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Nope. Just tired of being expected to care when a retard gets what they demand.

cunts enjoy being violently fucked by niggers
they just claim to be raped to keep their beta-orbiters around her

Somali niggaz fucking shit up in STOCKHOLM.

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the majority of men also love to bring these people in.

Good fuck white women, hope they get raped at least once in their useless life.

>It's what she voted for.
How do you know Shlomo?

t. Incel subhuman cuck

Waaaaaaaa, not all women, waaaaaaah, this womaaan is different waaaa

Whiteknight, kill yourself

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>how it is possible they were apprehended?
There was a police patrol nearby, they saw the women and they saw the men acting strange and trying to escape.

Obviously not the smartest people.

fuck sweden.

because that useless whore went into a vibrating multi cultural neighbourhood at the night
didnt had a male escort (no partner/brother)
didn't had a pepper spray or taser with her
didn't dialed the police and had a finger on the "call" button
didn't fought back in general

all cunts have rape fantasies - they constantly walk and jog in the middle of the night through parks and ghettos and get completely wasted and drugged in discos in the hope to get finally rapped by a gang of shitskins
if she does not want to get raped, then she would have went with a car and a brother/father/partner from A to B

Also another thing: Experience has shown, that those who claim "This woman is different" need to prove it.

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An entirely avoidable scenario, they should rethink their immigration policies.

Imagine a world without shitskins. Gang rapes would be rare enough that you wouldn't need to specify the date, time and where it happened and who participated for people to know which one you're talking about.

no one wants to hear about your cuck fantasies hans

>no one wants to hear about your cuck fantasies hans

You don't even know what "cuck" means, let alone where you are, retard.

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>The Germans are getting increasingly frustrated and you'll soon find yourself fleeing another hostile country.

Top bantz. True professional Aus lulz.

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Go fuck yourself Poo, white women are a cancer and traitorous this is just what they deserve for what they have done to us.

Out of curiosity, once raped, do women change politically or do they stay liberal and just blame white men?

>british authorities cover for shitskins
and your point is?

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>Out of curiosity, once raped, do women change politically or do they stay liberal and just blame white men?

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Of course they will keep hating white men, who else is the to blame but the eternal boogeyman.

>what they have done to us
>to us
Get out of your basement you literal incel faggot

If they were Somalian they wouldn't be in Finland they'd be in Somalia

Fuck off cunt, if I wanted your opinion I would buy another TV.

wew never go there after the bars close, it’s a zoo where all the animals are drunk and shot full of speed


>british authorities cover for shitskins

No, British authorities withhold evidence because cucks like you whine that not enough men are punished for rape. You are part of the problem.

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It's a female in Sweden.

>Niggers raping
So, are you gonna start a thread about the sun rising tomorrow?

The police didn't let her get away until the rapists were done did they?


The Canadian feminist cunt strikes again

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>defending literal pedophiles and their jew masters because women hate you
Incels will hang on the DOTR

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Look, cunt defender. We know already that you don't know what cuck, Jow Forums or rape is.

No need anymore to show us that you don't even know what pedophile means.

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>Incels will hang on the DOTR


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white women are the least likely to racemix. Your cuck fetish isn't reality.

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I bet any amount of money she was:

>Out past midnight
>Dressed like a slut
>Under the influence of alcohol
>Flirting with one or more of them
>With them in their apartment when the "rape" occurred

Let's face it, this was just another race-mixing slut who felt a little bit ashamed after taking a bit more brown dick than usual. To remove this shame the woman invents the concept of "rape" which immediately absolves her of all responsibility and places the blame entirely on the men she decided to have sex with.

Nationalists white knighting for race-mixing sluts because they think it is good PR for their cause is fucking cringe.

That's probably all true but still no reason not to castrate and hang the niggers that did this.

Gang rapes are act of war.

Always was always will be. They rape to dominate you because you are weak and can't retaliate. You are being castrated, nation who allows foreigners to rape their women is conquered. All thanks to traitors in (((EU))) You may say, why should I care ? Well the endgame is rape of your loved ones.

That's like punishing a puppy for pissing on your carpet. There is no malice involved, they're just doing what niggers do. Fucking everything in sight is their reproductive strategy back in their homeland. No, the blame lies entirely with the architects of multiculturalism and to a lesser extent the women for cavorting with the blacks.

99 swedes saw, almost 5 male witnesses right there.

Cope. When they rape your mother will you call her racemixing slut ?

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They are being conditioned to be castrated cucks by their government.

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Nobody gives a damn about white women Pedro, now back at your forest fires.

Its part of the plan. They condition men not to react so when massacres come they are defensless sheep

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Thats how you loose war, coward. You can't win war if there is no nation and race solidarity.

What war retard? Do you see two sides fighting? No only one side is fighting and winning and white women are opening the gates while attacking white men who want to stop it.Now they can get fucked for as much as I care.

She looks like she is enjoying that, women always surrender themselves sexually to the most dominant male. Its evolutionary science.

Its a shit test. After women you are next.

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statistical probability

Kill yourself to make place for superior Somalis


This in her head she is already thinking about the future kid.

somali defense force out en masse today

And? This happens all the time there, why should I care? They did this to themselves.

Jews won. You are all dead white men.Weak cowards unable to protect own women larping she must enjoy it. No matter how you cope, you will be genocided next or maybe live as a castrated slave.You are spiritually and mentally dead.

Wrong answer, basedboy. Proper answer :
when time comes we will kill them all.

Boo hoo why arent white men dying for me again, I mean I just made this huge bububu and worked for 30+ years to make them weak, take any right or privilege while making them being hated in society and since I got bored I got in a couple of millions of non white men to fuck me but now I have to live with the consequences I made and I dont like.So please white men come save me and used up vagina.

>haven't been proved
Oh you.

I won't help my oppressors. I can help killing them only if we kill all the swedes too.

no one cares, it's just a common occurence in scandinavia, why are you acting like a SJW? Stop tying to change nordic culture

It's about reason for WAR. But you cope instead of hating. You are already defeated. Now you will justify every rape even if your mother is raped in the front of you. She must be a slut, right ?

>be finland
>have billions of dollars worth of sorosbux funnelled into the country to propagandize weak minded women
>women get raped

TheY DiD IT tO tHeMseLves

Try a bit harder.

>reddit meme
American education at it again, I see.

Waaaa white men come save me and my 2 racemixed kids, I cant take care of them alone.



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>mfw I work at a print shop and im a graphic designer

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Shaming men just doesn't do the trick anymore, I'm afraid.
The cunts invited them over, they should carry vaseline on their purse from now on.
Out of sight, out of mind. I legitimately do not care.

There actually isn't a rape epidemic in Scandinavia. Nationalists are just using the issue in a desperate attempt to get people on their side.

How would you translate "white knight"? "príncipe azúl"? I mean I have never heard "caballero blanco" in such context.

Yeah, nah.

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>redmond pill
Top kek

>Costa Rica

Holly shit, we are a bunch of rapey bastards....that is what happens when you mix beautiful white skinned castizas with dirty slimey shitskinned mestizos...goddamn....

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Your nation has reached great level of degeneracy. Even we wont be touching your impure girls who are touched by niggers.

It's easy to get statistics like that when a condom slipping off is defined as rape.

>indonesia 0.7

>Muslim nation
>Least rape

What gives?

Based Langan on Somalia

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Hot, you can always rely on Krauts to come up with degenerate stuff