How do we motivate whites to breed more?

Its becoming a real goddamn issue. All of you need to save your goddamn race.

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There needs to be an actually good website where white nationalists can meet. It's too risky and time-consuming to sift through the masses of NPCs who are operating in a completely different state of mind.

stop giving their money to non whites to out breed them?

How many children do you have, OP?

make women not be whores

Motivate them to find less primitive and animalistic methods of making more people

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Specifically white women.

This guy is turkish.

Populations with high poverty rates reproduce more
Seize all property of whites and distribute it to the minorities. This causes 2 things

>Whites will reproduce more
>non Whites will reproduce less

Why do we need to save race? Diversity is our strength

End the insatiable lust for money and material garbage
let the weak die out

trying to seek out nationalist women is pointless, just find a young girl and she will adopt your views.

yea right, and I have a 10 inch cock....just gtfo roach and die already

Only stupid white people that hate their children would breed now.

Why bring a child into the world just so it can be mistreated by black, brown and asian hordes?

it's funny how this one roach is whiter than 100% of the entire US population

Apparently he is of Bosnian origin?

Good economics

In 2016 and 2017 whites outbred all other ethnicities combined once again. I wouldn’t be surprised to see an birth uptick now that 2017 and 18 were banner economic years

>Amerimutt doesn't even bother to reverse image search
His grandparents were Bosnian immigrants to Turkey.

Your mom is turkish

wrong guy, search for kıvanç tatlıtuğ

Islam will save the white race, just like Hitler planned

Good plan, let them win

Shit, you're right. Thanks for the correction.

I'm doing my part, shit fuck nigger bitch doodoo smuggler.

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it must make you angry to know turks like him exist...he must get so much pussy

According to his wikipedia he is ethnically Albanian.

I'm an amoral hedonistic narcissist, why the fuck would I want to burden my life with offspring? Fuck my race. Pussy is pussy.

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and roachposters will be like
>b-but albanian are turks!

unlike you we dont really have incel mentality here.
poor bait

get rid of no fault divorce

They already have won nigger head.

During an interview he has stated that his father is Albanian from the city of Pristina.[7][8][9][10][11][12][13]

and how exactly does that make him Albanian?

meh, im far too poor and demoralized to breed
also i generally dont like women and they generally dont like me

cant someone else do it. they will have to because im not going to.

Pic related.

Collective action is very easy to accomplish, the fact no one with any capital in the USA has come close to enacting this is worrying. All you have to do play the game.

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fix the fucking economy! White working class Americans can't afford to have kids, but niggers and spics breed like crazy because uncle sam picks up the bill.

t. married white guy with 2 kids who would have more if he could afford more, and knows lots of other white couples in the same situation

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great, so the state can grow people from tubes without parents or families to counter the propaganda. great idea. let the government raise entire generations of humans from birth. the public school system propaganda was bad enough but its kept in check somewhat by concerned parents and in ontario by rob ford.

growing kids from tubes without parents means they could ramp up indoctrination by a hundredfold and also have full legal rights over billions of children. many will be abused or discarded if they dont swallow the brainwashing

Fix the women. You won't.

So make artificial wombs or STFU.

He is half Albanian just like your dear leader Ataturk was, no shitskin Turk would ever have blonde hair and blue eyes

Also note that there is nothing wrong with the current brithrates trends (pic related) blue haired shitlibs dying out is not a problem. The problem as ALWAYS is the importation of brown ghouls.

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Unless a dangerous new STD emerges, we are doomed.

A leaf who isn't a retard? What the hell has happened to this place.

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how many survived? its uganda so maybe half

My girlfriend and I have reached the stage of "fuck it" and are actively trying to get knocked. I told her I want at least 3 kids. Shit makes her horny as fuck too. She wants to be bred. You niggers need to step up your game.

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If you look at the number of population increase in Africa, you realize whites breeding more in unrealistic. The bigger issue is that Africa is out of control and all resources need to be pulled from the disaster that is the African population explosion.

If it gets to the point where we’re allowed to have synthetic wombs and they haven’t been banned, then there’s probably a right wing government in power
>also implying the government would be the only ones creating them and not the people who made the technology, who might possibly be /ourguys/

Incel spotted

thats so naive
the government will grow the children with the tech companies and fucking monsanto. it wont go as you planned, you will need a loicense to own an artifical womb of course and you wont get one. meanwhile natural fertility is under chemical attack for this reason, and we are getting less and less fertile. its not just that fewer people are having children, its also the case that fewer people can.


Best advice I can give you all is to find a women who was raised either religious or right wing, a huge chunk of women are like that. Next thing you can do is slowly inform her with your ideals and over time she'll naturally come to conclusions about the world that are similar to yours.

Youre an idiot.
If you dont have anything constructive to add, why even open your mouth?

the potential for abuse is too high for this tech not to be abused. the benefits evil can gain from this far outweight the benefits for decent folk

1 answer, give them a country

Disgusting, you should kill yourself. I hope if you have any kids that they see this post and violently murder you for even daring to think about them that way, you fucking faggot.

the winning strategy is to get other white men to breed since lets face it, most of us talk about breeding, but few of us are ever going to. so we have to promote breeding even though in the modern day its a total shitshow of feminist bullshit to even try creating a family.

so we really got to sell this shit sandwich to suckers somehow or we are all doomed

No, Whites need to fight for their country. They have let it go to shit and now stamp their feet when it's going to shit. They need to fight or die.

If our guys are the ones creating technology, then they would be able to prevent that by deciding who gets to use it and how it’s used.

I'm doing my part

get away rights from women, no vote, no school no jobs, its like magic

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>>Amerimutt doesn't even bother to reverse image search
>His grandparents were Bosnian immigrants to Turkey.

>Another Amerimutt who does not know history enough to know that bosnians in Turkey were muslim REFUGEES

The world doesn't need a higher amount of whites (for now). It needs a higher percentage of whites. It needs to have this achieved through the elimination of non-whites. The solution is to abolish welfare.

I am fit and good looking but girls have avoided me for 35 years.

They don't deserve me, and I deserve better than them

You want to know the secret? Just have one more kid. You will find a way to afford it, having the kid and raising it right is more important.

t. Maried white guy with 3 kids

>Wanting childeren

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but thats not how it works
if you want to dismantle every tech company in the world and rebuild it, evil will still infiltrate and take over. i dont think you understand, evil needs this technology for their agenda. they will have it, we must completely reject it and refuse to participate in any way with this sort of thing. we need to be ready to reject breeding with tube babies as they will likely be tainted with genetic engineering designed to wreck the species.

forget losing your women to blacks. the real issue in the future will be losing your women to monsanto men.

>How do we motivate whites to breed more?
do away with pension systems.

Evil will find a way to create it with or without us
There’s no point in letting them be the only ones who know how to use and create this technology

Take your meds before posting, faggot

except their plan is to get us to use this technology

thats always their plan, get us to dig our own graves. just like the smartphones and the computers and the gmo foods and all the technologies they let us think we need it, they let us buy it, they spread it far and wide so everyone has it, then you see the trap. then you notice the backdoors, but its too late.

thats what they will do, obviously.

we can already make babies without monansto, lets keep it that way thankyou.

Pay them.

Go and read "To Sail Beyond the Sunset." It laid out a beautiful plan to breed for longevity: if you marry and breed with an individual who has all four grandparents alive at the time of marriage, you get paid. You of course also have to have all four grandparents alive. You get paid, children are registered, and can take advantage of the same deal later on if they wish.

Nobody cares about your opinion you worthless fucking monkey

Experiments with rats show that the less chance of children surviving the more offspring a mother will have. Humans and rats have lots in common.

>we can already make babies without monansto, lets keep it that way thankyou.
We can already travel without cars, lets keep it that way

>There needs to be an actually good website where white nationalists can meet
And where do the straight people go?

Take away women's rights.

Tatlıtuğ is Albanian, not a white subhuman

theres a massive difference in risk potential between a new transportation option and a new humanity grown out of fucking tubes. if you cant see the much greater risk factor here you are willfully naive.

although to be fair if we all stayed on our fucking horses the world would probably be a better albeit less convenient place. just saying

i still like the cars though. i dont want to ride a horse. but thats not the point.

>Places were surviving is a struggle (third world countries) = High birth rates
>Places were life is carefree and have access to welfare in desperate times (first world countries) = Low birth rates
There's your clue.

people on welfare breed more

its about prosperity, not welfare. the countries where the average person has more prosperity have lower birthrates.

if you want to stop more blacks from being born then give black people good jobs lol. it will work

Set age of consent to 13 so that all 18+ virgin beta incels could get a qt virgin teen gf and won't have to be cucks that date roasties/be virgin neets forever. Ban underage Chad from ever touching virgin girls. Actually, hang Chad, all of them. Reinstall alcohol prohibition.

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yeah cause otherwise chad would just fuck every 13 year old on tinder and the roastie problem would get even worse.

but since we cant actually hang all the chads and we would be weaker as a species if we did, we just need to keep the age of consent where it is, at 16

or 18, whatever it is. i dont actually know

Legalize marital rape.

i think its 16 in canada, that seems realistic. but socially frowned upon if under 18 though not illegal. it used to be 14 which was too young i think, we dont need 14 year olds getting a head start on the cock carousel with full grown chads

Rather - how do we make non-whites stop breeding.

prosperity somehow, which is difficult, because they suck. how do we make them suck less so they work more and breed less. i dunno

Give me the Nunavut terriotry and I can fix it.

You can't stop capitalism, this is it's endgame.

Encourage students to go to trade school after high school so they get out in the real world. People put off marriage until after college and after they feel they've moved up enough in white collar jobs. By time they're ready to start, they're in their 30s. They could have had 4 or 5 kids by then.

My friend took welding and makes 90K a year. The average person his age is 90K in debt from college and can't find a job in their field.

go on...

You need to mind your fucking business. I can't afford to have children. I haven't eaten in five days. How the fuck could I afford to feed a thot and 2/3 kids? You going to raise them? I thought not. You want me to breed, let me fuck your wife and you raise my kids, I'll give her quadruplets.

Need to increase home ownership. Having a house is a major catalyst toward forming a family. We need to find a way to make owning a home more affordable. Whether this means findings ways to decrease the house flipping business, offering better rates to young newly weds, or preferred rates to nationals within a country should all help to certain degree.

I can genetically modify a certain people of a very small group of non-Whites and create a Nunavut-based nation-state for them so they evolve with all the gene modding and Eurasian climates and they will go out to dominate the non-Whites and help depopulate them.

And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods?

Horatio or Oblivion?