Afraid to visit the troops overseas.
Won't go out on Veterans Day.
Still hugs is bowling trophy at night.
Afraid to visit the troops overseas
Other urls found in this thread:
Tell Netanyahu he's gonna die like a bitch and so is his pussy ass son Yair.
Stop saying facts I don't like.
President bonespurs has been a real disappointment
He cucked out pretty bad, did not build a wall when he had the chance, instead fucked around on twitter. America will be as cucked as Europe when it comes to Rapefugees
Netherlands, you have learn.
watch those migrant hordes walk in,courtesy of Soros & Mastercard.
Anti Trump Threads like these are a dime a dozen these days. The left think they invade :)
IfJust ignore them.
Once the Democrats rake in their fake ballots, he will be the ultra duck. Big mouth, no balls. Megacucked instead of Maga.
look, idiot, the left invade here for a reason do they not?
Trumptards will go Ree and that will be it. Sad.
Whoever continues to run Murka to the ground will start a war with the Russkies/and or china and that will be it. Rip.
Last lession not learned, never elect a steam talking talkshowhost to ruin your country or the season ends prematurely
i don't even wanna read this crap... ok I am a Trump supporter,,, what now?
I'm too tired for irony, just stating the things as they will come. Lets watch then
Left, right. It's a meme, america is run by jews fool. and they want it dead now
I will give u one chance. and one chance only to explain yourself
Dollar crash, then war. Who gives a shit about anything else
Last dance for the old world
What are the odds that Trump resigns?
Serious concern. I really think there's going to be some bad shit in Mueller report soon.
He's really trapped.
fair enough XD
just waiting for it to get through to the cucked masses, eventually it will hit pol when its literally over
See you there
Show your flag faggot or STFU
We probably can't imagine the constant threats he is under. Every day most of the world wants to kill him including a bunch of glow niggers. God bless him and keep him safe.
At what point, God damn it, are the people who voted for him finally going to be held morally responsible for choosing him? When we ask them, "What the hell were you thinking?", when, at long last, will it finally be impossible for them to do or say anything in response except apologize?
Just admit it. You got tricked.
We won't make you look us in the eye.
We won't hysterically laugh at, what is without any shred of doubt, the embarrassment-induced redness in your face.
We just need you to say it: "I got tricked because I have a weak mind."
Admit it already, and just get it over with. Say it out loud: "I was weak minded and got tricked."
Just fucking admit it, already!
Look boys, he really says it all.
We are under attack.
Fighting here amongst ourselves id dumb.
Not only could I kick all of ur asses, but even if not, it is silly
I wish I had a bowling trophy
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We all make mistakes, some more than others.
Personally, I'd prefer Pence take office. Maybe he can unite the country.
>npcs thinking trump supporters have a weak mind
>when all you ever do is regurgitate cnn talking points
wtf, im an npc now
Commie flag telling people they got tricked due to being "weak minded".
The irony, the fucking irony.
Came to post the same. We'll get there someday, fren.
>ruining your expensive haircut for some dead cannon fodder
Ignore the communists
>all these memeflag faggots
yids continuously spilling their spaghetti unable to cope with the fact tel aviv will be reduced to rubble
WLL player, ihr Bayernvolk :>
Gut gemacht
Aber BITTE, ich spreche glaub ich ausnahmsweise für uns alle: Bitte ihr kaputten Deutschen zwingt uns Anderen keine weiteren Neger mehr auf, danke